how to become a cult specialist

Your journey to fulfilling a language specialist position may follow these steps: 1. These may, in fact, include religion scholars who have become known as cult apologists (cult defenders). This protocol will be introduced to EMS programs nationwide. She has presented at multiple ICSA conferences and webinars on a variety of topics, interviewed on several podcasts, as well as published an article forICSA Today10.2 / 2019on, The Genesis, Text, and Implications of Utah House Bill 214: Office for Victims of Crime Amendments., Gillie Jenkinson, PhD, is an accredited counsellor and psychotherapist in UK and is experienced in delivering counselling face-to-face as well as on the telephone and Skype. She believes it is crucial that she meet her clients exactly where they are while using her skills to empower them towards individuality. She has also spoken widely on the subject and conducted training programs for human-service personnel. Her website:; email: She has a private practice in a suburb of Los Angeles and also runs a weekly Former Cult Member Support group in her office. Others do not provide intervention or counseling services, but rather engage in academic research. Cult Experts, Consultants, Specialists, Et Cetera, Buyer Beware: Term 'Cult Expert' Not Protected, International Cultic Studies Association (ICSA), What to Watch for When Selecting a Cult Expert, Understand that cult experts operate from various perspectives, Cult research organizations, discernment ministries, and individuals, Domestic Violence, Human Trafficking, One-on-One Cults. She has been working with cult-involved clients and their families for over 20 years and gives lectures to students and professionals on this topic. He is presently an adjunct professor in the social work and social science departments of Dominican College and he is on the faculty of the Institute for Psychoanalytic Studies. Weekdays - 1-1-1.5 hours and one weekend day - 3-5 hours. Ms. Eisenberg has completed training in both child psychoanalytic psychotherapy and Gestalt therapy. She also facilitates small educational/interactive workshops for former members, face to face since 2009 and online since 2018. In turn, she has helped others using the insights and tools gleaned, including family members of current members, active members who have reached out for help exiting, and former members who needed support while transitioning back into their lives. The American Psychological Association details how cults keep people in line. ICSA is aninterdisciplinary networkof academicians, professionals, former group members, and familieswho study and educate the public about social-psychological influence and control, authoritarianism, and zealotry in cultic groups, alternative movements, and other environments. Protect the system against damage, changes or illegal access. See also our own list ofrecommended experts. BENEFITS OF ONLINE CERTIFICATION COURSE. Mary Moore is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker currently practicing in Maryland. She is a Board Certified Diplomate (BCD) of the American Board of Examiners in Clinical Social Work. Anyone can use it, regardless of their skills, approach, or acceptance by recognized authorities in the field. The term cult comes from the Latin word cultus, which means to worship a deity, but in the last few centuries its colloquial definition has transformed.In a 1981 edition of the Harvard Mental Health Letter, psychiatrist Robert Jay Lifton defined three characteristics of a . The reason we use the term cult anyway is that the word tends to be the first that comes to mind when someoneis looking for help when a loved-one is caught up in, well, a cult-like group. She believes recovery from cultic groups requires the exercise of free speech, through which former members take the narrative back, reclaim their voices and thus, their identities. [The term has different meanings depending on the perspective]. She received a Master of Social Work from Norfolk State University in 2013 and a Bachelor of Science degree in Communication from Old Dominion University in 2011. 1 Others need professional help and subsequent counseling. She has begun co-facilitating a cult recovery support group in the Washington DC area since 2014. You must decide whether to entrust this process to a trained and licensed professional or an unlicensed lay expert. And of course, quoting experts is not the same as talking and interacting with them. I am a fully qualified counsellor and teacher and have a specialist masters degree in the psychology of coercive and controlling behaviour and recovery. He focuses on how problematic unconscious God images are influenced by psychological and developmental factors, especially trauma. 4. 84, No. She is the author of Hooked on Psychics, soon to be published by Motivational Press. Used incorrectly, such articles may instead confirm what the person has come to expect: lies and persecution. Look for websites that offer a variety of research resources including original material written by recognized, respected experts. Most recently, Lorna has written a chapter entitled, Therapy with Former Members of Destructive Groups, for a book, New Religious Movements and Counseling (2018), edited by Sarah Harvey, Silke Steidinger and James A Beckford. Step 4: Research application support specialist duties. Co-teaching allows you to gain another person's perspective on how instruction might be improved, how students might be best assessed, what resources to use, and so much more. For example: cult expert, counselor, thought reform counselor, lecturer, exit counselor, intervention specialist, cult specialist, cult deprogrammer, court expert, cult watcher, cult hunter, cult tracker, and so on. Watch short videos about #cultspecialist on TikTok. Avoid people who have a track record of blustering, bullying and stalking. For her Masters thesis/project Linda educated several mental health agencies in her area about cults and provided them with a DVD of her presentation Cults: Gaining Perspective. Linda chose her career as an LPCC to offer her a wide range of practice in mental health including recovery from group exploitation. Step 6: Apply for an application support specialist job. 4 To understand ICSAs approach, read its policy regarding thebenefits of dialoguebetween parties that may not see eye to eye on cult-related issues. ICSA Today, Vol. First, the most dastardly, insidious mark of a cult is that it ignores or distorts the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Influence of a Charismatic Antisocial Cult Leader: Psychotherapy With an Ex-Cultist Prosecuted for Criminal Behavior. He established ICSAs online resource (1995-2013), and has presented 50 programs about hypnosis, inner-experience, trance-induction techniques, communicating with cult members, conversion, cult intervention, exit counseling, intervention assessment, mediation, religious conflict resolution, thought reform consultation, eastern groups, transcendental meditation and workshops for educators, families, former members and mental health professionals at ICSA workshops/conferences. Implement training to colleagues. 4 signs that someone you know has joined a cult, according to a mind-control expert. Requires systematic study and dedicated time to IT. At least, not at first. Encourage dialogue and exchanges between other groups. She has worked in child protection, community mental health, and as a school social worker. Similarly, there are organizations and individuals who address deviations from the Jewish faith. ICSA is an open membershiporganization. If your cult has a prominent leader (you or someone else as opposed to a product or mission) then the leader needs to have skin in the game. An isolated farm in the middle of Idaho is good but if such a retreat isn . To further her understanding of her life experiences and develop a career using these invaluable life learnings Linda began her journey towards becoming a Mental Health Clinical Counselor. Cathrine Moestue, Cand.Psychol., grew up in Oslo, Norway in an upper-middle-class family with four siblings. Many deal with so-called Bible-based cults (properly referred to ascults of Christianity). Before starting her private practice in 2001, Rachel had been the Clinician at the former Cult Clinic in Los Angeles, had worked at the Maynard Bernstein Resource Center on Cults, and was the Clinician at the Cult Hotline and Clinic in New York where she met with people privately and also ran a monthly support group for the families and friends of those in cults. A case Study, Trigger warnings might prolong the aversive aspects of negative memories, ICSA Annual Conference: My Father Leader: A Parent Cult from Inside Out. Colleen has attended and presented at professional organizations including at ICSA conferences: Disconfirming Inaccurate, Self-Limiting Beliefs Internalized Through Thought Reform with Corrective Emotional Experience(2008) and Behave, Believe, Become Or Not! Buyer beware: Helping people to leave a cult, or to deal with the aftermath of a cult experience, necessarily involves a certain amount of (mental health) counseling in addition to expert advice. For the past twenty years she has been active in the counter cult movement working closely with the former Cult Awareness Network and ICSA. A graduate member of the British Psychological Society, Rod is a member of the Board of Directors of the International Cultic Studies Association and is also Chair of the ICSA Research Committee and Network and he is co-Editor of the International Journal of Cultic Studies (since its inception in 2010). Ms. Wehle was invited to guest edit ICSAs special issue of Cultic Studies Review in 2010. Her article, Touched: Disconfirming Pathogenic Beliefs of Thought Reform Through the Process of Acting appears in the Cultic Studies Review Special Edition, The Last Draw Cults and Creativity, 2010. Image source. Some websites consist primarily of news articles copied from original sources. Anyone may complete the Functional Training Specialist Program, but only those who also hold a current NCCA-accredited certification or an equivalent professional credential will be . After leaving the group Linda relocated to Ohio. She is a member of the California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists, The American Group Psychotherapy Association, The San Francisco Psychotherapy Research Group, and The Northern California Group Psychotherapy Society. Mr. Kelly has also facilitated ICSA workshops for ex-members and families (1996-2018) and has lectured extensively on cult-related topics. Talking with new hires, consultants, and advisors will . Ashley Allen, MSW, LMSW, completed her Masters in Social Work at Monmouth University where she was also selected to coordinate and present the School of Social Works Annual Clinical Lecture Series. Psychotherapy and Cult Recovery,, Navigating Worldviews & Meaning Making Before, During, & After Meditation-Related Challenges, Social isolation linked to changes in brain structure and lower cognition ability, The International Cultic Studies Association (ICSA) is conducting its 2022 Annual International Conference jointly with Info-Secte/Info-Cult of Montreal Speakers, ICSA Annual Conference Workshops: Working with Born and Raised-in Former Cult Members (for mental health professionals), ICSA Annual Conference: Cultic behaviour in the Church of England. Carol Giambalvos interest in cults and thought reform began in 1978 when her step-daughter began exhibiting a drastic personality change following becoming a devotee in ISKCON. Since 2009 she has also treated patients who grew up in different high demand groups. Gillie delivers training for counsellors wishing to work effectively with former cult members. 8. 302.598.1330 (Cell) Since 1984, Carol has done exit counseling and writing in the field, as well as serving as director with several organizations boards, organizing and conducting recovery workshops and working with hundreds of people who have walked away from destructive cults. It absolutely does not work," said Steve Eichel, a clinical psychologist in Delaware and specialist in cult recovery. His other publications include a chapter on a connection between cults and addiction in the medical reference, Substance Abuse: A Comprehensive Textbook, published by Williams and Wilkins. She works with all adults 18 years and older and specializes in older adults. differences between sociological and theological definitions, difference between theological and sociological definitions, Freedom of Mind: Helping Loved Ones Leave Controlling People, Cults, and Beliefs, The Cult of Trump: A Leading Cult Expert Explains How the President Uses Mind Control, Ethical Standards for Thought Reform Consultants, Traumatic Abuse in Cults: A Psychoanalytic Perspective, differences between theological and sociological definitions, John de Ruiter College of Integrated Philosophy, The Church of Almighty God (Eastern Lightning). In 2009, she received the Margaret T. Singer Award from ICSA. Stephen is also the author of four books, including Combating Cult Mind Control, and his latest The Cult of Trump. While working and raising two children she earned a Bachelor of Science in Organizational Communication from Ohio University Scripps College of Communication. Founded in 1776 by Adam Weishaupt, this cult is one of the main Illuminati groups. There are many online research sources about cults. But youll find they have a proven track record. Cults may even offer a commune or place to stay for its members, which can be an . Never back down. Stein provides a five-point definition of a cult: One: The leader is charismatic and authoritarian. All certifications shall be for a period of 4 years from the date that the initial certification is awarded. Pardon received, with his wife, Judy, ICSAs Herbert L. Rosedale Award. aLicensed Mental Health Counselor, and/or someone certified by theNational Board for Certified Counselors), and for non-licensed and non-certified people who charge feesin exchange for their services. Doubts may also grow as cult members ascend in the cult's hierarchy and get a clearer view of how the sausage is really made, family therapist and cult specialist Rachel Bernstein tells Inverse. William Goldberg, LCSW, PsyA, is a clinical social worker and psychoanalyst with over forty years experience working with former cult members. Colleen is a former member of two high demand groups. Dylesia owns Existence, Consciousness, Bliss Counseling, Psychotherapy & Wellness Center in Nashville, TN and is a Doctorate of Social Work student at Millersville University. With R.E.T.I.R.N., she addresses issues of psychological harm, cultic relationships, and counseling against coercion. Great tips on how to start you're own Cult! The term cult is often applied to a religious movement that exists in some degree of tension with the dominant religious or cultural inclination of a society. After her mothers death at 15, she lived with the founder of a Christian/Mystical group for two years and at 19, she was recruited into an Eastern/New Age group where she was a high-ranking member, leaving seven years later. Choose the Right SEO Tools. Thereafter she witnessed the trial and commented on the event on TV and also at a conference organized by FECRIS in Hamburg. Her passion for social justice and advocacy is exemplified in her counseling practice and current research, both of which focus on effective counseling interventions for marginalized populations, such as cult survivors, domestic violence survivors, and LGBT populations. With experience comes the opportunity to advance into management or supervisory positions. . In 2016 he received ICSAs Herbert L. Rosedale Award at the Annual Conference in Dallas, Texas. The journal and her contribution was entitled, The Last Draw: Cults and Creativity. Email: Phone: (212) 479-7963, Joseph F. Kelly, a graduate of Temple University (focus in religion), has been a cult intervention specialist (thought reform consultant/exit counselor,mediator) since 1989. You do this by keeping your members away from outsiders. 1952) is an American deprogrammer, cult specialist, and founder and executive director of the nonprofit Cult Education Institute. She realized she had been in a cult in 2004 after talking with a former member, reading Margaret Singers Cults in our Midst, and visiting the ex-member website., Rod Dubrow-Marshall, PhD, MBPsS, is a Professor of Psychology and is Visiting Fellow at the Criminal Justice Hub, in the School of Nursing, Midwifery, Social Work and Social Sciences at the University of Salford, UK. She has developed a practice that focuses on couples therapy, trauma work using EMDR, play and sand tray therapy. Rachel has also done many YouTube videos and has been interviewed on other peoples YouTube channels regarding cults, undue influence, and narcissistic abuse. She visited the congregation, talked to leaders and former members and the police. ! In 1983, she and her husband, Noel, left their associations with est, The Hunger Project and Sterling Institute and began a personal search for information to aid their recovery process. Select books that have stood the test of time, as well as reviews by peers in the field. Become a Cult Analyst. Often when this expert addresses a cult or cult-like group he sounds like an authority on the movement, even though most of his information is a rehash of various media reports. Brainwashing:: Cult leaders are known to repeat various lies and distortions until members find it difficult to distinguish between reality and cult life. He offers psychotherapy to former members of cults and is also employed as a consultant by the help organization for former cult members in Sweden, Hjlpkllan, to train their nationwide network of volunteer workers. Here are the steps for how to become a network specialist: 1. Freedom From Coercive Control in High Demand Groups and Relationships (2019). With the support of a Department of Labor grant, Shelly works with an interdisciplinary team designing and implementing curricula that mitigates psychological trauma reactions for EMTs, paramedics, and their patients. This is true for licensed professionals (e.g. He is involved with hypnosis both as a therapeutic tool and as a field of research, having published on the matter in La Revista de Psicoterapia international journal, as well as in the International Journal of Cultic Studies. Cult Brands welcome customers of all ages, races, creeds, and socioeconomic backgrounds with open arms. For the first 12 years of her life, the cult controlled her entire existence . Terms such as one-on-one cult or cultic relationship are sometimes used to describe relationships in which there is a significant imbalance of power. She is a psychologist in private practice in Oslo and is currently working on her memoirs. 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