social science issues related to war

Do we care when civilians die in war? Table 16.2 US Participation in Major Wars. The National Guard New York National Guard CC BY 2.0. The geopolitical nuclear landscape . The samples are almost entirely of women, given their higher risk of being sexually assaulted. Job numbers are up, but veterans are left behind. SCS 200 Week 1 Short Response Guidelines and Rubric Overview: The short response activities in the webtext throughout this course are designed to show your understanding of key concepts as you engage with course content. Newsweek, 5262. Bess, M. (2008). In 2010, the US official military budget (defense outlays only) was $698 billion. (2012, February 17). Retrieved February 16, 2012, from The attention just given to civilians should in no way obscure or minimize the fact that veterans are also casualties of war. Retrieved from LISA-BAKER,89325?search_filter=A+concerted+effort+needed+to+help+homeless +veterans &town_id=1&sub_type=stories. (2012, February 18). Shusman, B. Choose one of the five social institutions. (2009). Americans are hurt, he warned, when the defense budget squanders money that could be used to repair schools or to guarantee universal health care (Arias, 1999, p. A19). In support of this evolutionary argument, some scientists note that chimpanzees and other primates also engage in group aggression against others of their species (Wrangham, 2004). The findings suggest that social integration may help war-affected youth achieve better life outcomes after traumatic events. Identify two social science issues related to education. By any measure, then, the US military has played a fundamental role, for better or worse, in the nations foreign affairs historically and also today. Oscar Arias, a former president of Costa Rica and a winner of the Nobel Peace Prize, echoed these famous words from President Eisenhower when he wrote a decade ago that US military spending took money away from important domestic needs. Dewan, S. (2011, December 18). It emerged from china and spread worldwide in a quick time span. The remaining several hundred refugees hid and were shot at for three days by US ground soldiers. Answer preview to identify two social science issues related to war. When it comes to our wars overseas, he adds, concern for the victims is limited to U.S. troops.. Leitenberg, M. (2006). A related problem is suicide. The Washington Post. As a historian summarized this connection, By the end of the war, labors wartime mobilization and participation had increased its relative power within European societies. Vaccine At the end of 2019, a novel coronavirus was introduced to the world. That problem is rape, as at least one-fifth and perhaps as many as 84 percent of all military service are raped or sexually assaulted (including sexual harassment) by other military personnel (Turchik & Wilson, 2010). Although education benefits and many other services for veterans exist, the nation needs to do much more to help veterans, these observers say (Baker, 2012; Shusman, 2012). The thirteenth-century Mongolians killed their 40 million with battleaxes and other crude weapons; the World War II deaths resulted from gunfire and conventional bombs. US veterans: By the numbers. Trade-offs. This $29 billion sum for each submarine during its lifetime could provide 5.8 million scholarships worth $5,000 each to low- and middle-income high school students to help them pay for college. To put that another way, between 43 percent and 48 percent of all federal income tax dollars were used for military expenditures that year. As this brief discussion suggests, US veterans have many unmet needs. The nation rightly grieved these deaths when they occurred and built monuments, such as the Korean and Vietnam veterans memorials in Washington, DC, that list the names of the dead. Tirman, J. Social Science Sociology Question Identify two social science issues related to war. Stalsburg, B. L. (2011). Defense outlays rose by 85 percent beyond inflation between 2000 and 2011. An ongoing Gallup poll asks Americans to rate the most important problems and social issues facing the country. Third, most people are not violent, and most soldiers have to be resocialized (in boot camp or its equivalent) to overcome their deep moral convictions against killing. Social science is the scholarly study of human society and social relationships. The Washington Post, p. B01. Veterans of the Vietnam War came back to a nation that often did not greet them as heroes. Castelli, C. J. Bombs containing napalm made by Dow Chemical were routinely used by the US military and its South Vietnamese allies during the Vietnam War to defoliate the countryside and to attack various targets. They are also more likely to engage in drug use and binge drinking. Retrieved from But he also notes that the Korean and Vietnam wars included many atrocities committed by American troops against civilians. It includes a range of topics on social science and humanities, such as history, culture, geography, sociology, education, etc. Chapter 5: Sexual Orientation and Inequality, Chapter 15: Population and the Environment, Table 16.2 US Participation in Major Wars,,,,, BAGHDAD_-_Iraqi_Soldiers,_with_the_6th_IA_Division,_ familiarize_themselves_with_their_targets_and_prepare_ for_a_PKC_machine_gun_range_at_Combat _Outpost_402,_here,_Sept._28._In_addition_to_ marksmanship.jpg, Chapter 15 Population and the Environment, Figure 16.3 International Military Spending, 2010,,, LISA-BAKER,89325?search_filter=A+concerted+effort+needed+to+help+homeless +veterans &town_id=1&sub_type=stories,,,,,,,,,0,36%257E30137%257E,00.html,,_europe _spends_dough_on_social_programs,,,,,,, 139520143.html,,,,,,, Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. The 1964 Gulf of Tonkin Resolution, in which Congress authorized President Lyndon Johnson to wage an undeclared war in Vietnam, was passed after North Vietnamese torpedo boats allegedly attacked US ships. APA 950 words Get instant access to the full solution from yourhomeworksolutions by clicking the purchase button below The post Identify two social science issues related to war. "Surprisingly, the civilians within the conflict . Advancements were made in health care, education, transportation, communication . Identify two social science issues related to education. Social studies is an integrated research field. Overview: The short response activities in the webtext throughout this course are designed to show your understanding of key concepts as you engage with course content. The Second World War triggered a series of rapid and far-reaching social changes in Newfoundland and Labrador. Reid Kasprowicz A Flag for the Fallen CC BY-NC-ND 2.0. The European nations decisions to limit their military spending allows more spending for social needs. Why nations go to war: A sociology of military conflict. Cost equivalencies illustrate what is lost when so much money is spent on the military, especially on weapons systems that do not work and are not needed. Although World War II killed an estimated 55 million people, a smaller percentage of the worlds population died in armed conflict during the twentieth century than in earlier eras. Cambridge, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press. As science and technology become increasingly sophisticated, we face an ever-greater need for people who comprehend the related social, political, economic, legal and ethical issues. Learn more about how Pressbooks supports open publishing practices. One of these civilians was a 9-year-old girl named Phan Thi Kim Phuc. DOD: New nuclear subs will cost $347 billion to acquire, operate. These more basic causes of war include population change and environmental change. Shaping in Strategic Competition: How to Win Friends and Influence People with Military Power Kyle Atwell | 02.06.23 Our nations failure to meet their needs is shameful. Stopping Americas most lethal export. It is a tremendously important branch of research that examines what it means to be a social being, how individuals function together as organized groups and societies, and how they interact with each other on issues of common interest. Fisman, R., & Miguel, E. (2010). As an economics writer wryly noted, So remember to take pride in American power, and remember that it comes at a very high price. In making this classic macroeconomics decision, the United States has much to learn from the wealthy nations of Europe. Why. Using the example of Mozambique, Guatemala and others, this paper will discuss the way in which . Retrieved from This fear can take a psychological toll on all members of these families, but perhaps especially on children. Sugden focuses on three populations susceptible to negative mental health consequences: Those consuming the images, videos, and audio of the war through social media apps, television, radio, and the web. This episode of the Social Science of War podcast examines the challenges posed by cyber . Critics also argue that military spending actually produces fewer jobs than spending in other sectors (Ledbetter, 2011). Retrieved from; US Department of Defense. His wife April had to quit her teaching job to take care of him, and their life savings slowly dwindled. Retrieved February 20, 2012, from As Chapter 15 Population and the Environment discussed, population growth may lead to armed conflict of various types, including war, because growing populations need more food, water, and other resources. Public, private organizations work to help thousands of homeless veterans in NY. (2011, June 17). I see glimpses of him, but hes not who he was (Einhorn, 2011, p. A12). Washington, DC: Center for American Progress. As its name implies, mandatory spending is required by various laws and includes such things as Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid, and interest payments on the national debt. (2012). More than 85 articles were downloaded, and of these, 53 articles were selected by considering relatedness, reputability of the journal, and pattern of writing and analyzed accordingly. Special Issues are led by Guest Editors who are experts in the subject and oversee the editorial process for papers. New York Times, p. A1. Feb 2, 2023. Korb, L. J., Rothman, A., & Hoffman, M. (2012). Prompt: During the first week of the . Some relevant global social problems include income inequality (poverty), corruption, the rise in authoritarianism (erosion of democratic values), criminality, unsustainable development, and bullying in schools. Generally accepted as falling under the heading social science are sociology, anthropology, political science, psychology, and economics, although debates still rage within these disciplines as to the degree to which each is a humanity versus a science. Halperin, S. (2004). This education, extending over a period of nearly three years, is one based upon the very first principles of society, discipline, both mental and physical, and a recognition at once both of the. For every 100,000 Iraq and Afghanistan veterans who receive health care from the Veterans Administration, 38 have killed themselves. Although calculations are complex, total military spending accounted for an estimated 43 percent to 48 percent of discretionary spending in 2011 (Friends Committee on National Legislation, 2012; War Resisters League, 2012). Retrieved February 18, 2012, from Social science issues related to war. Scholars have attempted to explain why human beings wage war. After they did so, US ground troops shot them and left a pile of dead bodies that included twenty-one children. Do you think the US military budget should be increased, be reduced, or stay about the same? Time. Listen December 26, 2022 00:49:51 Napalm is a very flammable jellylike substance made out of gasoline, soap, and white phosphorous. Values may be influenced by multiple factors including social, religious, and personal views. This same sum could be used to pay the salaries of 10,000 new teachers earning $30,000 per year or to build twenty elementary schools at a cost of $15 million each. According to this argument, war is part of our genetic heritage because the humans who survived tens of thousands of years ago were those who were most able, by virtue of their temperament and physicality, to take needed resources from other humans they attacked and to defend themselves from attackers. ), The Routledge handbook of security studies (pp. McKeon, H. P. B. Retrieved February 20, 2012, from New York, NY: Routledge. Bikeshedding Bikeshedding is the tendency for groups to focus on solving trivial problems while neglecting larger problems. Einhorn, C. (2011, September 28). . Use the reading about social institutions in India to identify two social science issues that could be researched As the Marcums situation indicates, spouses and other family members of veterans also are casualties of war. Although war is a social phenomenon arising from decisions of political and military officials, other phenomena can make it more likely that these officials will decide to go to war. As a result, and despite the fact that endeavors to reward labor for its wartime cooperation were, in general, provisional, partial, and half-hearted, it was nonetheless the case that labor achieved some real gains (Halperin, 2004, p. 155). This type of research accelerated, however, after several scandals involving sexual assault and harassment occurred during the 1990s on military bases and at military academies. According to the Education Research Center, United States, around 7,000 high school students drop out of school every day.The high drop out rates are propelled by social issues in education as mentioned above. Table 16.2 US Participation in Major Wars listed the hundreds of thousands of troop deaths in American wars. Amherst, MA: Political Economy Research Institutes. Describe some of the factors that have influenced this social institution in India. In contrast, the United States spends 5.1 percent of its economy on its base military budget, which does not include costs for veterans benefits, for the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, and military spending that falls outside the Pentagons budget. Answer preview to identify two social science issues related to war. New York, NY: Oxford University Press. (2011). As one scholar said of the military bases, It makes as much sense for the Pentagon to hold onto 227 military bases in Germany as it would for the post office to maintain a fleet of horses and buggies (vanden Heuvel, 2011). However it is calculated, the US military budget is by far the highest in the world and in fact accounts for 43 percent of the worlds military spending. The Vietnam War marked a time when many Americans became concerned about childrens suffering during wartime. ABC News. The Nation. By 2011, NIJ's solicitation for social science research on forensic science yielded several solid proposals, and we were able to fund five projects. Unwarranted Influence: Dwight D. Eisenhower and the military-industrial complex. Federal spending includes both mandatory and discretionary spending. Another issue would be the stress on the families who have a service member deployed in a war zone . A prime example of this latter dynamic is the Vietnam War. This percentage range is much higher than the 20 percent share of federal spending cited by the government solely for defense outlays. He applauds the Korean and Vietnam memorials in Washington, but he laments that neither mentions the people of those countries who perished in the conflicts (Tirman, 2012, p. B01). Sexual assault in the US military: A review of the literature and recommendations for the future. Other experts echo President Eisenhowers concern over the size of the military budget (Bacevich, 2011; Korb, Rothman, & Hoffman, 2012; Lochhead, 2012; Wheeler, 2009). Although wars, other armed conflicts, terrorism, and genocide certainly continue, and 100 million is a terribly high number of deaths, the world overall is in fact more peaceful now than in the past. Killer species. Some verses follow. The $300 million cost of each F-35 fighter aircraft could pay for the salaries of 10,000 new teachers. Fourth, military waste in the form of cost overruns from poor accounting and other management failures is rampant. Although war is a social phenomenon arising from decisions of political and military officials, other phenomena can make it more likely that these officials will decide to go to war. Ledbetter, J. Choose one of the five social institutions. US military spending amounts to more than $1 trillion annually. (2011). Baker, L. (2012, February 18). The social sciences are concerned with the study of human society and with the relationship of individuals in, and to, society. This essay analyzes the different spheres that influenced one of the people with eating behavior problems according to the social-ecological model of health. Washington rules: Americas path to permanent war. It represents a melding of research fields from social-network analysis to political . Health care expenses for survivors amount to almost $1 billion annually, and the cost of prosecution amounts to $19 million annually (Stalsburg, 2011). An unknown number of civilians were burned severely or, if they were lucky, died. War made easy: How presidents and pundits keep spinning us to death. An Associated Press photo of her running naked and screaming with burns after her village was napalmed was one of the most memorable photos of that war. A popular explanation for war derives from evolutionary biology. Acting out wars inner wounds. They add that the exports often go to nations ruled by dictators, who then use them to threaten their own people (Feinstein, 2011; Shah, 2011). Women veterans who have been raped or sexually assaulted also have higher rates of drug abuse, unemployment, and homelessness. Conventional arms transfers to developing nations, 20032010. The war within: Americas battle over Vietnam. NewsStand. Holland, J. This latter fact needs some explanation. If we say the history of the United States has been written in war, that is not too much of an exaggeration. Sources: Fischer, H. (2005). Retrieved from In addition to psychological and physiological trauma, rape and sexual assault impose huge economic costs on the military because of medical expenses for helping survivors and for prosecuting their rapists. Of these reported cases, only one-fifth went to trial, and only half of these defendants were convicted. (1999). Advocates for veterans with severe physical or cognitive problems also urge the government to greatly expand its very small program of monthly cash payments to these veterans families to help replace their lost incomes (Einhorn, 2011). Retrieved from War is a social phenomenon in which a mixture of motives underlies decisions to go to war. Social science is the study of people: as individuals, communities and societies; their behaviours and interactions with each other and with their built, technological and natural environments. This work goes under a variety of names, including 'human dynamics' and 'computational social science'. Wells, T. (1994). This book has emphasized that children are often the innocent victims of various social problems from the time they are born, with important consequences for their futures. But veterans are casualties in other ways, as the news story that began this chapter made clear. Federation of American Scientists. One of the most obvious problems is war, which, I would argue, has become obsolete. Episode 1, Season 1 of Social Science of War examines the implications for land warfare from the Russian invasion of Ukrainethe biggest land war in Europe since World War II. Retrieved from Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Peace Studies Program. Virtual reality Some 400,000 tons of napalm were used altogether. Read summaries of the latest scientific research pertaining to a range of social issues. It soon became the biggest social and economical problem for the whole world. Washington, DC: Author. Veterans with PTSD often end up with problems in their marriages or other relationships and are more likely to commit violence against their spouses or partners. Retrieved from;; Hacker, J. D. (2011, September 20). Social Science of War Theory and Practice of Proxy Warfare in Strategic Competition Kyle Atwell | 02.20.23 Episode 6, Season 1 of the Social Science of War podcast examines the role of proxy warfare in. One Iraq veteran with these problems is Tom Marcum, who came home with a brain injury, PTSD, and fits of violence and short-term memory loss. Military spending: A poor job creator. For example, the F-35 fighter aircraft has been plagued with management problems, huge cost-overruns, [and] substantial performance shortfalls, according to a recent news report (Kaplan, 2012). At the end of that war, however, the nuclear age began when the United States dropped two atomic weapons on Japan that killed tens of thousands instantly and tens of thousands more from radiation exposure. The Three "Waves" That Built the Portfolio. (2012). Poverty, discrimination, and addiction are examples of such problems. This report concluded that the more money we spend on unneeded weapons programs, the more layoffs there will be of police officers, firefighters, teachers, and other workers whose jobs are funded directly or indirectly by federal spending.. Before the war, violent labor strikes were common in Britain and other European nations. Scholar John Tirman worries that Americans have generally ignored the civilian victims of US wars. Issues include but are not limited to poverty, achievement motivation, dropouts, homelessness . Critics of the military budget argue that it is more accurate to cite its share of discretionary spending rather than its share of all federal spending (i.e., mandatory plus discretionary). That is not too much of an exaggeration worldwide in a quick span... The veterans Administration, 38 have killed themselves essay analyzes the different spheres that influenced one of Vietnam. 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