allison collins daughter of allen collins

They cant remove her (as in impeachment), but they are within the rules to remove her as vice chair of the Board and to remove her from all committee assignments. Nigerian Americans, and most African immigrants, are less lazy than whites in school and parenting. In 2019, every San Francisco politico and their Uncle Steve lined up against vape-juice titan Juuls attempt to undo city law and write its own regulations. Saul spares Amalek and some sheep and the like and God rebukes him: Cause, Saul wasnt murderous enough for the God of Israel. Maybe Commissioner Collins deserves the same opportunity be given credit for what she has done and to work with others to learn from past mistakes. How does studying = white supremacy? Just not Allison Collins. Take out of context, nuance, need to read Malcom X, blah, blah, blah. Scientifically, if one group behaves differently and achieves success, their behavior is likely a cause of their success and other groups could emulate it. She is a disgraceful RACIST, and she needs to go. Everyone can easily be for funding parks and playgrounds and kiddies and sea walls. They dont want to have that conversation because lots of the people making the loudest stink about Collins, in fact, harbor those very same attitudes! Allen was hooked. You are spreading lies. Is this the San Francisco school board leadership! Humility in knowing that I aint all that, that you dont know it all and that your successes in life were the result of others helping you out along the way. I will try to explain where Collins failed based on what I know. She should resign. How often do you hear news of Asians committing violent crimes against Blacks? The rest of the world (I am European of Asian descent) is laughing that this debate is even happening in America. Her main mistake is that she cant get over her own ego. However, there has always been controversy surrounding merit-based admissions in that school. Who is using White Supremacy to assimilate and get ahead now? Ideally black kids will sacrifice everything possible timewise to prove they want to learn and are as smart and moral and hardworking as these immigrants. So, they didnt kill me and settled for taking control of the SF Sentinel and banning me. Though several people died in the crash, Allen Collins survived, although seriously injured, both physically and psychologically. Grow your brand authentically by sharing brand content with the internets creators. You assert this as if it were absolute fact. He was born in Jacksonville, Florida. What does the data say? Never blame Trump voters without hard evidence. Overall white students make up 11% of the high school age student body. Hey, my parents were fundamentalist Pentacostal hillbillies and they taught us kids everything but fear. Collins must resign! We belonged here! I recommend ASAM 20. You said it- most asian americans do not harbor anti-black feelings. It paid off; I have a great career (a woman in a technology field! More than a few countries yes BUT NEVER a racial group. It is the path for academically-oriented low and middle income kids to get into a top college. Have you seen Collins face? Its a crisis and claiming merit is racist does nothing to solve it. Commissioner Alison Collins has been one of the few consistent anti-racist voices among politicians in this city. So to the Asians that were able to rise above and make it into a merit based school, Alison Collins does NOT LIKE IT. So they figured, Asians are overrepresented b/c they do well on the tests.. so the only way to get more blacks in is to eliminate the admissions test. Hard working vs lazy. This is not the type of person that should be on the school board. And if I then doubled down again and again that I was Very Accomplished and that I Worked Very Hard and Humbly to be a leader in my field and that my Ph.D. in Ethnic Studies entitled me to be taken very seriously about medicine, I would just sound like a clownish, arrogant, unbelievably lazy idiot. Well, except for Dodgers fans, of course. This early band, first called My Backyard, then the Noble Five also included drummer Bob Burns and bassist Larry Junstrum. addendum to my earlier post: As a third generation Korean-American born in Michigan, I understand that there is context behind statements like these, like the Malcolm X parable that Jim posted above. With the band having so much tragedy surrounding it, it's not a far stretch to assume that the band's members each had their own tragic lives. She is unfit to be on the board and would have been fired from the private sector long ago. Apologizing means you acknowledge how your words are perceived as hurtful to others. Nope. Allison was injured as a baby when her It reveals an inability to listen and a lack of judgment and empathy. Its a number of assumptions and expectations that people have towards Asians. It is trivially easy to find evidence that these biases exist I dont even have to leave any of the comment threads discussing Collinss tweets to find it! If this work ethic is acknowledged to be true, then someone who is lacking in finances is not working hard enough. So, the uniformity here is not surprising. Your contribution is essential to our efforts. This is an experience we share with a number of prominent San Francisco leaders, including Asian Americans who had supported Collins in 2018. If you do not want your children to be competitive on the world stage, please go ahead, the rest of the world benefits from less American competition! Great work, Joe. If someone tweeted that and used YOUR race in the tweet, you would understand. No. The term house n#@ro goes back to the days when the slaves that worked inside the home were not as opposed to slavery because they worked inside with White ppl. You would and you should see my motives as being totally racist. Vote to stop renaming. Tell me: what is the goal here by going down this path of convincing them to be less successful? It assumes we secretly are attempting to maintain white supremacy and using Asians as pawns in an evil plot. Obama got elected by saying any man who abandons his kids and doesnt marry the pregnant mother of his kids and try to be the best dad he can be and help teach his kids is a lowlife, and you can never be so poor you can watch TV with your kids but cant possibly study. All those who signed on to Yees letter are sickened? Genetics. Black boys with fathers do far better than white boys without, so encouraging marriage, long study hours, reading, sacrifice and respect for hard work and the scientific method should be a hallmark of any decent educator. Having lived the past 20 years in the Hawaiian Islands gives me a different perspective than some. We are finally in a climate where more of the mainstream is actually (supposedly) listening to Black voices. People in this country tend to focus on those from East Asia. We need to focus on habits, not accusing others of racism. If the problem is white supremacy and white supremacist systems, several said, why level so much blame on Asians? I personally would prefer a line of teaching that still teaches the inequities and bias, but builds ppl up to unite not marginalize, but I digress. Her main mistake was in not realizing that her audience was ignorant and racist.??? Collins must go for the good of SFUSD. Acknowledge and change, not discriminate and unapologetic. You know why they bury regular fans 6 deep but bury Dodgers fans 10 under? Nobody is calling anyone a n*** in the quote/reference. Thats why they never urge black and Latino kids to study long hours, work summers, go to tutoring at the libraries, and focus obsessively on grades. Same thing is happening here. The attitude some blacks have holds others down. She make it clear and loud that shes a racist and prefers some race and not all. Asian students come from less fortunate households and immigrant households as well where parents may not speak english. In fact many Asian American[s] actively promote these myths. it said it all. AIPAC is the America Israel Public Affairs Committee that is the lobbying arm of the Israeli government in the US. Its not racist to note that Asian kids study more. The same is true of other Asian refugee groups that have been resettled in this country compared to those who are voluntary migrants. Then to equate Asians as house Ns who align to white supremacism ideology shows total ignorance of Chinese history. I guess that makes my parents house niggers (Malcom X: The house Negroesthey lived in the house with master, they dressed pretty good, they ate good because they ate his foodwhat he left). Cookie Notice If youre complaining people missed nuance and context, maybe it wasnt there to start with. It is not racist to state facts. Her statement is racist because she made negative generalizations (anti-Black) about a race (Asians) based on personal anecdotes (her friends feelings and an incident her daughter witnessed). However, then she started stereotyping an entire community as being less than woke. She referenced Trump, no political figure in this country can get away with what Trump does. I am joining the conversation many months late, but I want to remind everyone that harm to any one is harm to all. He also received lessons from his stepmother, Leila Collins. So if I dont call out Trump and if I dont vote Democrat, then Im a racist? why dont you work harder in life instead of If an Asian person internalizes the model minority stereotypes, they will have proven to the real whites in charge they are worthy. His girlfriend died, and he was left paralyzed from the waist down. We are to be judged on the content of our character. WebAllen's family grew with the birth of his daughter Amie followed quickly by Allison. Stop with the excuses. There were drugs, infighting, literal fights, and the plane crash that ended the band and took the lives of two of Lynyrd Skynyrd's members. Like yesterday. Set aside the incendiary last tweet and the question of whether or not she was channeling Malcolm X for a moment. Has Collins made one peep about that private school at taxpayers expense? It saddens me to read comments from people condemning Asians for not being educated enough to understand made up definitions popularized and evolved today into various forms as critical race theory or crit.. Intuitively, it sounds like it could be true. Instead calling us house n*****, why doesnt she focus on education, self improvement and hard work. Lam was there to support. That is racist and insulting towards Asians because it diminishes their achievement, and it is insulting to whites because it assumes we are all racist and insincere in attempts to close the achievement gap, which she is wrong to call the opportunity gap, implying studying isnt a choice and a noble sacrifice, and to help underperforming minorities improve their lives. She was not afforded any context or nuance in the judgement, nor is she getting any arestorative justice, all of which Collins is asking for for herself. Skynyrd received international recognition for popularizing Southern rock genre during the 1970s. if there was one instance a daughter would be ashamed of her mom, this was it. This article hits it on the head bc Collins has no defense for her broad stroke generalizations of the entire Asian community that are contrary to one of the first fundamental understandings of crit: no person has a single, easily stated, unitary identity. If my kids posted what she posted Id be horrified , I remember once asking someone who was herding the crazy cats running a SF non-profit how in gods name she could tolerate the opportunistic hateful bile leveled at anyone who dared not tow their SF Gestapogressive party line resorting often to disparagement of their race, gender, and sexuality. The business is also launching topical and ingestible products centered around This has become a litmus test of sorts. You are trying to suppress the vulnerable Asian American community from speaking out against the racist Collins. She is basically implying an Asian American who owns a nice home and has a high income and net worth is still, because of a hidden white supremacist subculture no one discusses, beneath a white child in a rural setting with a single mother on fentanyl, meth or heroin, in public housing, on 3 generations of welfare, without a father, getting poor grades and facing a life of poverty. I dont even have kids, but after the school renaming debacle and the fact that schools are still closed after we put teachers at the front of the line for vaccines, I will vote against every incumbent on the ballot. So what happens? Im 1/4 Asian American, but Im Afghan. So white students are 3X overrepresented at SOTA. I have heard this from teachers (at other schools). This takes away a vehicle of class mobility to help people who didnt try, and it wont help them, because you just lower standards. Some sjws have gotten too comfortable with anti-asian racism. Things were looking up for Collins. His mother would work all day at a cigar factory and did a job in the evenings at Woolworths to meet ends. The school named after her is on the list of the 44 schools to be renamed. I personally find it harmful to teach children that working hard and persevering are bad things. If you are impoverished, youre probably lazy. Check the tweets again! Please stop saying we are influenced like we are stupid. These model minorities are presented as evidence of the efficacy of the American work ethic and rugged individualism. He later plead no contest to DUI manslaughter. She isnt sorry at all. Millions of high-quality images, video, and music options are waiting for you. Many of my Asian-American friends and family are worried about going out, even after COVID. If there's one band that inspired the overused, mildly annoying tradition of yelling "Free Bird" at the encore of random concerts, it's Lynyrd Skynyrd. My family, refugees from Laos, escaped to the US in 1975. Collins was driven further into devastation and substance abuse. 3. His mother, already working all day at the cigar factory, took a second job at Woolworths in the evenings. Calling merit white supremacy is such an inane concept coming from anyones mouth. Lynyrd Skynyrd had met a sudden, tragic end. Why hasnt Zhou been made or voted to be removed from her city position? Allen's parents had recently divorced and times were tough for Allen, his sister and mother. Ali calls people racist all the time. Im skeptical. We had enough of being the scapegoats. anyone who takes other peoples word without independent thinking has no mind of his own. Remove her from the board. "Skynning" Europe alive. Its not okay for a black woman to put others down. Ronnie Van Zant, Bob Burns, and Gary Rossington decided to form a band in 1964. Asian kids study an average of 13.8 hours a week and study summers. This is like when Megan Markle went on Oprah and read the royal people for her own experience and interactions. He entered the hospital in September where he passed away on January 23, 1990. ALLEN2 COLLINS (VARDY1) was born Abt. And Collins soon gave them little reason to be. But when we flip this around to the humanities, oh NOW its how dare you criticize someone for not being familiar with the verbiage of a field of expertise, how can you expect her to know about these things. Hmmm. Sure, if you consider toddler-level illogic and implicitly racist theories scholarship, then, yes, our best and brightest are on the case. She married Vernon Eugene Allen in 1970. She needs to take a good look at the mirror before she calls anyone else a house Ni****. She doesnt belong on the school board. Yet this is what she did of all Asians with her misguided tweets. Not one peep. Collins response may have been an even greater disaster. I see now that I should not have had hurt feelings because I am too uneducated to have understood the true meaning of Collins tweets. The entire rest of the thread was racist and really problematic. Their one release, Here, There and Back, met with considerable fan approval, but little support from MCA Records which dropped the band shortly after the album's release. being an Does Ms. Collins ouster send a message ( I doubt it as weve been firing people over this for decades and it still happens)? Its time for Allison Collins to do the same. She needs to go. She is a poor example of the school board and towards the Asian community. As America is dedicated to anti-racism, that is a serious threat and lives are ruined over accusations of racism. The opportunistic targeting of Commissioner Collins distracts from the national conversation around addressing Anti-API and Anti-Black hate. The various public board meetings where Allison Colins has continued to single out Asians by citing time, over and over again, that there are too many Asians at Lowell and calling everyone, including Asians, on the meeting who opposed removing merit admissions racist. There are a bunch of them so feel free to dig through those meetings here: If Ms. Collins wants to give me a call and walk me through it, she has my number. Empathizing with how others perceive your words. Please dont buy into the idea that this is a one-time error in judgement. Like something out of a Hollywood parody about hillbullies. beauty in diversity, just learn to coexist. You just never know sometimes Forum Policies, Rules, and Terms of Service. He was 37 years old. Bias & racism are still a problem in our country. Im not bragging, I just want people like her to know, I did it because of hard work and not through white supremist thinking) and I didnt have to marry a wealthy white real estate developer to get ahead. i will not be silenced by people like YOU! Mission Local produces enterprise-reporting on SFs most critical issues: police reform, corruption, public health, housing and homelessness. Our many Asian American & Pacific Islander communities are hurt, angry & grieving this week. It included most of the Rossington Collins Band members excepting Krantz and Rossington and released the album Here, There & Back in 1983. Her statements were very hurtful to me. Initially the band was named My Backyard, then The Noble Five and by 1968 it was called The One Percent before finally zeroing on the name Lynyrd Skynyrd in 1969. Maybe studying wasnt certain kids priorities or maybe they were not told how important it was to get the grades to get into a merit based high school? Or is this move just to place more pressure on Collins to resign? For all of the mostly white, wealthy families advocating so much for antiracism, why are your kids attending private schools? This saw him garnering several collectible and performance cars later in his life. If she were sorry shed support KIPP and charters, restore Lowell, and spend some of the salary increase money on tutors for black kids who will encourage them to sacrifice as many hours as the average Asian kid does. Her death devastated Collins. Your long novel or a response showed exactly why you are a Collins supporter-you had to turn the whole situation into YOU YOU YOU! #condenscendingtwat. Yes, hard work and admissions into top tier universities can lead to increased earnings, but not every Asian American is thriving. Spend one hour listening to Amy Chua and learning habits. Through all the degrees and academics, you all have forgot how to carry on adult conversations. (If thats the case, very little gets solved.) Theres no such thing as white people. Black people have been beaten, battered and abused in this country, both literally and figuratively, for centuriesput at great disadvantage through written laws up until the 1970s and through unwritten practice til present dayand when a good portion of their communities dont thrive, we blame their lack of work ethic! Feinstein is being cancelled and the school name will be removed. Years after Collins death, on March 13, 2006, Skynyrd was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. Collins married Kathy Evelyn Johns on October 10, 1970 with whom he had two daughters, Amy and Allison. Kathy had a fatal haemorrhage during miscarriage of the couples third child in 1980. Apparently now we have to be careful with everything we say bc now, everything is racist as intent no longer matters, unless youre Black apparently, then nuance does matter according to Collins defenders here. Replace words in the brackets with any other minority and stereotype and Im not sure that there will be so apologists trying to legitimize the idea. She blabbers on and on about microaggressions and systemic racism against Black members of our community, while being utterly clueless about her own microaggressions (and systemic racismever notice how few of the hardworking students, by whom her children feel threatened and who are denounced as docile and not suited for leadership positions, end up in high level positions in the US???) Totally and completely agree with Jim Ausman. Absolutely not. Jim, you need to stop. Furthermore, Asian Americans studying hard to get ahead, is not White Supremacy. That could be the reason I was the only person in town to publish the Mohammed Cartoons (which I thought were dull). Has Zhou been forced to resign from any city position or banned from any future political runnings, I think not. Her narrow academic use of the term is not widely accepted by the broader public and she knows this. G.H. When I saw the Google sheet with Wikipedia sources and not much explanation, I was horrified. Privacy Policy. These are issues that I only fully realized post-George Floyd when the time finally came to examine our role in anti-Blackness. Time is beyond up for Washington, Lincoln and all the troubling individuals after whom some SFUSD schools are named. However, the pull of creating music was too strong for Allen to walk away from. If youre complaining people missed nuance and context, nuance, need focus., then someone who is using white supremacy and white supremacist systems, several said, why are your attending! Rugged individualism not working hard and persevering are bad things an inane concept from! Settled for taking control of the mainstream is actually ( supposedly ) listening Amy! The Google sheet with Wikipedia sources and not much explanation, I was.! 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