camp tien sha danang, vietnam 1968

He had to re arrange his schedule to accommodate me. We destroyed what they had and were teaching them skills that didn't even fit into their culture. We went downtown in Long Beach, and we got harassed a lot. The authorized stockage list for Vietnam was reduced from a high of 297,000 different items in July 1967 to 74,900 items in March 1971, without any loss of the high quality of support provided to the combat forces. Coate took care of my paper work and handing in my bedding while I was packing up my sea bag and then it was back to clothing issue somewhere in China beach to pick up my clothing issue which was 4 sets of green utilities a couple soft hats (the Marine Corps kind) and a pair of work boots. Tlchargez ds aujourd'hui la photo Camp Tien Sha. Although the helicopter was only a couple hundred feet out there was no way to put the fir out as they couldn't cross the mine field. African Americans perceived racial issuesrace relations, prejudice, and discriminationin Vietnam through a lens heavily influenced by their earlier experiences in the United States. It didn't take long to get out of bed when the first rocket struck nearby. Korean Engineer's I served with in Vietnam 1968 NSA Danang,Maintenace Control Division. I was 19 years old when I got my orders to go to Vietnam. is shown across the Han River from Da Nang itself. That was the LTs first rocket attack and he didn't react fast enough. Keep exploring. Vietnam went on and I was done at the Clinic and never heard about it anymore until I went back to Vietnam in 1996 and tried to visit and the guard at the gate chased me away but I did find out that after the war in became a mental hospital for young people. I started building my hooch on Wednesday May 8th at just before noon. The kid had a big yellow Tonka dump truck and would sit for hours in the sand playing with that truck. In these years, U.S. Army Vietnam alone retrograded over 671,000 short tons of supplies. I cried to myself on the way back to the base. Pham Ba went around back to take a pee. . There was about a weeks over lap so the knew Chief could learn his job! The next weekend I asked about the farmer ? Our generators were not even running yet so I heard the rocket coming in. very first day of war. They were all in alignment with our generators. The wounded man was the Mess Sargent who was the only one at the mess hall at the time. He was transported in critical condition to the NSA Hospital in Da Nang with a massive head injury. The solution that I found was just to build big rectangle frames (20 feet by 40 feet) sitting on top the ground . [1][3]:2, In August 1967, the headquarters of NSA Danang was moved from downtown Danang to Camp Tien Sha. I asked where she was now and he said the Priest had taken her to Da Nang to be burried! I do remember very clearly the event that happened that totally burned me out on working there. - Danang Harbor Pilot - (Quang Nam) U.S. Army 329th Heavy Boat Company 5th Transportation Company Mine Explosion. When I came off my Saturday night watch I was told I would be standing six hours duty at the PWC trouble desk on Sunday morning. They had to be manned 24 hours a day. H e had white hair and a white beard and very much looked like Santa Clause. Here is a poem that I wrote about the helicopter. Often the convoys would drop off kids from out in the bush. [3]:2, By 1969 NSA Danang was the Navy's largest overseas shore command and third largest supply depot after Norfolk and Oakland Naval Supply Depot and Camp Tien Sha had grown to accommodate over 6000 personnel. The Doc told me to help tie the farmer down to the desk. As I recall Taylor dropped out when we got to the ocean diving but Pat Brown stuck it out and we became dive buddies. You FNGs I have spent countless hours over the past 15 years driving my motorbike around the Camp Books area looking for any of our workers. Then a voice came from inside the Quonset hut." They were only a couple hundred yards away! Da Nang is known as the tourist capital of South-Central Vietnam, with a west coast location that makes for beautiful sunsets against an impressive backdrop of lush mountains. On February 10, 1970, SN Robert T. Sudduth, a sailor assigned to the camp, was traveling in truck from the Camp Tien Sha Annex to the Tien Sha Ramp when he accidently fell from the vehicle. [1] In November 1965 500 men moved into the old French Army camp, Camp Tien Sha at the foot of Monkey Mountain. En savoir plus sur les images libres de droits ou consulter la FAQ sur les photos. I can find no official reports on that rocket attack and have to assume nobody bothered to make a report because the rounds hit in the swamp between the main body of Camp Books and the Force Logistics Command section. We aren't sure where he is yet and haven't got permission to go after him! Sunday late afternoons we were able to get over to the Red Beach causeway and get in some water sessions. . Hard at work in the Investigations Office, Camp Tien Sha annex, Da Nang area, 8/69 to 7/70, Ray Norton. Over the months as I got to know my Vietnamese and they opened up to me the most asked question they had for me. The kids were always hanging around and the best way to keep them from stealing was to befriend them by giving them candy. On May 21,1968 at 2400 hr. side was a barge with a sign. Necessarily, more is lost to time than is remembered. Then there were the incoming Rockets, we had three big generators and fuel tank and we were a bulls eye. 2021/09/07 Cpl. On Tuesday May 14 I finished my hooch and settled into the corner right inside the door. I also came down with a mild case of the flew so was feeling rather worn out. Now I know where Barbee is but where is Babyson? While originally designed to be two volumes, it was decided that unity and cohesion required one book. It is long gone. Seems like every time I was working there at least one or two little kids would go out of there dead! Da Nang East. The rocket attacks after that the would be on target! A refugee family was living in a lean too in Dog Patch south . In a while the nurse and doc came out to get the little girl and I volunteered to hold the little girl if they had other things to do. The Marines slept 12 to 14 men in a hootch. BU3 Hovanec expired July 7, 1969 in Thua Thien, South Vietnam. The after noon of May 14, I had a work order to make escape doors out of the back of FLC (Force Logistics Command) administration building. Then of course there was the dreaded incoming 122mm and 140mm incoming rocket. Donations for May. When I look back it sure seems stupid but at the time what else could I do? In November 1965 500 men moved into the old French Army camp, Camp Tien Sha (Tin Sa) . Da Nang Vietnam 1968 stock footage and images. Style attributes. I was not prepared and he totally over powered me! His name was Coate and he was a 3rd class yeoman. This is the day I started my real job. The It was the UH-1 trailing smoke. So every week there would be a different doctor. Their shirt tail were hanging out and sleeves not rolled up (Marine style). Detachment Hue - 1965 - 1970. We had to give Puppy away as we were not even supposed to have a dog. My head carpenter ,Pham Ba told me about her during the week. All though I grew up on a farm butchering animals to put in our freezer every year this was something different for me. Under the supervision of the Doc , the Vietnamese nurse and I got him tied down. After the farmer passed out and the legs were cut off the nurse was able to stop holding the farmer down and assist the Doc by handing him the clamps and other tools as he needed them. What the F is wrong with her? The Doc first put surgical tourniquets on and took the belts off. Unfortunately when we got there it was closed for one hour for lunch and Coate did not have the time to hang around. And search more of iStock's library of royalty-free stock images that features Vietnam photos available for quick and easy download. As such a small group we couldn't do the standard Navy 4 hour watch. It became the headquarters for all U.S. There were other things to screw up the nights. 6 years ago. THIS IS A FULL Collection of 4 pages of FIRE BASES, AIR FORCE BASES, Naval and Medical, BROWN WATER Naval, and any and all bases DOD during the Vietnam War 1963 to 1975. Go to to purchase a full-length 31min DVD of "Tien Sha and Da Nang 1969" -- home movies filmed at Camp Tien Sha and DaNang, including . It had been a very busy month with a lot of things happening. By July 1968 NSA Danang handled 350,000 tons of cargo each month for the 200,000 allied . 6320 Selago Drive. I feel strongly about it and love learning more on this topic.generator hire & new generator sales, Mark, I served with the Naval Support Activity DaNang from Aug 1966 - Mar 1968. What the hell is that? . Camp Haskins, Da Nang, Vietnam, served as headquarters of the 30th Naval Construction Regiment, who exercised operational control of Seabee units deployed to Vietnam. The Marines would open that up and would also be extending the perimeter and adding watch posts . You got to do what you got to do ! I would have to find some time to build a foot locker. "Ya, there has been a sniper shooting at the fence crew every morning for the past week. I stood there wondering how I was going to drive wood stakes into that hard ground. The second floor office was just being framed up . He got in line and they loaded his truck with beds, lots of beds. Not all the time but sometimes . With Coate gone Judy would still sleep in his hooch and she would ride around on the stake truck, hang around the office or the hooch s. Judy hated Marines, and Vietnamese men but she was alright with Vietnamese women as long as they treated her nice. An unrecorded whiteprint map of Da Nang, Vietnam with manuscript notations referencing attacks on American bases before and during the Tet Offensive. The Seabee team had 8 junior men in one hootch and 4 senior men in the second hootch. Well I answered once about the FNGs. Great Discounts & More! Both of his legs had been pretty much blown off. 89 helpful votes. I was in Danang less than a month when the Vietcong used rockets to attack the Danang Air Base for the first time in the war, on the morning of February 27. Gave me the creeps then and still does now when I think about it! Naval Support Activity (NSA) Danang was officially established on 15 October 1965. Dock area at Da Nang harbor. meal in Vietnam was roast beef, mashed potatoes and gravy, green peas, 2 large went by (so slowly! The wounded are only those who were medivaced to a hospital. U.S. Quite the contrary, African Americans frequently complained that they were disproportionately assigned menial duties, not promoted to the level they deserved, unfairly targeted for punishment, disproportionately drafted, assigned to combat units, and killed in Vietnam. An example of what we did. Modern. The Navy Doc cleared off the big desk and the MPs deposited the farmer onto the desk. So back around to the front of the hut and to work on the awning . The events highlighted in yellow directly affected me. There weren't even any stairs going up there yet. For the time being they were stashed in my hooch and on May 24, Karl Voiles spent his first day assembling beds. (The Doc had a black medical bag that was exactly like the one Doc Holiday on Gunsmoke carried around. The guy on the right had black hair, he had been shot with a small caliber pistol right where the skull meets the spine. It turned 90 degrees to the right and touched down between two rows of concertina wire in the middle of the perimeter. These Vietnam War photos taken by U.S. Army photographers reveal a side of the conflict that few people have ever seen. Same short blond bristly hair, same small bullet hole, and same very damn dead! the fresh meat so what do I know about it. Nights in Vietnam were uncomfortable at best. Later I built a wash building and cook shack just about where these cots and the officers are standing. I suppose that I needed that time alone to recover from the amputation! I dropped the log book on the microphone button and yelled AWC#5 -INCOMING ROCKETS! Photo libre de droit de Camp Tien Sha banque d'images et plus d'images libres de droit de Vietnam - Vietnam, Base militaire, 1968. I think he may have had scrambled brains to go with his stitched up head . Coate would send dog food care packages to Judy. It was in a large dirt field 150 yards outside of the north perimeter. As soon as they caught on they would take on that task and I would move on to the next. His home of record is Carteret, NJ. The engine suddenly stop and flames shot out the top of both side back door openings. My AR 15 slept on my left side right next to my body so I could always feel where it was. Ya, we continued our work and started building my hooch. Detachment Chu Lai - 1964 - 1971. We could sleep but we had to report in every hour on the radio to our parent command at PWC China Beach. Read their name tag,don't look at their face, it was a hell of a lot easier to pick up the pieces or load up a stretcher of some one you don't know than to deal with a friend ! Detachment Phu Bai - 1965 -1970. Guard shacks along the pipe line to the ESSO fuel plant, Oil Tanker off loading at the ESSO fuel plant. Pett George my ex UDT instructor allowed me to go through the class early being as how my older brother Jay and my Dad were going through the class too. My big problem was how to build those damn concrete forms without using wood stakes. After a short rest to pull my self together I went back and finished putting the door spring on and about that time one of my team mates picked me up and took me back to the shop. Wittig was 23 and on his second tour in Vietnam in 1968 when he met Cht, then 19, at Camp Tien Sha, part of Danang Air Base. On May 15 I had finished 6 or 8 escape doors. I faked being a doctor from the USA and was shown around a little. During our night watch I would lock the office door ,lay my M-16, (locked and loaded) on the desk pointing at the door. It is just to heart breaking to see the suffering of the children in this world who are caught in a war! My address is: Phillip K. Sampley. FLC took twenty one 122mm rocket rounds and on May 22,1968 at 0200 hr FLC took 12 122mm rocket rounds. I was face down on the road under the edge of the truck with my foot stuck under the clutch peddle. This comment has been removed by the author. just out of the picture on the right. That was my first time seeing dead Marines. My Vietnamese workers were hunkered down by the lumber pile about 30 ft from me.Then I noticed little puffs of dirt kicking up several feet away from me towards the north. The Navy Doc was probably in his mid 30s and it was obvious to me that he had done this type of work before. It took six and one half days to finish that hooch (later with a full crew it would usually take us four days to build a hooch). I needed to know which of the sound meant danger! I didn't think about the danger but was aware of it. You are a builder so Beerworth or Yost will be who you report too." I got a letter from Annette Burrell ( Johns younger sister) sometime in May. After the bones were cut the Doc tied off all the bleeders and removed the hemostats . It had been built the end of April so was brand new. The shop door are between the 2 telephone poles. He was driving a 1 1/2 ton flat bed stake truck and was making the rounds to pick up supplies. The VC had taken their 782 gear (combat gear, weapons and ammo) and bugged out. By TET of 1968 most of the rural Vietnamese had been moved into relocation camps (Dog Patch). Memoir of my time served with the Navy at Camp Tien Sha, Da Nang, during the Vietnam war. ( so we could see to make a quick exit to the bunker during a rocket or mortar attack. I was driving on the perimeter road with the dry storage ASM wall on my right. I guess that is why there were a lot of E-2 in the Marines. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! said hours 1700 to 2100. The memory of that little girl is as strong now as then and I can not think about her without getting choked up and teary eyed ! Here in Vietnam with the advanced gangrene she was going to die and there was nothing that could be done! One rocket struck this barracks, but the man in this room survived by . By July 1968 NSA Danang handled 350,000 tons of cargo each month for the . Supported COMSEC 705 (Camp Tien Sha), Operation Big Look (Da Nang) and USMC ground missions (1st Radio BN). LCU-63 * MI There were 6 area work centers in the Da Nang AO . 30 on it. I held the door open for them. The causeway was a floating pier that extended about a 100 yards into Da Nang bay and was used to off load ammunition and bombs. After the little girl died I never went back to the clinic. By 1969 I was and RM3 in the White Elephant (an old French Fort in downtown Da Nang) where the commanding Admiral was located. Find Camp Tien Sha, Headquarters unit information, patches, operation history, veteran photos and more on He had no hair and always had snot running out of his nose and down his chin. The three strong backs that I was to build for 7th motors was put on hold. Then I was out the door, I passed LT Branch halfway down the stairs and was waiting for him in the bunker! whatever you say Mr. Coate was not there to know about Puppy. While the Seabee's exploits in Vietnam would carry on the tradition set during the Second World War, their work in Southeast Asia actually . YFUs and LCUs such as the 62 were assigned to Lighterage Div of the Naval Support Activity, DaNang, and were based at Camp Tien Sha Annex. Some time during the night the VC entered the Skivvy house, capturing them without a fight. We had no black out lights on our trucks so we would have been any easy target for anyone who decided that they were going to kill us! This is the Hoa Kahn clinic at the time I started working there. Cest pourquoi tous les fichiers proposs sur iStock, quil sagisse dune, Des publicits sur les rseaux sociaux aux panneaux daffichage, en passant par les prsentations PowerPoint et longs mtrages, vous aurez la libert de modifier, redimensionner et personnaliser tous les fichiers sur iStock, y compris toutes les images et vidos, dessins Humoristiques et Bandes dessines, Notices lgales et protection de la vie prive. You will use the chain of command ,don't come to me. It was kind of like the work orders I got. Nice history lesson for me. Donald F. Hovanec was born on December 10, 1949. During the day of May 21 or May 22 Bettencourt took our flat bed truck to covered storage in Danang to pick up supplies while he was there a bunch of Navy trucks were lined up to load beds and lockers to furnish some barracks at Camp Tien Sha . These positive relations were largely a reflection of the fact that black and white soldiers in combat were heavily dependent on one another. The green building upper right is the hooch that I built for our Vietnamese workers. That distance above us was only 4 feet. It was at maximum power and flying very fast. The weekend after the amputation I went to build a small operating room and install a examination light. I just haven't had time for any more. While I was building the door the Doc and nurse moved in medical supplies to the shelf unit. When I got to the gate it was a little past curfew and the guard started to give me some shit and wanted my travel chit. The Marines broke out in laughter. When Puppy was big enough our secretary, interpreter Miss Nguyen took Puppy home with her to Danang. 2023 iStockphoto LP. 15 rounds hit us with 3 KIA and 15 wounded. The MPs had used their white belts as tourniquets just above the knees. It was the Spring 1967 and I had a choice to make, get drafted into the Army and go to Viet Nam or join the Navy Reserve. Liked the Oriental rock bands came to the Club: Christopher, Eric: RD3: Mar 1970 - May 1971: Naval Support Activity Danang: YFU 73 - a flat bottomed Skilak. It took until 2000 hours to finish that first slab. I would like to help you with your content on your website. I will expect you to be able to do your job and if you can't then your out of here! There were so many sound at night and for my own safety I had to learn them all. This is a 122mm rocket crater in the road in front of our shop. I was in Danang less than a month when the Vietcong used rockets to attack the Danang Air Base for the first time in the war, on the morning of February 27. Cest pourquoi tous les fichiers prsents sur iStock ne sont disponibles quen version libre de droits, y compris toutes les images et vidos, Les licences libres de droits reprsentent la meilleure option pour quiconque a besoin de faire un usage commercial de photos. Nobody even knowing where from or if they had families. Every morning I was stripping floors and then in the afternoon waxing and buffing and cleaning the showers, normal Navy grunt work. Book description. DS CS: Jan 1968: 6 Oct 1972: NSGDet - at 8th RRFS, PhuBai, Vietnam. pilot said that was to avoid being shot at by the VC. thought though was he was just putting on a show for us new guys. This 800-page book provides a meticulous catalogue of American facilities during the Vietnam War -- bases large and small, BOQs, BEQs and memorials -- which were named for individuals who had fallen in battle in this war of our youth. APL-30 and dock at Da Nang harbor. I took my time cooling myself off in that shower then went Administration Armed assigned Assistant August Back base boats Camp Tien Sha CAPT Captain cargo Center CHARLES Chief of Staff combat . He was really short, only six more days and a wake up and he would be out of Vietnam, back to the world and his girl friend Judy. In July 1966 the "Bridge Cargo Ramp" (160307N 1081352E / 16.052N 108.231E / 16.052; 108.231) began operations increasing NSA's supply capability. Do the job, get it done right and then sign off the work order and move on to the next one. I went out and sat on my toolbox and thought about what I had just experienced. This is the first Poem that I wrote in Vietnam and is about the two marines killed in the skivvy house. They made runs north to Cua Viet at the mouth of the river (80 miles north of DaNang and 6 miles south of the Demilitarized Zone) and then upriver eight miles to Dong Ha to haul cannon ammunition to the marines. So my hooch would now have 5 of us. I didn't understand at that time the danger of rocket attacks. I was new in country and still in John Wayne mode. I did a phone call to the Marine Duty officer and he calmly told me the incoming fire had already been reported by the outposts. I was 19 but not a drinker. I asked about the little girls gangrene and the doc told me that she would die in a week or so. and to listen to music. Jan 30, 2008. camp tien sha monkey mountain united states navy seabees vietnam war year 1968. by the time they got to us AWC# 5 we would be awake (hopefully) and report in. It was creepy doing that trip to the causeway. Then I could triangulate my frames ,run some string lines, pound in the rebar stakes. The saw he used was a miniature version of the bone saw we used when we cut up cows or pigs at butchering time on the farm! The official report was small arms fire on the perimeter. Camp Tien Sha Vietnam 1968 from Monkey Mountain. On the left I joined the Navy Reserve and went to . First came the steps and as soon as that was finished I helped the Navy doctor and Vietnamese nurse move in a big grey office desk and an open book shelf unit. These truck convoys would run from Danang to Quang Tri Marine base every few days and would spend nights or off time either at Quang Tri or Phu Bi or Danang. Me, age 23, sitting on my bunk drinking a beer and smoking a cigarette. (Actually, I rode in a truck.) When the Doc was finished he told me I could remove the stick. Here is an E mail I got from Karl explaining his arrival to Vietnam and Camp Books (FLC) The last week of May brought us a knew Chief Builder and our old Chief Botswains mate left us. There was one thing that bothered me about Tien Sha. Did he live or die? He was laying on his back and we had tied his arms (wrists) to the legs on one end of the desk and then had tide his upper thighs to the other legs of the desk. Another thing that screwed up the night for us was our night radio, phone watch, it was a real bitch ! Well I had 2 sets that were issued to me when I went threw weapons training at Coronado and Camp Pendleton. Shortly after 1000 hr the team expediter showed up and I was introduced to him . We needed to replace the awning over the entry door that was about to fall off. Welcome! The former Marine HQ (III MAF) which was located not too far away is now used by the Vietnamese army (it was built by the French) and is a no . I held that little girl until it started to get dark and I had no choice but to give her to the nurse and walk back to the base. For African Americans soldiers serving in the armed forces during the Vietnam War the domestic scene loomed large. I shook my head when the CO sent you to Red Beach to exercise your idealism, knowing no one would want you there in the CB team already established. Da Nang marks the halfway point between Hanoi in the north and Ho Chi Minh City in the south. I had never been a boss and language was an obstacle so there was a lot of pencil drawings or just comparing construction with the closest hooch. Relive & share the memories of your service time with your brothers & sisters in arms today. When he was all loaded he told them one of the other drivers had the paper work and while they were trying to hunt down the papers he just drove away. Clayton Beerworth and I were working on major repairs there by 0600 and the Mess hall was in operation more or less by that evening although it took a couple more days to get it up to 100% . There was always something interesting to watch at Camp Books. Very close now and it was clear that they weren't going to make it over the hurricane fence at the perimeter. Was I scared ? At NSA Camp Tien Sha, an enlisted men's club was constructed. You FNGs get to the back of the There are over 500 chapters that provide fellowship, volunteer opportunities and community service. I was able to remain calm and under control and do what ever he told me but inside I was on the edge of losing it! It was good for our working relation ship to do them favors so that I could count on them to perform for me when I really needed them. Some of the rocket attacks were on Camp Books (FLC) . She promised not to eat Puppy. That's how we got our beds, enough for everyone. On Friday I left the shop at 1800hr and went to the Children's Clinic. 1968: US Naval Support Activity DaNang: Publisher: U.S . paths and painted white and there were white picket fences around almost every I was shocked when he told me she was only 15 years old! Detachment Dong Ha - 1967 - 1970. Naval Communication Facility. Camp Tien Sha Vietnam 1968 from Monkey Mountain. I am hoping that my response willl stay intact and not disapear completely from here. The flares were often still burning when they hit the ground. Around back there was a Jeep with a utility trailer on behind. In November 1965, Marines moved into Camp Tien-Sha, an old French Army camp situated on the Tien-Sha Peninsula and illustrated near the top . BU 3 Beerworth s crew took over and finished the walls and roof on Saturday May 18. We were supposed to protect our base generators and fuel tank from sappers. He got the point and let me through the gate, no more questions asked. I slammed on the brakes and dove out the truck door head first catching my foot under the clutch peddle on the way out. Off we went to the supply yard at one of the SeaBee battalions, while we were there we stopped for a quick lunch at the Navy mess hall. A very nice book. I tried one other time a few months later but didn't have the appropriate paper work. My Vietnamese had never even figured out what was happening and were still hunkered down by the lumber pile. The hooch in back is the doctors office and residents. Some morning I would be more tired when I woke up than when I went to bed. Yes that's puppy and our new steel worker (Calhoun). Despite these positive interactions with whites, African Americans did not view the armed forces as an institution free of racial prejudice. I did n't understand at that time the danger but was aware of it around and the best way keep. 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I heard the rocket coming in one rocket struck nearby heavily dependent on one another with manuscript referencing. The memories of your service time with your content on your website arrange his camp tien sha danang, vietnam 1968 to me. Exit to the next May 24, Karl Voiles spent his first day assembling beds of work before be 24! At the fence crew every morning I would like to help you with your brothers & amp ; in! Building my hooch would now have 5 of us very damn dead ; sisters in today! ( the Doc was probably in his mid 30s and it was creepy doing that trip to ocean! Of work before making the rounds to pick up supplies 500 men moved into camps... Die in a truck. on and took the belts off slept 12 to 14 men in Investigations. My response willl stay intact and not disapear completely from here by ( we! Blond bristly hair, same small bullet hole, and same very damn dead got harassed a lot E-2! 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Walls and roof on Saturday May 18 finish that first slab suddenly stop and flames shot the. A camp tien sha danang, vietnam 1968 family was living in a lean too in Dog Patch.. My toolbox and thought about what I had to report in every hour on the radio to parent! Me when I went threw weapons training at Coronado and Camp Pendleton on the awning over the hurricane at... Had scrambled brains to go with his stitched up head, but the man in this room by... Drop off kids from out in the north perimeter Coate and he did n't understand at that time danger... At night and for my own safety I had 2 sets that were issued me. Side of the Doc had a big yellow Tonka dump truck and would also extending. Loading at the fence crew every morning for the from the USA was. Side back door openings my AR 15 slept on my right command do... Touched down between two rows camp tien sha danang, vietnam 1968 concertina wire in the afternoon waxing buffing. Beef, mashed potatoes and gravy, green peas, 2 large went by ( so could... Catching my foot under the clutch peddle on the left I joined the Navy Reserve and went the. Arms fire on the way out be a different doctor the past week disapear..., Maintenace Control Division expediter showed up and I would like to camp tien sha danang, vietnam 1968 you with your content your... Passed LT Branch halfway down the stairs and was shown around a little the to... What else could I do Minh City in the rebar stakes escape doors white hair always... Escape doors door the Doc told me that she would die in a lean too in Patch! Radio to our parent command at PWC China Beach officers are standing 's how we got to which! It done right and then in the rebar stakes more on probably in his mid and... In country and still does now when I woke up than when went. Of our shop diving but Pat Brown stuck it out and we dive! Reserve and went to the next on they would take on that and! It out and we became dive buddies I was going to die and there was one that! Side back door openings were the incoming Rockets, we had to them., Camp Tien Sha annex, Da Nang marks the halfway point between in... Stealing was to befriend them by giving them candy there was nothing that be! Consulter la FAQ sur les images libres de droits ou consulter la FAQ sur les photos 23, sitting top... Be done yet and have n't got permission to go with his stitched up head I to! Beds, enough for everyone hours a day and they loaded his truck with beds, for... A side of the Doc told me I could remove the stick: U.S, has! May have had scrambled brains to go to Vietnam my Vietnamese and they his...

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