what is alistair's power in twilight

Alistair, Charles, and Makenna are European nomads. Taylor Lautner plays Jacob in the Twilight film series. Alistair didn't know that Astaroth was a vampire who had agreed to change Alistair into a vampire under his father's wishes. Young Bella. In Breaking Dawn, the vampire Irina goes to the Volturi and informs them that the Cullens have created an immortal child. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. In 1921, Carlisle moved to Ashland, Wisconsin, and he met Esme after she attempted suicide. They are successful, but are taken to see the Volturi, who police the vampire world. Rene Dwyer (formerly Rene Swan) married Charlie Swan right after high school, but left with their baby, Bella, and divorced him soon after. These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. Solomon Trimble was credited as "Jacob's friend" in the Twilight film, but was widely recognized as playing the role of Sam. Seth was also the first one to discover that different pack has their own mental link and convinced both Jacob and the Cullens that Sam's pack will not launch an assault due to lack members because it will be a suicide mission for Sam if he did. "I know, I know, my friends don't get either, but it works for us. Paul Lahote is a dark gray wolf who is prone to angry outbursts that cause him to burst into his wolf form. This transformation is believed to be what caused the heart attack and subsequent death of their father, Harry. After the situation is resolved peacefully, Carlisle asks Liam, Siobhan and Maggie to find him and tell him how it turned out, saying that he would "hate to think of him hiding under a rock for the next decade". Jacob Black, a member of the Quileute tribe who is also a shape shifter taking a wolf form, comforts the distraught and severely depressed Bella. Intent on killing Renesmee and the other Cullens, the Volturi travel to Forks. Dismissing it, Rosalie later walked home and met an intoxicated Royce and his friends, leading to her being beaten, gang-raped, and left to die in the streets. However, he can't stand to visit more than once a century. He later seems to have no ill feelings toward Bella or Jacob, though Jacob, Leah, and some of the other wolves find him annoying. [37] Jessica is described as a petite "chatterbox" with curly dark hair. Why does Midnight Sun have a pomegranate? In Eclipse, she describes her human self as vain, self-centered, and shallow, pleased with her physical beauty and forever desiring attention. By finding the other hybrid, Renesmee Cullen, and meeting her family, he begins to realize that he himself may not be as evil as he had always thought and learned to forgive himself for his mother's death. What a fine way to treat your friends.Alistair's anxiety. The Cullens as portrayed in New Moon: (from left) Nikki Reed (Rosalie), Elizabeth Reaser (Esme), Peter Facinelli (Carlisle), Robert Pattinson (Edward), Kellan Lutz (Emmett), Ashley Greene (Alice), and Jackson Rathbone (Jasper). After Bella learns that Jacob is a werewolf, it is Harry and Billy Black who keep Charlie Swan occupied in La Push to protect him from Victoria and her army of newborn vampires. Bella expresses a desire to become a vampire herself, against Edward's wishes. In the film The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 2, Huilen is portrayed by actress Marisa Quinn. At the end of Breaking Dawn, he and Sue Clearwater have developed a romantic relationship. Aro claims shape-shifters can take other mega-animal forms and Edward says that Caius is terrified of true werewolves because of an encounter with one centuries ago, leaving him almost obliterated. He returned because he realized he cannot live without her. [6] Rosalie is bitter that her life as a vampire prevents her from having children and experiencing the normal changes of life, and her desire to be human is so strong that she would give up her immortality and beauty for it. In the films, Lauren's character was combined with that of Jessica Stanley, who is played by Anna Kendrick.[35]. Which is correct poinsettia or poinsettia? [23] At the end of the fourth book, it is revealed that they are indeed shape-shifters. Rene is portrayed by Sarah Clarke in Twilight, The Twilight Saga: Eclipse, and The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 1.[20]. Werewolves' skins are durable and their regenerative abilities allow them to heal within seconds. Variation of Inner Power. In Breaking Dawn, it is revealed that Paul has imprinted on Jacob's older sister, Rachel. Throughout Alistair's youth, his father and older brother were embroiled in conspiracy after conspiracy as they tried to protect the rights of aristocracy and to gain a place of preeminence over the other barons. Mike's family owns a local sporting goods store, which serves as Bella's only job in the series. She is described as having copper skin, raven black hair, and three long disfiguring scars running down the right side of her face and down her arms as the result of Sam's accidental loss of control in phasing when standing close to her. Genetically, Carlisle discovers that werewolves have 24 pairs of chromosomes, the same as vampire hybrids like Renesmee, sparking speculation on Jacob and Renesmee having children, given that both had human maternal parents. Sasha, Vasilii, and Irina were former members of the Denali coven. In Breaking Dawn, Leah joins Jacob's pack with the intention of breaking free of Sam, since she is still heartbroken. His father became increasingly distrustful of the other barons and eventually became obsessed with vengeance and sought aid of the darkest forces of the occult while the rest of his family completely withdrew from society. In New Moon Bella notes his depression over being abandoned by Embry and Jacob, who joined the pack and were not allowed to tell him what was going on. Jared Cameron was the first wolf to phase after Sam. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. In Eclipse, Alice, who proves to be an adept fighter, joins the fight to destroy a group of rampaging newborn vampires, created by Victoria in an effort to take revenge on Edward. In Eclipse, elder Quil and Billy recite to the Quileute tribe the legend about the "Cold Ones", which Bella listens to. Carlisle's unique feeding trait arguably constitutes a superpower, given how rare it is in the world of Twilight.The revelation that Twilight's vampires don't need human blood to survive was so unexpected that it was borrowed by Netflix's Midnight Mass more than a decade later. She is the smallest wolf, has light gray fur, and is the fastest in the pack. Through her research she additionally discovered that she had a younger sister named Cynthia, and that Cynthia's daughter, Alice's niece, is still alive in Biloxi. Sasha, who created Tanya, Kate, Irina, and Vasilii, was executed by the Volturi for creating an immortal child, Vasilii. He became accustomed to living alone, except when Bella visited him in the summer. He is a tracker. In New Moon, he loses control and tries to attack Bella after smelling her blood when she gets a papercut, prompting Edward to leave Forks in order to protect her. It debuted in the US Top 1000 in 2016. Alistair's father was one of the barons who continually fought . He first met Carlisle Cullen in the 17th century, and though they didn't talk much, Carlisle managed to make him respond a little bit before he left. After finding out she was pregnant, she ran away and gave birth to a son, who subsequently died a few days later. During Breaking Dawn he spends most of his time alone as he can't stand large crowds for too long. Later in the book, Jacob and Leah's feelings toward each other become a trusted comradeship, though they conceal their fondness for each other by constantly bickering. He accompanies Alice and Bella when they are hiding from James, using his ability to calm Bella when she is stressed or afraid. Innate Twilight Inner Twilight Manipulation The Twilight Within The user can harness, manipulate and utilize the twilight within themselves; an esoteric twilight that is form when one's inner light and inner . In the Twilight universe, werewolves' claws and teeth can tear through the "marble hard skin" of a vampire at ease. At the end of the series, Quil, Embry, and the Clearwaters join Jacob's pack, leaving Sam to lead the remaining wolves. Twilight in Forks: The Saga of the Real Town, Destination Forks: The Real World of Twilight, Twilight in Volterra: Fantasy and Reality in Italy, http://pagetopremiere.com/2012/09/new-faces-fridays-breaking-dawns-joe-anderson-talks-about-his-musical-talents-developing-alistair-in-exclusive-interview/. Mike is portrayed by Michael Welch in Twilight, The Twilight Saga: New Moon and The Twilight Saga: Eclipse.[7][36]. Though petite, she is a capable fighter because of her agility, speed and ability to see the future. They possess immunity to vampire bites and some vampire special abilities, such as Alice's premonitions. This sparks a conflict between him and Jacob, causing the latter to split from the pack. An example of a hyperbole was found on page 357 paragraph in Twilight. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. She was turned by her nephew, Nahuel, who is a half-human, half-vampire. Vladimir and Stefan used to rule the vampire world along with other Romanian vampires about 1500 years ago. What is Alistair's power in Twilight? Maria is the only permanent member of the Mexican coven centered in Monterrey, Mexico. Allister is a Gym Leader in the Galar region, who specializes in ghost-type Pokmon. Her skin is warm and soft to the touch, but it is as strong as a vampire's. Spike. [2], Peter Facinelli plays Carlisle in the Twilight film series.[3]. In Eclipse, they arrive in Forks under the pretense of eliminating Victoria and her newborn army for violating Volturi law; their true intentions, however, were to allow Victoria's army to destroy the Cullen clan, whom Aro envies for its large size and for its members' supernatural talents. They often send emissaries or enforcers from Volterra to prevent overzealous covens and renegade vampires from exposing their kind. During this visit, he stumbles across Bella and tries to kill her, before being ambushed by the Quileute wolves and subsequently destroyed. These plan's will then be vetted and implemented through with the help of Horizon Power's project, architectural and management teams. Sasha is portrayed by Andrea Powell. Charlie stays in Bella's life after her transformation; though he comes to suspect that Bella and the Cullens are not quite human, he is never informed that they are vampires though he is informed that Jacob is a werewolf. The weapon has a total of twelve rounds in its chamber, and another ninety-six in reserve. Charlie ungrounds Bella in Eclipse and wants her to spend some time with Jacob. Alistair's father was one of the barons who continually fought against the King's attempts to limit the power of the British Peerage. Allister (Japanese: Onion) is the Gym Leader of Stow-on-Side 's Gym, known officially as Stow-on-Side Stadium. Carlisle and his family moved to Hoquiam, Washington and arranged a treaty with the Quileute Native American tribe. She is also close to her brother Edward, and enjoys shopping, make-overs, and throwing parties. After her transformation, she tortured and killed those who had attacked her, including Royce, but did not drink their blood, a fact that she is proud of. Unlike the Cullen family, he drinks human blood. He performs his work faithfully because of his love for Victoria, which she pretends to return. Similarly to the Ray Gun, the weapon will . As stated in the first and second novels, he was born on June 20, 1901, in Chicago, Illinois, and was frozen in his 17-year-old body while dying of the Spanish influenza, when he was changed into a vampire by Dr. Carlisle Cullen. As long as they phase, they do not age. She informs Bella about the Cullen family on her first day at school. Though she only considers him a friend, Jacob falls in love with Bella. narrow this feeling down to a general location. He is not Alpha by blood; that role belongs to Jacob, who initially refused the position although Sam willingly offered it to him. Esme Cullen. Fremantle v Port Adelaide, Fremantle Oval, 7.10pm. You were a witness . He was able to travel from Hell and Earth with incredible ease, something he shares with Azazel. It takes him a long time to narrow this feeling down to a general location. Charlie Swan is Bella Swan's father and works as police chief in Forks. With many British names invading the Yankee name pool, the sophisticated Alistair could and should be part of the next wave. The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. Which is greater 36 yards 2 feet and 114 feet 2 inch? At 16, he was the third wolf to phase. He isn't as emotionally attached to the other members of the Cullen family,[8] but he stays because he is devoted to Alice. As mentioned above, the powers of the vampires in the Twilight universe are divided into two categories: active and passive, the former being those categorized as supernatural. Alistair is an English solitary, nomadic vampire and friends of a sort with Carlisle Cullen. He was also an avid falconer: keeping many birds and training them being his favorite pursuit. She and Jasper are the only ones who don't take the surname of Cullen as they pass off as being biological siblings. It takes him a long time to Japanese voice actor. James, Demetri, Alistair ,Casey and Grey four vampires each showing one of four closely related special abilities that can be generally called tracking sense. Weeks after Renesmee is born, Irina, a vampire from the Denali coven, sees Renesmee and incorrectly believes she is an "immortal child", a young human child who has been changed into a vampire. She was formerly a member of the Monterrey coven, which was eventually wiped out and left Maria as the only survivor. Benjamin's ability is unique in that it involves physical manipulation, as opposed to illusions of the mind. It is noted at the end of the novel that the Volturi may one day attempt to destroy the Cullen family again.[14]. Despite feeling his prey's fear and horror as they died, Jasper couldn't stop himself from feeding from humans. When Victoria and Riley appear, Seth fights and destroys Riley with Edward's help. He fears that the Volturi will find another excuse to eliminate the Cullens. In the films, he is given the surname "Da Revin". In an excerpt from Midnight Sun, she is revealed to be among the few of Bella's newly acquired "friends" who do not exploit Bella's popularity to their own advantage. Billy, who has diabetes[34] and uses a wheelchair, sells his truck to Charlie to give to Bella. Huilen is a Mapuche vampire and the older sister of Pire. They hold a grudge against the Volturi and are willing to do anything for revenge, and so they eagerly serve as witnesses in Breaking Dawn, hoping to watch the Volturi fall. Collin is Jacob's first cousin, while Brady is distantly related to the Clearwater siblings. Alice's early history is vague, as she remembers nothing about her human life and woke up alone as a vampire. His natural compassion during his life as a human translated into his decision never to drink human blood or kill a human, which he has adhered to. The shapeshifting werewolves of the Quileute tribe are typically dark-haired, dark-skinned, and dark-eyed, and they also prefer to eat animal meat. This left his father deeply wounded and he eventually became involved with the occult. You've had a non-remarkable life, minus that you are a well-trained rogue, meaning you can pick almost any lock and steal almost anything. While not definite, the theory behind these special abilities is that the power is reminiscent of the individual's original personality. TWILIGHT SERIES PRE-BREAKING DAWN OC x ALISTAIR 2017-2020. Which is an example of a hyperbole in Twilight? Esme Cullen (born Esme Platt and later Esme Evenson) is Carlisle Cullen's wife and the adoptive mother of Edward, Emmett and Alice Cullen, as well as Rosalie and Jasper Hale. [17] Fanning, Bright, Bewley, and Cudmore all reprised their roles in The Twilight Saga: Eclipse. How to use twilight in a sentence. Emmett Cullen (born Emmett Dale McCarty[5]) is Rosalie Hale's husband, Carlisle and Esme Cullen's adopted son, and Edward, Alice, and Jasper's adopted brother. Alice enjoys playing "Newcomb's paradox-chess" against her telepathic brother Edward. Ongoing. The name Alistair is boy's name of Scottish, Scottish Gaelic origin meaning "defending men". Completed. She carried him over a hundred miles through Appalachia, and she asked Carlisle to transform Emmett into a vampire. This is a list of the cast members from The Twilight Saga film series, which is based on the novels by Stephenie Meyer.The main stars of the films are Kristen Stewart as Bella Swan, Robert Pattinson as Edward Cullen, and Taylor Lautner as Jacob Black. Near the end of Breaking Dawn, Embry, along with Quil, joins Jacob's pack. But when Carlisle needs hel. Chapter 1: Twilight Days 1 TWILIGHT DAYS My Paris is a land where twilight days Merge into violent nights of black and gold; Where, it may be, the flower of dawn is cold: Ah, but the gold nights, and the scented ways! Knowing that he was the one who killed his mother, Nahuel blamed himself for this. A red-haired, catlike vampire, Victoria is originally a member of James' coven. Collin Littlesea and Brady Fuller are two of the youngest wolves in the pack. How did the world community respond to genocides after World War II? He notes that their efforts have begun to give him a small glimmer of hope, but it all dashes when he sees Bella writing notes and packing for Renesmee. I hope you guys enjoy. Jessica is portrayed by Anna Kendrick in Twilight, The Twilight Saga: New Moon, The Twilight Saga: Eclipse and The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 1.[38][39][40]. Jackson Rathbone plays Jasper in the Twilight film series.[3]. An example of a hyperbole was found on page 357 paragraph in Twilight. Upon meeting her, he takes an instant liking to Bella, who notes that he has a mischievous grin, and flirts with her. They were called upon to witness for the Cullen clan in face of the Volturi in Breaking Dawn. They can find out the position and movements of a target, generally of a living being, possibly intended as a prey, but on occasion even inanimate things. In The Twilight Saga: New Moon, the cast of the Volturi includes Michael Sheen as Aro; Jamie Campbell Bower as Caius; Christopher Heyerdahl as Marcus; Dakota Fanning as Jane; Cameron Bright as Alec; Charlie Bewley as Demetri; Daniel Cudmore as Felix; and Noot Seear as Heidi;. South Americans. Throughout Twilight, Alice uses her ability to see the future and help Bella when she is in danger. He left behind a wife, Sue, a daughter Leah, and a son, Seth. An honorable man, he initially expresses reservations about giving Bella the documents she requests, under the belief that she intends to use them to kidnap Renesmee from her father, despite his fear that this might earn him the Cullen family's retribution. 4 Which is an example of a metaphor in Twilight? "It's just that you're so bubbly and light, and he's so gloomy," Alice responded. Wrote this during season 2 didn't have the guts to post it here till now. Laurent is portrayed by Edi Gathegi in Twilight, The Twilight Saga: New Moon[20] and in a flashback seen In The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 1. Opposites just attract sometimes. Vampires have very keen senses and are able to see and hear clearly for miles in total darkness and move with such speed that they become a blur to human eyes. He teases her for her clumsiness and constant blushing, and votes in favor of her becoming a vampire and joining their family in New Moon. In Twilight, Bella moves to her father's home in Forks, Washington, meets the mysterious Cullen family, and falls in love with Edward Cullen. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Though he knows that swaying to the Volturi'sside for self-preservation is an acceptable option, he cares for Carlisletoo much to betray him like that, and thereforechooses toflee instead, fearing the Volturi will not accept the situation. After some research, Alice found her grave and discovered that the date on her tombstone matches the date of her admission to the asylum. According to Jacob, Sam feels guilty for betraying Leah and responsible for the bitter person she has become; he is also pained that his lack of control over his phasing one day led to the deep scars on Emily's face. His constant attention toward Bella causes Lauren, who is interested in him, to resent Bella. This fact is what made Amun very protective of him, in fear of losing him to the Volturi. They originally resided in Slovakia, but after Sasha and Vasilii's executions, they moved to Denali, Alaska. She enjoys restoring old houses and her physical age is 26. He had no interest in his father's schemes, preferred to hunt for sport, and was considered the best hunter in the county. Emily is from the Makah tribe and lived there for most of her life, only visiting La Push for special occasions until her imprinting by Sam, after which she moved permanently to a cottage in La Push. When James and Victoria choose to track and murder Bella, Laurent leaves them and travels to Denali, Alaska, hoping to find solace among a coven of "vegetarian" vampires. Astronomers define the three stages of twilight on the basis of how far the Sun is below the horizon. In the film adaptation of Eclipse, Esme participated in a battle against the newborn vampires but in the book series, it is stated by Sam in Breaking Dawn that she is not a fighter. Jacob Black is Bella's best friend. However, his power is less efficient as it takes time for him to determine his target's location and he may never be able to catch up if the target is on the move. Alistair is portrayed by English actor Joe Anderson in Breaking Dawn - Part 2. In which like Persephone, Eloise Byron accompanies Alistair to the underworld because she took his hand and he set her free. He was found by Kachiri, Alice Cullen and Jasper Hale in Chile to seek his aid in protecting their family. denali. You forgot that you were a vampire with sensitive hearing, so Alistair heard everything you said in "his" attic. This use of a metaphor helped me to understand that Edward can run quickly and powerfully, like a cheetah. Though he feeds on human blood, he does not agree with the execution of newborns after they have outlived their usefulness. Her middle name, Carlie, is a portmanteau of the names Carlisle, Edward's adoptive father, and Charlie, Bella's father. In The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part II, the members of the Egyptian coven are portrayed by Rami Malek as Benjamin, Omar Metwally as Amun, Angela Sarafyan as Tia, and Andrea Gabriel as Kebi. Bella assumed that she and Nahuel would have gone with the Amazon Coven, but they departed earlier. Their superhuman strength gives them the ability to subdue their prey, uproot trees, throw cars, and crush metal. The reason for their transformations is the presence of many visiting vampires at the Cullen residence. All of this causes him to hate the Cullens, whom he blames for both his transformation and for causing him to break Leah's heart. Initially, Charlie accepts Edward as his daughter's boyfriend, but after the events of New Moon he blames Edward for Bella's deep depression after he left her. As a vampire, Riley Biers is tall and muscular with bright red eyes and blond hair. He is 16, and is described as muscular and loud. He seems to be able to ignore the pull if he wants to, as Bella pointed out that he could use it to run in the opposite direction from Demetri in Breaking Dawn. It is an Anglicised form of the Scottish Gaelic Alasdair.The latter is most likely a Scottish Gaelic variant of the Norman French Alexandre or Latin Alexander, which was incorporated into English in the same form as Alexander.The deepest etymology is the Greek (man-repeller): (repel) + (man), "the one who repels . After that, he only kept to himself and shunned all contact with vampires and humans (except when he was feeding). There are three types of twilight: Civil twilight. Huilen and Nahuel came to Forks with Alice Cullen and Jasper Hale to witness against the Volturi that Renesmee, another half-human, half-vampire hybrid, wasn't a threat to the vampires' secret world. Meyer has said she did not research vampire mythology before writing the series. Months later in Eclipse, Victoria creates an army of bloodthirsty newborn vampires in Seattle to rise up against the combined forces of the werewolves and Cullen family. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Presumed dead, she was brought to a morgue. Astronomical twilight. According to the Twilight series, the Quileute tribe legends hold that chiefs could leave their bodies and wander as spirits, communicate with nature, command nature (weather, trees, insects, animals) and hear each other's thoughts; however, apart from the latter, many of these techniques appear to have been forgotten. Eric Yorkie is a classmate of Bella's who immediately became interested in her when she moved to Forks. Bella always felt herself to be the mother in their relationship, having to guide Rene away from doing ridiculous things, and Rene considered Bella her "middle-aged" child. The book was originally published on October 6, 2015 as part of an "oversized flip-book pairing" with Twilight to celebrate the original novel's . He senses the general direction of what he is In Twilight, he is described as a "cute, baby-faced boy" with "carefully" spiked "pale blond" hair. Esme Cullen. What 4-way golf bags have full-length dividers fastened along all 4 edges, not just top and bottom? Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. They are considered to be cousins of the Cullen family, though the relationship is put under strain in Eclipse when they refuse to fight Victoria and her army because of Irina's vendetta against the werewolves. Esme's gift is to love the people around her passionately, which allows her to easily show . He mistakenly assumes she will go to their prom with him and tells the rest of the school, only to hear from Edward that Bella will be unavailable to anyone but himself. In both parts of The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn, the Denalis are portrayed by MyAnna Buring as Tanya, Christian Camargo as Eleazar, Maggie Grace as Irina, Ma Maestro as Carmen, Casey LaBow as Kate, and Lee Pace as Garrett. His body is also slender and tall. Together, they joined the Cullen family. Before transforming, he dated Leah Clearwater, whom he is said to have loved. "He was a skilled tracker, able to sense in . It is not a theme in itself, but is used to flesh out all the themes to varying extent. In New Moon, Alice foresees Bella jumping off a cliff and assumes she is trying to commit suicide, though Bella actually was cliff diving. He is Edward's favorite brother, and he is in a loving, committed relationship with Rosalie. Twilight Dog Names Starting with A. Aaron Meaning "high mountain" and "exalted", Aaron is a name known by readers of Life and Death: Twilight Reimagined as that of the male rendition of Rebecca, Jacob's sister in the Twilight tomes. Rosalie feared that she would be unable to resist her bloodlust, so she carried Emmett to Carlisle to be transformed. A shameless giantess story involving humanized ponies and our favorite egghead, held together with a blatant excuse plot. Robert Pattinson plays Edward in the Twilight film series. She helps to protect Bella and the Cullens, despite her extreme hatred for vampires and her open dislike for Bella. you had made the horrible decision to witness Bella developing her power. [7] In the film, he is given the surname "Witherdale". The Cullens gather witnesses from around the world to testify that they have seen her mature and grow, and so she is therefore not an immortal child. Members are able to regenerate, talk to one another telepathically, and possess superhuman strength, speed and endurance with the ability to cover 1.67 miles in just 1 minute, outrunning vampires. This online As a vampire, he gained the ability to sense and manipulate the emotions of those around him. This irritates Billy and Jacob because he is always at their house eating their food, but Billy is happy that Rachel visits home more often because of Paul. Twilight, with Aro in Edward's place. They have been together ever since. Her supernatural talent is self-preservation; she can sense if others are planning to harm or kill her, and her voice is said to sound high and girlish. In Breaking Dawn, Bella is scared to tell her mother about her engagement to Edward because of Rene's strong opposition to young people marrying early, but Rene gives them her blessing. Visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc is originally a member of James ' coven feeding.. 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