why should we change the date of australia day

Because, when it comes to this tradition, what exactly are we celebrating? } We want to use this platform to provide some information on why we believe that Australia Day should not be celebrated on January 26, if at all. Australia Day should be the day we become a republic. } )( window, document, 'script', 'dataLayer', 'GTM-W5PMGDG' ); if(typeof window.DotMetricsObj != 'undefined') {DotMetricsObj.onAjaxDataUpdate();} She saidthe change in attitude around Australia Day was a sign the country was "growing and maturing as a reconciled nation". // console.log('force ' + all_links.href); Celebrating on this day is an acknowledgment of the first time Europeans inhabited Australian land: men, women and children. color: yellow!important; He later died in hospital. The same holds true if someone names "co-executors" or "several . There are flag raising ceremonies all around the country and it is a day when many migrants (people from other countries who want to live in Australia) become Australian citizens at citizenship ceremonies. "Part of that is understanding the perspective of the other, and in this case it's about January 26, and possibly changing that date.". Not only does January 26 mark the day the dispossession of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples began, it sets up European invasion as an important source of Australian identity and. Australia Day does not exist on January 26. Already others have suggested alternative dates such as ANZAC Day on April 25th. You can buy her debut book How to Win Every Argument (from $4.99) here. Just Another Australia Day Post Hoping To Make You Feel All The Feels. This move was criticised, with the Resources Minister at the time, Matt Canavan, calling it a disgraceful decision. breadboard. We acknowledge Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as the First Australians and Traditional Custodians of the lands where we live, learn, and work. Many companies have actually started giving their employees another day off, like January 27th, and leaving January 26th as a working day. It is white superiority to insist science, language, religion, law and social structures of an invading force are benevolent gifts. Crescent Think Tank. So, how do we go about actually making this change? Two years ago the ABC asked tens of thousands of people to share their thoughts, feelings and experiences. h = d.getElementsByTagName('head')[0], oldonload(); There is a growing movement in Australia to 'change the date' of Australia Day to a day more inclusive of all Australians. The only reasons I can fathom for opposition to changing the date is white privilege, or perhaps even racism. By comparison, Indigenous Australians have been protesting on the date since 1938 well before it was made a national holiday! It seems ridiculous to consider that any nation should be celebrating the massacre of hundreds of thousands of people who were in Australia first. The voice of whiteness is also found in present arguments, like when the violence of settlement is justified by what the British introduced. Equity Trustees Superannuation Limited (ABN 50 055 641 757) is the trustee of the Crescent Wealth Superannuation Fund. Below is an excerpt from Crystal Andrews book How To Win Every Argument: A No-Filter Guide To Being Right About Everything. Its assumed by all Australians that January 26th was the day that the First Fleet landed in the land that more than 500 indigenous groups and about 750,000 people occupied. Join us! // console.log('ignore ' + all_links.href); The information shown on this site is general information only. Lets show the Aboriginals that they are a true and essential part of the unique inclusivity that makes up Australia. The entire premise upon which this Australia Day is based is shoddy and thus, the idea that this day should be celebrated is farcical. Of course, many employees can choose to take both days off, so they can be with their families. var d = document, Women and men had differing thoughts on the question of whether Australia Day should be moved it wasone of the Australia Talks survey questions on which men and women were most divided. Thats where it all began, thats where Australia first started as it is known now, and thats where it needs to change first. if (typeof window.onload != 'function'){ It is a time when we are seeing rights and freedoms for all except the wealthiest Australians (and foreign companies) removed. A catalyst for debate, an opportunity for change. s.src = 'https://au-script.dotmetrics.net/door.js?d=' + document.location.host + '&t=other'; h.appendChild(s); In fact, many have decided to join the movement of Change It Ourselves. Instead of waiting for the governments to do something about it, they have decided to take the first step themselves. Ihsan is used to describe Islamic excellence and its pursuit. What is Australia Day for? The commemoration of this day has grown contentious in recent years as a result of a "change the date" campaign, in which supporters demand that Australia Day be moved from January 26 to May 9. } Read the kidcyber page about the First Fleet. As the national conversation continues to be debated, we think its important to reflect on the ever-present reality the date signifies for our nations First Peoples. This happened back in 1788, and it marks the proclamation of British sovereignty over the eastern seaboard of Australia. Cancelling the commemoration completely would move the conversation around racism forward in this country, while also highlighting the needs of First Nations peoples. As rightly pointed out by many, changing the date of Australia Day without the achievement of social justice or legal restitution in the form of Land Rights and Treaty only moves the celebration of unfinished business to another date. Use of the information contained on this page is governed by Australian law and is subject to the terms and conditions on this website. While 49 per cent believed the date was likely to move within the next decade. window.dm = window.dm ||{ AjaxData:[]}; Coconut oil why am i hungry on keto to hit your macros for the day. We believe 26 January should be a day of learning, respect and reconciliation. I would also like to see January 26 marked as a far more sombre occasion. Maybe then we might see people who arent fascists and racists declaring themselves patriots. This is a movement we support as a company. In 2004, a Newspoll survey that asked if the date of Australia Day should be moved to one that is not associated with European settlement found 79 per cent of respondents favoured no change, 15 . We are willing to look at our bias, and we are ready to put your needs first because we know we could have done better. For many people, January 26 means two things: a public holiday and a boozy BBQ celebration. The fact that it isnt is an interesting glimpse into the chasm of systemic racism. The Australia Talks National Survey is back again here'swhat we found out. So, before you get into a Facebook comment war with a profile picture of a V8 Commodore, read the below excerpt from How to Win Every Argument: A No-Filter Guide to Being Right About Everything. Sorry, the video player failed to load. This is the date the City of Fremantle council chose to use this . From a political standpoint, there are a few ways to move Australia Day. 'gtm.start': His view is that Australia Day should remain on January 26, but he wants to see a national holiday on January 25 to honour Indigenous communities. To change this we need a lot more than just changing the date of Australia Day, but to change this we might need a catalyst. "It's a very significant day for the foundation of Australia, and . That was not the . Shelley Reys has been at the forefront of the Reconciliation movement for three decades. Wouldnt the day that Australia abolished this act and, on paper at least, welcomed non-white migrants into Australia make more sense as a day to celebrate what is great about Australia and being Australian. To conclude, the date of Australia day should be changed to reflect changing community attitudes. Maybe youre going to end up in a heated argument at a BBQ this weekend (dont blame you), or perhaps youve only just started to explore your own feelings on the topic (dont blame you either). But the generational differences are significant. But we are ready to rectify this. Then, tune in at 8:00pm on Monday, June 21 to watch hosts Annabel Crabb and Nazeem Hussain take you through the key findings and explore the survey with some of Australia's best-loved celebrities. So if a lot of us dont even know what the day is for, whats the harm in picking a date thats less distressing? In 1888 when Henry Parkes the premier of NSW at the time was asked if there was anything plannedfor Aboriginal people on Australia Day he said: And remind them that we have robbed them?. They asked the government to consider what that day meant to them, the First Peoples, and called for equality and justice. window.dm.AjaxEvent = function(et, d, ssid, ad){ Two-factor authentication (2FA) should also be enabled. Planning the change process and troubleshooting and reporting bugs with vendors. See where you fit on the issues that matter. Its worth noting that it was on the third ever national Australia Day that a notable Indigenous protest was created. Putting ethics at the centre of everyday life. In recent years, Australia Day protests have swelled and tens of thousands of people Indigenous and non-Indigenous march together all across the country. A large proportion of the population 45 per cent disagree or feel neutral about the push to move Australia Day and Ms Reys said it was important to make room "for different views". Found a perfect sample but need a unique one? Many First Nations people, of course, need no convincing they have always known . The Australia Talks National Survey 2021 has revealed a majority of people now believe Australia Day should not be celebrated on January 26, given the historical significance of the date for Indigenous nations. But that's actually a false assumption. If you would like to portray Australia as the inclusive and multicultural nation it already is, then one way to do it is to change the day of Australia Day. The interesting thing is that out of the 364 other days that could be potentially celebrated as Australia Day, why this day was particularly chosen is mystifying? Australia Day has become the annual starters gun for all the rabid racists to complain about how we objectors hate Australia & disrespect diggers, when in reality it because we love the ancient . 10 de jul. var all_links = document.links[t]; Changing the date of our current Australia day celebrations provides an outlet for all Australians to come together and rejoice for everything good about our nation whilst being respectful and helping to break down colonially embedded stigmas around Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. 18 January 2018. The most media attention that these protests ever gained was in 1988, the infamous Bicentennial, where the phrase White Australia has a Black History entered our collective consciousness, but they have always been there in one form or another, whether they are noticed by media or not. Many are asking whether Australia Day should be on January 26th. Young people overwhelmingly supported a new direction 65 per cent of Australians aged 18-24 and 71 per cent aged 25-29 were also in favour of a change. First Peoples already had functioning, sophisticated social structures, law, spiritual beliefs, science and technology. Until that point, Australians celebrated it in varying forms. Either way, it really pays to understand both sides of this one, because you cant change minds or win arguments without understanding your oppositions POV. Before then, in the lead to the 1888 celebrations, Henry Parkes the premier of NSW at the time was asked if he was planning anything for Aboriginal people on Australia, to which he simply retorted, And remind them that we have robbed them?. In 2017, the Australia Institute found a whopping 62% of people did not know what the day marked. We cannot change the date without overwhelming majority support for its replacement. Even though many Australians are apathetic about the date that Australia Day should be held (56% polled saidthey didnt care about it), other Australians, including Aboriginals want the date changed. You could also lobby your local council to stop holding citizenship ceremonies on January 26. And they are wrong for seven reasons. } Tomorrow must come In most other nations, the national day marks independence (often from the British) or foundation. For many, the jingoism behind Australia Day is representative of a settler colonialism state that should not be preserved. These antiquated worldviews of white superiority will continue to haunt Australia until a critical mass has self reflected on power and privilege and whiteness, and acknowledges past and present injustices. Write letters to your elected officials and demand change. For those that protest, there are mixed views over whether to change the date or abolish the national holiday altogether. The dispossession of Australia's First Peoples began on this date in 1788 representing a day of mourning rather than celebration. Isnt that the epitome of cruelty? We use cookies to improve your experience on our website. The date is the anniversary of the arrival of the First Fleet at Sydney Cove in 1788. If you need help applying or want to talk super, call us on 1300 926 626. Even if the date is a floating one every year the same way Easter or the Melbourne Cup is decided. So, I choose to put my energy into changing the nation. May 9, the day of the first sitting of Federal Parliament in 1901 and the day that Parliament moved to Canberra in 1927. w[ l ].push( { No & it wasnt 1994, it was 1946 that the 26th January became our National Day & as a Ngadjuri Aboriginal all my Mob celebrate our National Day with pride. Indigenous people have called Australia home formore than 60,000 years, being custodians of theworlds oldest continuous living culture. Changing the date is not the outcome nor is it a magical cure to generational trauma, but it is the key in changing mindsets. First of all, adding your voice to this conversation helps to make it a lot louder. It begins with treating well the people who were there first. On this Invasion Day, I am angry. News Corp reports 29% of more than 1,000 people surveyed said they would celebrate Australia Day 2021. change_link = false; You have almost exterminated our people, but there are enough of us remaining to expose the humbug of your claim, as white Australians, to be a civilised, progressive, kindly and humane nation., Aborigines Claim Citizen Rights! The unfortunate reality for the Australia Day Council, and for the rest of the nation, is that this isnt an issue that is ever going to go away. Luke Pearson, Why I No Longer Support #changethedate, IndigenousX, January 2019. More and more Australians continue to change their minds over whether this date is an appropriate time to celebrate Australia Day. It was also when Indigenous people began being oppressed - massacred,. We've changed the date before - in fact, January 26 has only been a national public holiday since 1994 - and must do so again if we want to achieve a national day that unifies all. .page-id-1799240 .entry-title { For decades, January 26 has been observed as a day of mourning for Aboriginal and Torres Islander people. The first act that was passed after Federation was the Immigration Restriction Act 1901, commonly referred to as the White Australia Policy. This is a critical time in Australian history. // console.log('Changed ' + all_links.href); Australia Day should be for all Australians, but for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people who mark the day as one of invasion, survival and mourning, it is an emotional day. Even in 1938, on the first Day of Mourning, Australia Day was referred to as the anniversary of the whitemens seizure of our country, and nothing about that sentiment has really changed that much in the decades that followed. Whatever people choose to call that day, it is not a date suitable for rejoicing. Minister for Indigenous Australians Ken Wyatt said he did not agree with changing the date. j.async = true; Not a symbolic gesture of empty emotions, but an evocative and confrontational (for some) wake up call. } else { Does Medical Insurance Cover . Tales of white benevolence, whether real or imagined, will not obliterate stories of what was stolen or lost. It was inconsiderate to have changed the date in 1994 to the 26th January. Watch: What January 26 means to different Australians. } May 27, to mark the day in 1967 when Australia held a referendum to include Indigenous Australians in the census. Your support will ensure IndigenousX is able to stay independent and keep making original content. Join the conversation SIGNS THAT UKRAINE COULD ACTUALLY WIN THIS It's a miracle. document.links[t].removeAttribute('target'); // Load img#wpstats{display:none} While it has been celebrated in NSW as far back as 1818, weve only been doing it as a united country for a couple of decades. Well,most people assume that the reason this day was chosen because thats when the First Fleet landed in Australia. document.links = document.getElementsByTagName('a'); And no, its not being unpatriotic. Welcome to Dig Deeper, a content series allowing you to dive as deep as you like into topics that are underserved in the current media landscape but need and deserve more coverage and attention. A lot. Related:Why the Indigenous Voice to Parliament Isnt Going to Be as Straightforward as You Think, Related:Know Better, Do Better: The Best Aussie Podcasts to Educate Yourself on Indigenous History. Each year a person is named Australian of . Counselling and bespoke consulting programs to help you make better decisions and navigate complexity. Events and interactive experiences exploring ethics of being human. He knew that Australia Day was not a celebratory day from an Aboriginal perspective, and did not bother with the pretense that it ever could be. Not until 1935 did all the Australian states and territories use that name to mark that date. No wonder so many people believe that the date should be changed to any other day in the year! We know this isnt a solution, but we take it as a sign of solidarity with the First Peoples. Watch the evidence. This shift became about as more folks became conscious and alert to the ugliness that followed the invasion of the land we now call Australia in 1788. .postid-1764461 .sidebar-widget.popular-jobs-widget{ On January 26, 1788, Arthur Phillip, who had sailed into what is now Sydney Cove with a shipload of convicts, hoisted the British flag at the site. "We are a multicultural country and a lot of people have come and married into our family and we need to do the right thing and respect all cultures," he said. Were joiningChange It Ourselves, celebrating Australia Day on a different date. display: none !important; display: none !important; Our work is only made possible because of you. On 26 January 1938, on the 150thanniversary of the British invasion of this continent, a group of Aboriginal people in NSW wrote a letter of protest, calling it a Day of Mourning. There is no greater opportunity for that conversation than one simple question: What date should Australia Day be held on? .podcast-banner.show_mobile { Mr Wyatt questioned the Australia Talks findings. [CDATA[ 'https://www.googletagmanager.com/gtm.js?id=' + i + dl; Its that a full community of people, who are directly hurt and traumatized by the chosen date, say that it should be changed. Having an alternative date will still mean they are celebrating the colonial project here in so-called Australia, Ruby Wharton, (Gamilaraay Kooma), member of the Warriors of the Aboriginal Resistance and the Brisbane Aboriginal Sovereign Embassy, told Clothing the Gap, a Victorian Aboriginal owned and led social enterprise. And, the day wasn't even declared as Australia Day until around 150 years later and since that time, the date of Australia Day changed many times. Most people dont even care about that actual date, they just want a day off work, or to have a few drinks, or to have a barbecue, or whatever it is that people do. Some people also argue that changing the date will not solve the range of issues and barriers that impact the day-to-day lives of Indigenous Australians. Nebrass strategies are always focused on return on investments, customer retention and high brand value. document.links[t].setAttribute('onClick', 'javascript:window.open(\''+all_links.href+'\'); return false;'); But, as it stands, Australia Day marks the anniversary of invasion and the beginning of an era of mourning, survival and resilience for Australia's First Nations peoples. It also marks the start of Reconciliation Week. change_link = false; But changing the date of Australia Day is something we can do now. This week, we encourage you to spend the time you would normally spend listening to our podcast educa It involves an active commitment to reform, which includes paying the rent. The first is the type that Malcolm Turnbull gave in parliament. You want a day to celebrate Australia. Read more about why we need to change the date of Australia Day: As one Aboriginal person said, You dont visit someones house, rape, and pillage them, and then tell them you are going to celebrate that day as their birthday.. Should we change the date of Australia Day? Indigenous groups have been protesting against celebrating January 26th as any sort of public holiday for90 years now!!! - Behind the News Behind the News 133K subscribers Subscribe Share 17K views 4 years ago It's a debate that pops up all the time: should we change the. Australia Day is marked on 26 January every year with a national public holiday. The problem here isnt whether a couple of prime ministers agree with the debate of changing the date of Australia day or not. The fight for rights is not over. if(force != '' && all_links.href.search(force) != -1) { For white Australians, changing the date will simply mean coming together on a different day and the public holiday would still take place. Karen Wyld is an author, living by the coast in South Australia. On Australia Day we celebrate all the things we love about Australia: land, sense of fair go, lifestyle, democracy, the freedoms we enjoy but particularly our people. Meanwhile, 1994 was the year that all Australian states and territories began to celebrate Australia Day consistently as a public holiday on January 26. The Australia Talks National Survey 2021 has revealed a majority of people now believe Australia Day should not be celebrated on January 26, given the historical significance of the date for Indigenous nations. The annual public holiday on January 26 was establishedin 1994, and thousands of new Australians use the occasion to attend their citizenship ceremonies. Australia has only had 21 years of holding Australia Day on the 26th of January, surely that isnt too many years to acknowledge that it was a poor choice and move it to a better day. The date will change. Plus, there are other days that do acknowledge the horrors of colonisation: National Sorry Day on May 26, Reconciliation Week, which starts on May 27, and Mabo Day on June 3. There is growing opinion that although January 26th is Australia Day, the celebration of Australia Day on January 26th does not allow all Australians to join in celebrating Australia's greatness, and every day we get to spend being part of this great Nation and the opportunities it gives us is an 'Australia Day' we celebrate separately, so why not choose a day that we can All celebrate . But Its Not True,, Tony Birch: A Change of Date Will Do Nothing to Shake Australia From Its Colonial-Settler Triumphalism,, All The 2023 Invasion Day Events You Can Attend In Solidarity With First Nations Folk On Jan 26, Female Representation In Sport Is On The Up, But The Online Community Is Still Dominated By Men, WIN: Tell Us Your Weirdest Self-Care Ritual To Nab Free Tix To Our Selfish Sessions Festival, HUGE: Gen Z Feminist Icon Florence Given & More Just Got Added To The Selfish Sessions Lineup. Australia Day. Australia Day was only formalised as a national holiday in 1994 to some, thats not a very longstanding tradition. Itll help, promise. The Bulletin focuses on three main areas: nuclear risk, climate change, and disruptive technologies, including developments in biotechnology. It will always be Invasion Day, Survival Day, a Day of Mourning. 2023 Australian Ethical Investment Ltd (ABN 47 003 188 930, AFSL 229949). In fact, its a day when many immigrants become Australian citizens, which is a day of great joy for them to be finally included as an official member of a family and country they love so much. But thats inaccurate. Why would the Aborigines wish to celebrate this day every year? Australia Day should be a day that reflects what our ideals are and how we imagine our country. Connect the output pin of TSOP1738 to Arduino digital pin 11 to get the decoded output. If you are an Australian, then you are aware of the debate that surrounds Australia day being on the 26th of January. People are catching up and contributing their voices to the call to change the nation, but this is not a new discussion. The disparity between these two experiences couldnt be starker. You dont pretend your birthday was on a different day you look at your whole lifes experience, Morrison said. When Ms Reys began her work with Reconciliation Australia, she observed limited support for changing the date of Australia Day. Whyshould Australia Day be changed? Despite generations of violence and interference from settler colonialists, First Peoples have not been defeated. The history of Australia, and the history of its national day, is fraught with controversy and suffering.There are a tonne of good reasons why the calls to change the date get louder each year and there is growing recognition amongst the non-Indigenous population that January 26th is not the date to celebrate. By signing up you agree to our privacy policy. Luke Pearson is a Gamilaroi man living in NSW. Thats when the First Fleet landed on Sydneys Botany Bay. Australia Day or Survival Day as they know it is a date of immense significance for the Dawson family from south-west Sydney. 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