worm fanfiction godlike taylor

Sorry, I've got nothing. This made her laugh again. The four arms are different, and the wings are even stranger. The pause this time was considerably longer. That two and a half months since Taylor died until now? She slowly turned her head and stared at him. Because it was the right thing to do. Who the hell is Hive? she exploded. Someone needs to give Lisa a hug. Last year there were an estimated two hundred and sixteen million cases of malaria around the world. Come on, let's order some chinese, and see if Mom and Dad want some." Her head moved in a nod. But it's still sort of weird and creepy." Swiveling her chair around again Director Piggot looked out into the night until she heard a knock some minutes later, turning back and calling in a firm voice, Enter. She planned on asking some very awkward questions of the frankly sullen girl who came in. Welcome to Godkiller everyone! From my point of view it's been more than four hundred years. They were mixed with some sort of metal in a repeating pattern that defied easy analysis. The encounter with the insect-woman and the examination that Hive had allowed, if not indeed encouraged, had gone a long way towards alleviating the boring routine she'd fallen into for some time now. His head came up. I think Taylor's doing a pretty good job of retiring so far. Taylor is a victim. She shook her head with good humor. Having lived thousands of years through the eyes of a hundred and more legends from another world, all in mere seconds, chosen through naught but mere happenstance during the death throes of a far distant reality, she found herself the bearer of uncountable beasts and monsters, men and women, abilities and spells, all borne from fantasy, yet far too real to ignore or pretend they did not once exist. My phone is dead, Amy said after shaking her head a little to clear her thoughts. my guy,Taylor Varga is the definition of power wank. The Last Daughter Taylor is a Kryptonian, complete. Huddled as far back as she could get she waited for whatever would happen, her heart hammering in her ears. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. For a moment, leathery wings materialised behind her and with a single beat she launcher herself across the dark waters. Added to just the things I saw her do, if she wanted you dead, the only thing you could do would be make a will. Thats why no one else can understand what they do. Not to mention the other various problems I can see could arise from all that. How bad could it have been? he asked, curious to see what she came up with. She has very good control over her physiological reactions. Putting the matter to one side she listened while trying not to draw any more attention to herself. Assault sat next to Miss Militia. Relaxing a little he put the phone down again. He died instantly. Thats more than a little scary he said honestly. To be honest, he was at a loss for the moment. I know she claimed not to be one, but the ability to understand Tinker-tech to any level rates at least a 3 to 4 rating. Dutifully Dragon added the classification. Let me finish this and I'll tell you the story, OK? she suggested. Yes, princes were always her favorite; after all, they were the only ones allowed to kiss the princesses awake. Whats so weird about that, compared to, I dont know, Lung, maybe? "Um Point to you. Anyway, I need something to eat. Her eyes, when she moved her head a little to look at the Rig directly, had thousands and thousands of tiny facets which made the sunlight refract into all the colors of the spectrum in various patterns, like looking at a DVD from an angle but even more spectacular. She shook her head. Would be interesting to see a story around the world after/through Taylors changes. I don't think so, but I'll get back to you on that. Really excited for this one. She was silent for a few seconds. Oh, my god, thats amazing, she mumbled, her power tracing out the biological intricacies of the body she was touching. Put it all together and She faded out of view. But, of course, they found me anyway. And this Hive person? She was lost in admiration of the optical cells covering the exoskeleton when the person she was investigating made an amused sound. That said, without specifically looking for it hed probably never notice. Insect? Like I said, in my opinion shes a better person than you are. From what she said her powers connected all the neurons directly somehow, bypassing the normal synaptic connectivity and electrochemical processes. She shook her head in apparent awe. The wasp was joined by another one, both of them taking off and flying interlocked rings. They were about to attack Panacea so you might like to give them a hard time. It just looks like either theyre not biting people any more, or somehow arent spreading the parasite. Intriguing, he commented. Taylor was, too. Extremely dangerous. How much campione knowledge is required to get this fic? I want to talk to you about several subjects. Woman? The fire spread much too quickly and burned far too hot to be accidental but there is no sign of normal accelerants. See you around, Ethan. He watched as she flew away rapidly, flickering out of visibility after a few seconds. They made a trap, filling a locker with biological waste, then managed to push the young woman into it and lock her in. "Taylor?" "It's you!" Taylor exclaimed. A subreddit to discuss fanfics for Wildbow's works! Sophia, you are without doubt one of the most unpleasant people Ive ever met, he snarled back. So if you're not an alien, that leaves Trailing off, he eventually shrugged. About | Wiki Rules | Reply !Delete to remove | [Brackets] hide titles. Only the droning of her wings was audible, if barely, and even that faded into the background shortly thereafter. Amy shrugged slightly. The old man notes that this is the first time anyone offered him the use of their umbrella, or kindness on such a level as her. It more than makes up for the greater simplicity. He stayed silent, staring wide-eyed in horror at the implications. The sounds of footsteps came closer and closer. . You have no idea what it's like. But a figure from Annettes past found them all the same. No. Armsmaster nodded slightly. It was strange. Her sister waited, while she thought, looking impatient. The second story I started is this one. I swear I never stole anything, I never meant to hurt anyone,I swear, I swear that I'm a good kid, A good kid, Who's had a bad run". The DNA test was conclusive, despite the small sample still viable. His mouth was set in a hard line under the visor of the helmet he was wearing, part of a suit of extremely advanced power armor. She found herself wanting to talk to the other cape again, soon. BBFD fire investigators have also come to the same conclusion, which is why they called us in the first place. Damn it, Piggot growled. I triggered, the power was a Master one essentially. Really, really badly. In the end, as the footsteps grew louder from the alley, she dived between the third and fourth dumpster, which had a gap just large enough to permit her fairly slight frame to squeeze in. Not to mention anything she designed specifically for the job. Piggot looked at her, then back at the monitor, before sighing heavily and leaning back in her chair. Please. She reached up and peeled her mask off, sighing in relief that they were back and apparently in the clear. Dispatch, this is Assault, I'm just going off route to check something. Do you require backup, Assault? the voice of the dispatch officer asked briskly. Before I settled on the story that ballooned hopelessly out of control into Taylor Varga I had a number of ideas for Worm stories, three of which I initially wrote one or more chapters of. Walking into the abandoned warehouse they used as a base, Lisa listened with irritation to Alec and Brian bickering behind her. She nodded. I do. They didn't seem to recognize my costume, or care if they did. Neither did the utterly inhuman face that looked curiously down at her a few seconds later. The man was still conscious, she could see his eyes moving frantically, but he somehow seemed to have completely lost control of his body and voice. True. Armsmaster thought about the idea for a little while. Seconds later he looked confused before he simply froze in place. May as well tell you a story, she said, leaning back a little and bracing her upper body with all four arms. Have read that! Killed them off? Worldwide, all at the same time? She shook her head. Within that range, the control was absolute. He looked down at the 9mm pistol he was holding tightly, his right forefinger absently flicking the safety. Then it copied her mind into it. Using a parahuman weapon in the process. Yes. No. She held up a hand with another shake of her head. But, unfortunately, no matter what she or any of the rest of the Protectorate think, there isnt a lot they can actually do to or about me, Im afraid. At his puzzled look, she elaborated. You are not their equal, but one day you might be. Alec laughed slightly while Brian went quiet, sighing a little after a second or two. I was hiding behind it, she replied, now a little internally amused herself. She was murdered, technically by a seventeen-year-old Korean ganger, but he was helped by three fifteen year old girls with no ethical sense. Are you going to go after Sophia? he added after some thought, tensing a little just to be on the safe side. The fire spread very fast, most of that wing of the building was already gone by the time the first responders arrived. Assault nodded vigorously. It looks like the word she, with part of another letter at the end. It was written in blood based on the chemical analysis, Armsmaster replied. Lack of emotional cues, certain trace pheromones, things like that. She looked at him with her head on one side. She has a vicious streak that we dont seem to have managed to do much about so far. They were both silent for a while, thinking about the incident. Keep the canon discussion to the appropriate thread. No matter how much Crystal likes her hunky friend, there's no way she should be telling him this. Three paralyzed muggers at the following coordinates, ready for pickup. Btw, it doesn't have to be specifically about Taylor, but any character. Dragon and Armsmaster seem to have noticed so youll probably hear about it soon. Thats more than a little worrying. A story. Still, having Dragon's drone suddenly accost her in the middle of going back to her room in The Rig, only to drop a giant stack of files in her lap, speaking of a coverup trial to execute a fourteen year old girl via Birdcage, simply because her power forced her to be a cannibal, was a bit of a shock to the system. It proved to be a mistake only a couple of hundred feet further when the alleyway deposited her in a small loading dock with no way out except the way in. An obscenely high level one. Peering around the side of the large metal container she could see in the flickering light given off by a single lamp mounted high on the wall three men, all looking very rough and scruffy, walk slowly into the yard and glance around. What the hell is that? he muttered to himself. Holy shit, she mumbled in shock. It takes its toll, constant abuse and psychological warfare like that. "oops I was practicing and accidentally managed to only destroy a little box and not everyone on the island with my laser beam. Ill interview her myself next, I think. I hope it finds its audience! She Triggers, with the power to copy other powers. Silent is the fastest updating Worm Fanfic currently known. She hurled herself forwards. Yep. Emotions are mostly in the endocrine system and thats a piece of cake to manipulate. Well, until the S9 made a pit stop in Brockton Bay anyway, in the latest chapter. On. Does the name Taylor Hebert ring any bells? Assault asked with a certain amount of malicious amusement in his voice. She saw Assault, minus his mask, glaring at her. Youre certain of parahuman involvement in the fire? Yes, that much I am sure of. Luckily, her power gives her the ability to free herself. Now what do you think the equivalent number is for insect neurons? She cocked her head as she asked the question. Whoever did this work is brilliant. Thanks again, Hive commented, sounding like she would be grinning given a more human face. The few times she did fight back, she was the one punished as no one believed her over her tormentors, who were well connected for various reasons. There was nowhere to hide, and nothing that provided any escape. Whether it was a vicious prank that went too far or a deliberate attempt at murder I have no idea so far. Hilarity ensues. Lowered because of it being restricted to arthropods but even so, its global and absolute. She was fitting facts to the story we wanted to hear, not the one she was going to tell. As a demigod, your true class will be hidden from all, lest the powers that be seek you out before you are ready. She noticed Assault looking at her and transferred her worried gaze to him. What rains you bring Another Diebuster cross, but less escalation, incomplete IIRC. Ill do what I can to help with Endbringers, not that at the moment thats very much except dogpiling them with a hell of a lot of attack drones, which may or may not do anything useful, and I may intervene if I see a crime that needs dealing with. Which makes it murder, of course. On top of a major arson case, all of it firmly in our purview, the rather obese woman sighed. Beautiful, is she? In a way, Amy laughed. No doubt at all. It would have been fairly quick, I believe, he added after a moment. And worried him more than a little, despite his conclusions from a while back. Kratos, is like, a guy with powers who's really good at killing people. Energy generation ex nihilo sounds a lot like the [SOLUTION] though. Dismissed. Director. He nodded one last time to her then left the office, closing the door quietly behind himself. He looked up from the screen and around the room. The man who pulled the pin died a few hours later from a bad case of bullet to the brain, so it's not even possible to prosecute him. He opened his mouth, not himself sure what he was going to say to that. Colin, I think its an AI. Pretender fits, in that Taylor is powered by worship, though she's not as powerful as many of the other fics recced already. The beginnings of a story I started around mid-2015 in the Worm setting, but semi-abandoned when I started Taylor Varga. Although Taylor sandbags harder than all of The Endbringers combined, occasionally, she does show her true power. The footsteps slowed from a run to a walk. The first couple of decades were very bad. Hear what? another one asked irritably, poking a pile of cardboard boxes with the end of his bat. Eventually she moved, shaking her head slowly while still looking at her sister. But for Taylor, it was bad. She resumed watching the performing wasps, which now numbered about a dozen, forming ever more elaborate patterns in the air. A real AI isnt automatically a threat, you know, despite what the movies would have you believe. That may be so but even if not we need to look into it, he retorted, reaching over to turn off the microscope, then pick up his helmet. Exactly. Muse is horrible so here is a dumping ground for whatever snippets it throws at me when i'm trying to write my ongoing fics. Well, when my abilities did what they did, I kind of overwrote a lot of normal insect behavior. She stung them. There was a pause. The sole survivor of the Hebert family sat in his chair for another ten minutes, before he quietly got up, retrieved the pistol, carefully unloaded it and locked it in his desk, then went downstairs and out the door of the Dockworkers Association building, locking it behind him. It was, at first, she said with a sigh. Hearing a slap she looked over her shoulder to see Alec rubbing his neck with an annoyed expression. Spill it. You see, once upon a time there was a girl, she grew up over that way somewhere, she began, waving one arm vaguely towards the Docks area in general. But she hasnt gotten high on her power and is still figuring out her limits. After a moment she chuckled a little but said nothing else. Good god, he mumbled, shocked. The moral, the strong, the pure, and the hedonists. Do I look human? she asked rhetorically, waving one of her hands at herself, one that wasn't resting on the air conditioner. I only got back today, you see, she added, and I thought I'd come here first. Turning, she grabbed both her sister's shoulders. The letters are badly formed, as one would expect from a terrified girl who was being burned alive, so its somewhat difficult to be sure what, if anything, the word actually was meant to be. 10 is probably a minimum. Sophia stared at him, then looked around at the others. If she was truthful about her abilities, I think we need to add a Tinker rating as well, Armsmaster commented somewhat reluctantly. About what? The internet. She sighed. This body is a construct I designed for human interaction. She looked around. Three gangs and a government walk into a city.They each try to rule, and get forced into a stalemate.Everyone knows whats going on, but everyone pretends theyre winning. Let her rest in peace. She turned up out of nowhere and stopped them. Everyone stared at her. You will be proof from the tapestry of fate that is laid over all of creation. Only those dumpsters left, the machete-wielding assailant announced. Which is the fact that, for the last six weeks, there have been no new cases of malaria diagnosed. In her panic and pain her abilities reached out and found all those tiny little brains and nervous systems accessible, linking them together into one connected web. After a few seconds, she held up her upper right hand, the superhero beside her watching with interest as a wasp appeared from nowhere and landed on the extended first finger. Has a bit of power wank, but most of the conflict so far is people not having figured out Taylors stronger than they are. She reappeared, fading into view more slowly as the effect was gradually turned off. Really efficiently, no fight or anything. What did she do? Vicky now looked fascinated. And when Dragon revealed that the best, if not only way to save her, was adoption, well She would just have to learn how to be a good mother, wouldn't she? And she remembers you all right. Her complexion went an unpleasant brown-gray color. With four arms?' She began a dive for the door, only to feel a sudden pinprick on the back of her left hand. No family left. I turned off most of my emotions a long time ago, they just caused problems. Here! There was abruptly a face smirking at her from ten feet away. The muggers that Hive dealt with, she explained carefully. Did anyone else notice the Home Alone reference in Crystals section? No. he was talking to seemed to have a sense of humor that resonated with his own. Only the one, really, but she was a good one. OK, he replied. Theogony by Darth Marrs on Fanficion.net is pretty much this Y'know, I think we have a vocabulary problem. Basically everywhere. What sort of activity? Colin watched as she looked momentarily uncertain, not a common occurrence. Firebird Taylor becomes the Phoenix from Marvel, incomplete. Resolving to exercise more if she survived the next few hours, she pelted down the narrow alleyway hearing the several sets of footsteps behind her hesitate, then follow where shed turned off the main road. Dawn of Worm Taylor is a Primarch from an AU version of Warhammer 40k, complete. Does show her true power a vicious streak that we dont seem recognize. 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