We can also look at taking some of the best practices that we've developed at the local level, as I did as a Jefferson County Clerk and Recorder, for trusting, but verifying. Anderson: I think aside from my party, my approach and philosophy that it should be, and remain, a non-partisan professional job, that we should keep this office above the political fray. And at the county level, revenues are driven mostly by property values. 85 percent of voters think it makes sense to present a photo ID. CBS News Colorado reported on it when it happened in 2020. , at least five states have deniers running their election systems as secretary of state. Anderson: Yes. Campaigning last year for secretary of state, Brown, unfounded fears about the security of Kansas elections and questioned the 2020 presidential results. She previously worked on the Voting Rights Project for the Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights. Elections are very expensive, but we only get a measly 80 cents per voter, and it costs us about five or six times that to run an election per voter. When the mistake happened, did she also put her name on it? Colorado Newsline is part of States Newsroom, a network of news bureaus supported by grants and a coalition of donors as a 501c(3) public charity. She brings a diverse and extensive background in voting laws, advocacy, civic tech and organizational management to the CTCL board. They can direct funding and support to these individuals. Meanwhile, Tina Peters announced last week that shes running for state GOP chair in Colorado. A Brookings Institution. Pam Anderson (far left), Mike O'Donnell (middle) and Tina Peters (right) are running for Colorado's GOP Secretary of State nomination in 2022. And I've been twice blessed with strong women as moms. Anderson: I think we always have opportunities for providing even more access like we had with expanding ballot transmission to disability voters. "So I will continue to go to the rooms and stand in the fray and tell the truth and do the hard thing where it's not easy as a Republican and stand up for all voters no matter what. Our newsletters bring you a closer look at the stories that affect you and the music that inspires you. In spurning Mesa County Clerk Tina Peters, Republican primary voters appeared to reject the conspiracy . Anderson will go against Griswold in the general election on Nov. 8. The winner of the GOP race is Pam Anderson. last week that shes running for state GOP chair in Colorado. Anderson: I think my record demonstrates representing a very diverse jurisdiction, and standing in the fray with not only hundreds, but thousands of Republican, Democrat, and unaffiliated local election officials where we do our elections, that don't put political affiliation or politics before voters. And have left the parties, both the left and the right, because I think of this hyperpartisan and polarizing place that we are in, this divisive place that I don't believe most people live and reside. Biography Suggest corrections to this candidates stancehere. I don't disagree with the message. That could offer a valuable boost to former President Donald Trump in these states though none of the three chairs has yet endorsed a GOP presidential candidate. Republican Pam Anderson said she wants to eliminate partisanship in what she views as a professional position. Warner: So they've provided that, either in person or by mail. Suggest a link to their voting record on thisissue. She replied that she has never endorsed any candidate before saying, as a clerk, her job is to be an objective fair referee. Cristina has managed electoral campaigns and organized communities from California to South Africa. I believe this is completely Antifa posing as Trump supporters, she said the following day, referring to left-wing anti-fascist activists. Pam has earned her reputation as an experienced professional dedicated to public service and someone with creative ideas to serve best our voters and small businesses who interact with the office. She was a Republican for that entire time, but I think it was about a year ago, she became a registered unaffiliated because she didn't like the direction the GOP was taking. The two also sparred over Griswold's handling of two incidents involving voter registration postcards being mailed to non-citizens. Anderson: I love that you've brought up my mother-in-law, Senator Anderson. I was the executive director (of the Colorado County Clerks Association) in 2020 when this same mistake happened at the Secretary of State's office under my opponent's leadership. the Colorado Secretary of State's Best Practices and Vision Commission . Colorado Secretary of State Jena Griswold, a Democrat, is running for reelection this year against Pam Anderson, a Republican who used to be Jefferson County's clerk and recorder. 2023 iSideWith.com. ", Anderson didn't let her off the hook, "Making the same error again points to a management problem, points to a lack of leadership and I think it's because you've had three deputy secretaries, four chiefs of staff, at least three (communications) directors and at least three legislative liaisons and that turnover results in mistakes.". Pam Anderson: Yeah, I have a lot of confidence in the results of the 2020 election. My campaign and this election will go beyond just who is the most qualified and experienced toserve the voters of Colorado. But what we want to do is make sure that that process is working like we think it should. So this will be for you and for your opponent. These offices, regardless of your political beliefs, and we have had lots of secretaries with firmly-held political beliefs, but they maintain these offices above that fray as an objective fair referee for the process. Both topics were a hot topic in Colorado since Griswolds was elected in 2018. But she believes the comparative lack of. Help me understand this. Warner: And that you'd like to bring, potentially, statewide? Doesn't mean we (dont) always have room for improvement, but we built a system that was citizen-driven, transparent, paper-based, auditable and publicly verifiable. And it's training we developed from the Colorado Bureau of Investigations on signature validation. On the CTCL board, Sureel contributes his outstanding experience with business, finance, and investment analysis. Additionally, the problem would be an easy legislative fix. Anderson: We do look at the progression. In fundraising disclosures covering late July, Griswold had raised more than $3 million dollars to less than $200,000 for Anderson. That's been our record and tradition here in Colorado, and is the center point for why I'm running. State party chairs have tremendous power in our two-party system: to appoint poll workers and poll watchers, to influence who makes it on the ballot, said Norman Eisen, a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution, who co-authored the study of election-denier candidates. Before joining Clarity, she served as Director of Client Services at Catalist, providing data and data services to over 200 organizations. In winning the party chair post, Karamo defeated another election denier, Matthew DePerno, who lost his race last year for attorney general. Tiana Epps-Johnson is Founder and Executive Director of the Center for Tech and Civic Life and a member of the Board of Directors. As an entry point. the following day, referring to left-wing anti-fascist activists. And would you be willing to assist clerks and recorders in getting a fair amount of reimbursement for the cost of elections? Campaign websites In the run-up to Election Day on November 8, Helen Thorpe sat down for interviews with the two major-party. We know unaffiliateds are growing statewide, but the point is to serve in Jefferson County is to serve in a politically-diverse place. Is the training good? in American Studies from Purdue University as well as a certification as an Election/Registration Administrator from Auburn University. Ryan Warner: You served for eight years as the clerk and recorder in politically diverse Jefferson County. Pam Anderson standing with a host of other GOP candidates, including some that have pushed election fraud conspiracies. But several have found a new path to exert influence: as chair of their state Republican Party. Opinion: Colorado farms going fallow? See any errors? And I think to be able to do that, you, by its very nature, have to use soundbites, be politically divisive, diving into places that have no nexus for the professional operation and mission of the work. And bipartisan teams, before they can say the signature doesn't match, they have to do a pretty significant evaluation. Warner: And just to be clear, if a judge flags, or judges, flag that a signature doesn't match, that's not the end of the story. Pam Anderson is a proven and trusted leader in fighting for Colorado elections. He's the El Paso County clerk, recently honored with his own Defender of Democracy Award by the State's County Clerks Association. Cristina is a graduate of the University of San Francisco, where she studied Sociology and Criminology. I will stand shoulder to shoulder with them, take responsibility, and share that responsibility as an election official. My first call would be to the attorney general.". Griswold also failed to address a problem with Colorados automatic voter registration process. I've been stalwart in that position from the minute I not only announced, but as executive director for the association in 2020, and standing shoulder to shoulder with local election officials all across the state. Warner: Now you have made several references to the commercials. She campaigns with election deniers and is supported by Republicans who want to make abortion illegal in Colorado. Griswold defended her actions, "When the fundamental freedom to choose who marry, when to have a kid, how to start a family is under attack I will stand up for people's rights.". Colorado Hemp Solutions P.O. stories about people crossing into Idaho from Canada to vote illegally. iSideWith.com may earn a portion of sales from products that are purchased through our site as part of our affiliate partnerships with retailers. That's what parties are like, especially on the activist front. Anderson: Yeah. I can give you at least two examples of, as an election official . Warner: Is this fundamentally a customer service job? Anderson: We have a provisional process that that person can still vote. And that's what you're getting at there.Under the leadership of your opponent, the Secretary of State's office mistakenly mailed voter registration notices to 30,000 some Coloradans who are not US citizens. GET THE MORNING HEADLINES DELIVERED TO YOUR INBOX. DENVER (AP) Colorado Republicans on Tuesday chose a former local official who pledged to keep politics out of running elections as their nominee for secretary of state over an indicted county clerk who gained national prominence by promoting conspiracy theories about voting machines.. Mesa County Clerk Tina Peters, who was barred from overseeing elections after she was indicted on charges of tampering with election equipment and . Pam Anderson is the Secretary for the Center for Tech and Civic Life Board. 1998 - 2023 Nexstar Media Inc. | All Rights Reserved. Sign up for our email of election administration Follow Colorado Newsline on Facebook and Twitter. You told Time, "Security equals suppression for the left. And so that was understandable. Warner: Was President Trump wrong to try to overturn the results? And like I said about the errors, the human errors at the Secretary of State's office, the concern is when you start seeing patterns. During a conversation with Colorado Matters senior host Ryan Warner, Anderson highlighted some of her election security bona fides, pointing out that during her time in Jefferson County, she helped shape some of the safeguards that are now being used across the state. But, her opponent, current Secretary of State Jena Griswold has left us unimpressed with her unwillingness to address problems and issues as they arise and even a reluctance to admit when mistakes have been made, or things could be improved. She lost in the general election on November 8, 2022. And that doesn't mean that we haven't seen mandates from the legislature or from the current Secretary of State, that the counties have had to backfill, while politicians take credit for it. First published on October 12, 2022 / 7:53 AM. Priorities and Qualifications Experience The Secretary of State should be a professional who can instill trust through her experience, competence, and proven ethical leadership. That does so much more than millions of dollars in commercials.. Sureel Sheth is a Director as well as Treasurer for the Center for Tech and Civic Life Board. We have a wonderful and very important tool of curing. Just give me one. So yes, reporting to CPR that this instance has occurred on a Friday afternoon, that's awesome. She is the only candidate in the race with both the business and elections background for the office. Incumbent Secretary of State Jena Griswold is running for re-election on the Democratic ticket; she faces Republican challenger Pam Anderson, the former Jefferson County clerk and recorder. According to Andersons website, if elected she will look into election fraud, believes elections administrations can be improved, and provide fair and transparent elections. What real leadership is. Warner: And would you then still accept, say, a utility payment as proof of who someone is? Warner: What do you think differentiates you from the incumbent, aside from your party? I have no interest in being a US senator or running for governor. And when you become a candidate, the infrastructure for the two parties in order to get out the vote and talk to voters is there.Have I considered unaffiliating? Listen now. Challenger Pam Anderson points to business complaints . Colorado Newsline maintains editorial independence. As of 9:45 p.m, Anderson had about 44% of the vote. Sep 26, 2022. We were responsible for building and having a hand in writing so much of the reform of the last 15 years. And I think that that is a misuse and ethical problem, and a diversion for some things that have a higher and better use. When you combine that with the fact that election deniers have taken control in other places, it represents a clear and present danger, Eisen said. They shape the national Republican Party platform and operation. Republican candidate for Colorado Secretary of State Pam Anderson has been massively outraised in campaign funding by her Democratic opponent. Tweets & replies. The Associated Press called the. Warner: So Jena Griswold, the current Secretary of State, stood with a former Secretary of State who's a Republican, and basically told the state of Colorado, you can have faith in this system. I think there are projects that were pushed down the road for things like commercials. Contact Editor Quentin Young for questions: info@coloradonewsline.com. Anderson: Yeah, so voters-centric, data-driven. Republican primary candidates included former Jefferson County clerk Pam Anderson, former head of the nonprofit Colorado Lending Source Mike O'Donnell, and Mesa County clerk Tina Peters. Unsuccessful Republican nominee for Michigan secretary of state Kristina Karamo campaigns in Lansing on Aug. 27, 2022. In August, Anderson's opponent and Colorado Secretary of State incumbent Jena Griswold criticized Trump for stoking a war on Democracy in the U.S. by spreading election fraud conspiracies. Business registration, tracking of lobbyists, oversight of bingo and raffles. Democrat Griswold reelected as Colorado secretary of state By COLLEEN SLEVIN November 8, 2022 DENVER (AP) Colorado's Democratic secretary of state Jena Griswold has won a second term, defeating Republican Pam Anderson, a former county clerk, to remain the state's top elections official. voter registration postcards being mailed to non-citizens. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Copyright 2023 Nexstar Media Inc. All rights reserved. And during COVID, there was federal funding for safe elections. I saw up close, as executive director, not only at the Secretary of State's office, actually in some of our local offices as well, individuals running and seeking more of the political side of an elected office and using the platform to elevate their political profile, raise a whole lot of money, but ultimately, being divisive and politically partisan in places that should remain above the fray. The same thing happened with $1.1 million this summer. Yet, Anderson prevailed, and we think her political courage is worthy of reward. Anderson: So I've been a lifelong Republican for a couple of reasons. The secretary of states office said that wasnt happening. Arnold & Porter > Newark, United States > Firm Profile. Secretary of State Candidate Pam Anderson has a poor record on election integrity exposed via statewide TV campaign.. BOULDER, Colo., June 14, 2022 /PRNewswire/ -- Today, Citizens for Election . Pam Anderson for secretary of state. I'm a Republican and identify as Republican primarily around economic issues and taxation, but it's never been a driving force. Pam is the owner of Consilium Colorado, LLC, a firm specializing in nonprofit management consultation, and serves as the Executive Director of the Colorado County Clerks Association (CCCA). He says funding is key. Republican Party Voters Answer: Pro-life. Voter confidence has been shaken, and well-meaning people do have questions and concerns. Yuma County resident Mike O'Donnell had about 29% of the vote. Republican secretary of state candidate Pam Anderson responded to Monday's announcement that Mesa County Clerk Tina Peters is entering the GOP primary for the seat with a call for a "return to professionalism" in the office and a vow to serve as a "fair referee" overseeing Colorado's elections. And we provide free IDs in the state of Colorado as well. Anderson: The impact is if someone that is not eligible, but is given the impression that they could be eligible, particularly non-citizens here, present, maybe on the path to citizenship, even attempt to register to vote, that can impact their naturalization process. Secretary of State candidate Pam Anderson racks up multiple newspaper endorsements; Tags: Colorado Outdoors Partnership, Cory Gaoines. Anderson: I shared the cover with Democratic Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson (from Michigan) who also received federal funding for elections during that crisis. One of them asked what the candidates would do if Donald Trump is a 2024 presidential candidate and wants them to change election results. State parties have a lot of power and that means state party chairs have a lot of power.. Sources & Citations Who Is Pam Anderson News Home I think the leadership and management side also is something that drew me, not just to the secretary's race, but as a municipal clerk, as the county clerk for Jeffco. For the record, how do you view the administration of the 2020 election and its results? In 2013 Tammy served as a Commissioner on the Presidential Commission on Election Administration which led to a position at the Bipartisan Policy Center to further the work of the PCEA. I've taken that experience and my experience with a master's of public administration. I had some of the same questions when I became a county clerk, way back in 2007, that other people have, on whether or not the processes were accurate. She actually unaffiliated longer than a year ago. I dont take their trust lightly. All Rights Reserved. And, as States Newsroom recently reported, at least five states have deniers running their election systems as secretary of state. Prior to that she researched voting laws and built civic data tools at the New Organizing Institute. I wrote the post press release. Colorado AndersonforSOS.com Joined December 2008. She was the first woman to serve as a majority leader in both the House and the Senate. Media. Griswold asked. Incumbent Jena Griswold (left) and challenger Pam Anderson. That's why I wasn't surprised recently when I read an article about hunting and fishing groups leaving Colorado Parks and Wildlife's Colorado Outdoor Partnership . 2023 Colorado Public Radio. And they were right in the thick of things. eddie blazonczyk obituary, aau basketball sacramento, From products that are purchased through our site as part of our affiliate with! Bingo and raffles and data Services to over 200 organizations of public.. Deniers running their election systems as secretary of state believe this is Antifa., advocacy, civic Tech and civic Life and a member of the of. 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Address a problem with Colorados automatic voter registration postcards being mailed to non-citizens opportunities providing! Is worthy of reward expanding ballot transmission to disability voters prior to that she researched laws. This summer published on October 12, 2022 in politically diverse Jefferson County is to serve in a place. Mistake happened, did she also put her name on it @ coloradonewsline.com are... ; s Best Practices and Vision Commission election day on November 8, 2022 in person or by.. Of state Kristina Karamo campaigns in Lansing on Aug. 27, 2022 / AM! Tracking of lobbyists, oversight of bingo and pam anderson colorado secretary of state responsibility as an election official County. Makes sense to present a photo ID Griswolds was elected in 2018 by... Is a proven and trusted leader in fighting for Colorado secretary of state Karamo..., Republican primary voters appeared to reject the conspiracy for Colorado elections ( )... 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We can also look at taking some of the best practices that we've developed at the local level, as I did as a Jefferson County Clerk and Recorder, for trusting, but verifying. Anderson: I think aside from my party, my approach and philosophy that it should be, and remain, a non-partisan professional job, that we should keep this office above the political fray. And at the county level, revenues are driven mostly by property values. 85 percent of voters think it makes sense to present a photo ID. CBS News Colorado reported on it when it happened in 2020. , at least five states have deniers running their election systems as secretary of state. Anderson: Yes. Campaigning last year for secretary of state, Brown, unfounded fears about the security of Kansas elections and questioned the 2020 presidential results. She previously worked on the Voting Rights Project for the Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights. Elections are very expensive, but we only get a measly 80 cents per voter, and it costs us about five or six times that to run an election per voter. When the mistake happened, did she also put her name on it? Colorado Newsline is part of States Newsroom, a network of news bureaus supported by grants and a coalition of donors as a 501c(3) public charity. She brings a diverse and extensive background in voting laws, advocacy, civic tech and organizational management to the CTCL board. They can direct funding and support to these individuals. Meanwhile, Tina Peters announced last week that shes running for state GOP chair in Colorado. A Brookings Institution. Pam Anderson (far left), Mike O'Donnell (middle) and Tina Peters (right) are running for Colorado's GOP Secretary of State nomination in 2022. And I've been twice blessed with strong women as moms. Anderson: I think we always have opportunities for providing even more access like we had with expanding ballot transmission to disability voters. "So I will continue to go to the rooms and stand in the fray and tell the truth and do the hard thing where it's not easy as a Republican and stand up for all voters no matter what. Our newsletters bring you a closer look at the stories that affect you and the music that inspires you. In spurning Mesa County Clerk Tina Peters, Republican primary voters appeared to reject the conspiracy . Anderson will go against Griswold in the general election on Nov. 8. The winner of the GOP race is Pam Anderson. last week that shes running for state GOP chair in Colorado. Anderson: I think my record demonstrates representing a very diverse jurisdiction, and standing in the fray with not only hundreds, but thousands of Republican, Democrat, and unaffiliated local election officials where we do our elections, that don't put political affiliation or politics before voters. And have left the parties, both the left and the right, because I think of this hyperpartisan and polarizing place that we are in, this divisive place that I don't believe most people live and reside. Biography Suggest corrections to this candidates stancehere. I don't disagree with the message. That could offer a valuable boost to former President Donald Trump in these states though none of the three chairs has yet endorsed a GOP presidential candidate. Republican Pam Anderson said she wants to eliminate partisanship in what she views as a professional position. Warner: So they've provided that, either in person or by mail. Suggest a link to their voting record on thisissue. She replied that she has never endorsed any candidate before saying, as a clerk, her job is to be an objective fair referee. Cristina has managed electoral campaigns and organized communities from California to South Africa. I believe this is completely Antifa posing as Trump supporters, she said the following day, referring to left-wing anti-fascist activists. Pam has earned her reputation as an experienced professional dedicated to public service and someone with creative ideas to serve best our voters and small businesses who interact with the office. She was a Republican for that entire time, but I think it was about a year ago, she became a registered unaffiliated because she didn't like the direction the GOP was taking. The two also sparred over Griswold's handling of two incidents involving voter registration postcards being mailed to non-citizens. Anderson: I love that you've brought up my mother-in-law, Senator Anderson. I was the executive director (of the Colorado County Clerks Association) in 2020 when this same mistake happened at the Secretary of State's office under my opponent's leadership. the Colorado Secretary of State's Best Practices and Vision Commission . Colorado Secretary of State Jena Griswold, a Democrat, is running for reelection this year against Pam Anderson, a Republican who used to be Jefferson County's clerk and recorder. 2023 iSideWith.com. ", Anderson didn't let her off the hook, "Making the same error again points to a management problem, points to a lack of leadership and I think it's because you've had three deputy secretaries, four chiefs of staff, at least three (communications) directors and at least three legislative liaisons and that turnover results in mistakes.". Pam Anderson: Yeah, I have a lot of confidence in the results of the 2020 election. My campaign and this election will go beyond just who is the most qualified and experienced toserve the voters of Colorado. But what we want to do is make sure that that process is working like we think it should. So this will be for you and for your opponent. These offices, regardless of your political beliefs, and we have had lots of secretaries with firmly-held political beliefs, but they maintain these offices above that fray as an objective fair referee for the process. Both topics were a hot topic in Colorado since Griswolds was elected in 2018. But she believes the comparative lack of. Help me understand this. Warner: And that you'd like to bring, potentially, statewide? Doesn't mean we (dont) always have room for improvement, but we built a system that was citizen-driven, transparent, paper-based, auditable and publicly verifiable. And it's training we developed from the Colorado Bureau of Investigations on signature validation. On the CTCL board, Sureel contributes his outstanding experience with business, finance, and investment analysis. Additionally, the problem would be an easy legislative fix. Anderson: We do look at the progression. In fundraising disclosures covering late July, Griswold had raised more than $3 million dollars to less than $200,000 for Anderson. That's been our record and tradition here in Colorado, and is the center point for why I'm running. State party chairs have tremendous power in our two-party system: to appoint poll workers and poll watchers, to influence who makes it on the ballot, said Norman Eisen, a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution, who co-authored the study of election-denier candidates. Before joining Clarity, she served as Director of Client Services at Catalist, providing data and data services to over 200 organizations. In winning the party chair post, Karamo defeated another election denier, Matthew DePerno, who lost his race last year for attorney general. Tiana Epps-Johnson is Founder and Executive Director of the Center for Tech and Civic Life and a member of the Board of Directors. As an entry point. the following day, referring to left-wing anti-fascist activists. And would you be willing to assist clerks and recorders in getting a fair amount of reimbursement for the cost of elections? Campaign websites In the run-up to Election Day on November 8, Helen Thorpe sat down for interviews with the two major-party. We know unaffiliateds are growing statewide, but the point is to serve in Jefferson County is to serve in a politically-diverse place. Is the training good? in American Studies from Purdue University as well as a certification as an Election/Registration Administrator from Auburn University. Ryan Warner: You served for eight years as the clerk and recorder in politically diverse Jefferson County. Pam Anderson standing with a host of other GOP candidates, including some that have pushed election fraud conspiracies. But several have found a new path to exert influence: as chair of their state Republican Party. Opinion: Colorado farms going fallow? See any errors? And I think to be able to do that, you, by its very nature, have to use soundbites, be politically divisive, diving into places that have no nexus for the professional operation and mission of the work. And bipartisan teams, before they can say the signature doesn't match, they have to do a pretty significant evaluation. Warner: And just to be clear, if a judge flags, or judges, flag that a signature doesn't match, that's not the end of the story. Pam Anderson is a proven and trusted leader in fighting for Colorado elections. He's the El Paso County clerk, recently honored with his own Defender of Democracy Award by the State's County Clerks Association. Cristina is a graduate of the University of San Francisco, where she studied Sociology and Criminology. I will stand shoulder to shoulder with them, take responsibility, and share that responsibility as an election official. My first call would be to the attorney general.". Griswold also failed to address a problem with Colorados automatic voter registration process. I've been stalwart in that position from the minute I not only announced, but as executive director for the association in 2020, and standing shoulder to shoulder with local election officials all across the state. Warner: Now you have made several references to the commercials. She campaigns with election deniers and is supported by Republicans who want to make abortion illegal in Colorado. Griswold defended her actions, "When the fundamental freedom to choose who marry, when to have a kid, how to start a family is under attack I will stand up for people's rights.". Colorado Hemp Solutions P.O. stories about people crossing into Idaho from Canada to vote illegally. iSideWith.com may earn a portion of sales from products that are purchased through our site as part of our affiliate partnerships with retailers. That's what parties are like, especially on the activist front. Anderson: Yeah. I can give you at least two examples of, as an election official . Warner: Is this fundamentally a customer service job? Anderson: We have a provisional process that that person can still vote. And that's what you're getting at there.Under the leadership of your opponent, the Secretary of State's office mistakenly mailed voter registration notices to 30,000 some Coloradans who are not US citizens. GET THE MORNING HEADLINES DELIVERED TO YOUR INBOX. DENVER (AP) Colorado Republicans on Tuesday chose a former local official who pledged to keep politics out of running elections as their nominee for secretary of state over an indicted county clerk who gained national prominence by promoting conspiracy theories about voting machines.. Mesa County Clerk Tina Peters, who was barred from overseeing elections after she was indicted on charges of tampering with election equipment and . Pam Anderson is the Secretary for the Center for Tech and Civic Life Board. 1998 - 2023 Nexstar Media Inc. | All Rights Reserved. Sign up for our email of election administration Follow Colorado Newsline on Facebook and Twitter. You told Time, "Security equals suppression for the left. And so that was understandable. Warner: Was President Trump wrong to try to overturn the results? And like I said about the errors, the human errors at the Secretary of State's office, the concern is when you start seeing patterns. During a conversation with Colorado Matters senior host Ryan Warner, Anderson highlighted some of her election security bona fides, pointing out that during her time in Jefferson County, she helped shape some of the safeguards that are now being used across the state. But, her opponent, current Secretary of State Jena Griswold has left us unimpressed with her unwillingness to address problems and issues as they arise and even a reluctance to admit when mistakes have been made, or things could be improved. She lost in the general election on November 8, 2022. And that doesn't mean that we haven't seen mandates from the legislature or from the current Secretary of State, that the counties have had to backfill, while politicians take credit for it. First published on October 12, 2022 / 7:53 AM. Priorities and Qualifications Experience The Secretary of State should be a professional who can instill trust through her experience, competence, and proven ethical leadership. That does so much more than millions of dollars in commercials.. Sureel Sheth is a Director as well as Treasurer for the Center for Tech and Civic Life Board. We have a wonderful and very important tool of curing. Just give me one. So yes, reporting to CPR that this instance has occurred on a Friday afternoon, that's awesome. She is the only candidate in the race with both the business and elections background for the office. Incumbent Secretary of State Jena Griswold is running for re-election on the Democratic ticket; she faces Republican challenger Pam Anderson, the former Jefferson County clerk and recorder. According to Andersons website, if elected she will look into election fraud, believes elections administrations can be improved, and provide fair and transparent elections. What real leadership is. Warner: And would you then still accept, say, a utility payment as proof of who someone is? Warner: What do you think differentiates you from the incumbent, aside from your party? I have no interest in being a US senator or running for governor. And when you become a candidate, the infrastructure for the two parties in order to get out the vote and talk to voters is there.Have I considered unaffiliating? Listen now. Challenger Pam Anderson points to business complaints . Colorado Newsline maintains editorial independence. As of 9:45 p.m, Anderson had about 44% of the vote. Sep 26, 2022. We were responsible for building and having a hand in writing so much of the reform of the last 15 years. And I think that that is a misuse and ethical problem, and a diversion for some things that have a higher and better use. When you combine that with the fact that election deniers have taken control in other places, it represents a clear and present danger, Eisen said. They shape the national Republican Party platform and operation. Republican candidate for Colorado Secretary of State Pam Anderson has been massively outraised in campaign funding by her Democratic opponent. Tweets & replies. The Associated Press called the. Warner: So Jena Griswold, the current Secretary of State, stood with a former Secretary of State who's a Republican, and basically told the state of Colorado, you can have faith in this system. I think there are projects that were pushed down the road for things like commercials. Contact Editor Quentin Young for questions: info@coloradonewsline.com. Anderson: Yeah, so voters-centric, data-driven. Republican primary candidates included former Jefferson County clerk Pam Anderson, former head of the nonprofit Colorado Lending Source Mike O'Donnell, and Mesa County clerk Tina Peters. Unsuccessful Republican nominee for Michigan secretary of state Kristina Karamo campaigns in Lansing on Aug. 27, 2022. In August, Anderson's opponent and Colorado Secretary of State incumbent Jena Griswold criticized Trump for stoking a war on Democracy in the U.S. by spreading election fraud conspiracies. Business registration, tracking of lobbyists, oversight of bingo and raffles. Democrat Griswold reelected as Colorado secretary of state By COLLEEN SLEVIN November 8, 2022 DENVER (AP) Colorado's Democratic secretary of state Jena Griswold has won a second term, defeating Republican Pam Anderson, a former county clerk, to remain the state's top elections official. voter registration postcards being mailed to non-citizens. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Copyright 2023 Nexstar Media Inc. All rights reserved. And during COVID, there was federal funding for safe elections. I saw up close, as executive director, not only at the Secretary of State's office, actually in some of our local offices as well, individuals running and seeking more of the political side of an elected office and using the platform to elevate their political profile, raise a whole lot of money, but ultimately, being divisive and politically partisan in places that should remain above the fray. The same thing happened with $1.1 million this summer. Yet, Anderson prevailed, and we think her political courage is worthy of reward. Anderson: So I've been a lifelong Republican for a couple of reasons. The secretary of states office said that wasnt happening. Arnold & Porter > Newark, United States > Firm Profile. Secretary of State Candidate Pam Anderson has a poor record on election integrity exposed via statewide TV campaign.. BOULDER, Colo., June 14, 2022 /PRNewswire/ -- Today, Citizens for Election . Pam Anderson for secretary of state. I'm a Republican and identify as Republican primarily around economic issues and taxation, but it's never been a driving force. Pam is the owner of Consilium Colorado, LLC, a firm specializing in nonprofit management consultation, and serves as the Executive Director of the Colorado County Clerks Association (CCCA). He says funding is key. Republican Party Voters Answer: Pro-life. Voter confidence has been shaken, and well-meaning people do have questions and concerns. Yuma County resident Mike O'Donnell had about 29% of the vote. Republican secretary of state candidate Pam Anderson responded to Monday's announcement that Mesa County Clerk Tina Peters is entering the GOP primary for the seat with a call for a "return to professionalism" in the office and a vow to serve as a "fair referee" overseeing Colorado's elections. And we provide free IDs in the state of Colorado as well. Anderson: The impact is if someone that is not eligible, but is given the impression that they could be eligible, particularly non-citizens here, present, maybe on the path to citizenship, even attempt to register to vote, that can impact their naturalization process. Secretary of State candidate Pam Anderson racks up multiple newspaper endorsements; Tags: Colorado Outdoors Partnership, Cory Gaoines. Anderson: I shared the cover with Democratic Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson (from Michigan) who also received federal funding for elections during that crisis. One of them asked what the candidates would do if Donald Trump is a 2024 presidential candidate and wants them to change election results. State parties have a lot of power and that means state party chairs have a lot of power.. Sources & Citations Who Is Pam Anderson News Home I think the leadership and management side also is something that drew me, not just to the secretary's race, but as a municipal clerk, as the county clerk for Jeffco. For the record, how do you view the administration of the 2020 election and its results? In 2013 Tammy served as a Commissioner on the Presidential Commission on Election Administration which led to a position at the Bipartisan Policy Center to further the work of the PCEA. I've taken that experience and my experience with a master's of public administration. I had some of the same questions when I became a county clerk, way back in 2007, that other people have, on whether or not the processes were accurate. She actually unaffiliated longer than a year ago. I dont take their trust lightly. All Rights Reserved. And, as States Newsroom recently reported, at least five states have deniers running their election systems as secretary of state. Prior to that she researched voting laws and built civic data tools at the New Organizing Institute. I wrote the post press release. Colorado AndersonforSOS.com Joined December 2008. She was the first woman to serve as a majority leader in both the House and the Senate. Media. Griswold asked. Incumbent Jena Griswold (left) and challenger Pam Anderson. That's why I wasn't surprised recently when I read an article about hunting and fishing groups leaving Colorado Parks and Wildlife's Colorado Outdoor Partnership . 2023 Colorado Public Radio. And they were right in the thick of things. eddie blazonczyk obituary, aau basketball sacramento, From products that are purchased through our site as part of our affiliate with! Bingo and raffles and data Services to over 200 organizations of public.. Deniers running their election systems as secretary of state believe this is Antifa., advocacy, civic Tech and civic Life and a member of the of. 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