suggestions: could you please provide case laws, statutes, legal authorities and principles or countries constitutions on the various types of constitutions. Nevertheless, statutes and common-law principles of constitutional import cannot be changed as easily as other statutes and rules and are generally treated as permanent. Do you ever run into any web browser compatibility issues? The U.S. Constitution, at roughly 7,000 words, is a model of brevity, and many constitutions in Western countries are only slightly longer. At the same time, uncodified constitution type is based on customs and traditions. Supremacy of Constitution: The central and state governments must obey the constitution. Moreover, there are important aspects of the U.S. Constitution that are wholly unwritten. As the procedure of amendment of a rigid constitution is very difficult, it causes problems for the country. For federal governments, a written constitution provides for the separation of central and federal power. A state with such a constitution, he observed, is at best in the disagreeable position of a British traveler whom a hospitable Chinese entertainer has constrained to eat a dinner with chopsticks. This type of government is also known as a "federation" or a "federal state" in common parlance (eg., United States of America). The UK's constitution is unwritten as it hails from no single written document, but derives from a . In particular, proposed amendments to the Constitution and other types of constitutional laws (see Question 1) must undergo two successive debates in each House of . On the other hand, in rigid constitutions, people can easily feel that the current laws do not address their needs and turn to revolutions to get their way. [3] On the other hand, certain institutions of constitutional significance, including the system of political parties and judicial review of legislative and executive actions, are not mentioned in the written constitution. It is necessary to take quick decisions to deal with such emergencies. If and when this attitude changes, the new viewpoint is likely to eventually make its way into the constitution, whether through the amending process and interpretation by the courts under a rigid constitution or through easier legislative procedures under a flexible constitution. Although the amending process in the United States is difficult, it is easier than the process in other countries with rigid constitutions. I, Ch. A flexible constitution is a constitution which can easily be amended or changed without a cumbersome procedure. On the other hand, a written constitution is a type of constitution that is contained in a single document and can be easily procured and consulted on any issue covered by it. The constitution though Supreme, is usually flexible and not rigid, as the government has power to amend it as maybe necessary. It means that the sovereign unit (Centre) and local units . It is very definite, removing any drawbacks that uncertainties can bring about. The head of government in a monarchy is usually succeeded by his or her child, and this goes on from generation to generation. More-recent written constitutions are generally longer and encompass a wider range of rights accorded to citizens. For passing or amending an ordinary law, the . what are the differences between rigid and flexible Constitution. Note: the strength of quorum in India is 1/10th of total members Simple majority: 50% +1 of members present and voting. A constitution also lays principles to protect the human rights of its citizens. A flexible constitution may be amended just like any statute with a simple majority of votes of the members of the parliament. Conventionally, a democratic government should reflect the peoples generality and must be created and installed by the people. Read Constitutional Law and Governance in Uganda pg. A true democratic government must be a government made up of the generality or representatives of the people. be. The federal constitution, is an free state organization with constitutionally assign powers in federal, state and local councils. In Switzerland, for example, amendments to the federal constitution of 1874 are proposed by the legislature or by a petition of 100,000 citizens and require for their approval a majority vote in a national referendum and ratification by a majority of voters in each of a majority of the cantons. Moreover, the document is premised on the idea that there can never be a perfect set of laws applicable at all times. Rigid Constitution Flexible Constitution Written Constitution Unwritten Constitution a) Rigid Constitution A Rigid constitution is a constitution that is difficult to be amended or slow to change usually because of a prescribed process of the amendment that is detailed and lengthy in execution. Difference between rigid and flexible constitution Previous Post Sources of the Indian Constitution The rigid constitution, being precise and clear, discourages and combats arbitrary actions. However, he is not the head of state. "Rigid Constitution" by Wikipedia,CC BY-SA 3.0, "What are the Merits and Demerits of Rigid Constitution ?" Here are the main advantages and disadvantages of a federal constitution. Thus, the relative continuity of a countrys constitutional law does not depend entirely on the adoption of a rigid constitution, though such a constitution may make changes at times more complicated and difficult. The states name is derived from the Cross River that runs through it. In a unitary system, the people only owe their allegiance to one central body of power. Its current form was enacted on 29 May 1999 and inaugurated the Fourth Nigerian Republic. A parliamentary constitution is, in which all the executive power of the state is vest by the Prime Minister. This is a lesson from the tutorial, Constitutions and you are encouraged to log Advantages of a rigid constitution include: 1 It is a source of stability in administration 2 It maintains continuity in administration 3 It cannot become a tool in the hands of the party exercising the state's power at a particular time. This continuity has been ensured by a broad consensus between the crown, political leaders, and citizens that such principles are crucial to the countrys constitutionnot by the existence of any institutional obstacles to changing them. Integrated and Independent Judiciary 9. The ordinary person cannot refer to any particular document to understand governance. Having representatives makes government more efficient, resulting in faster and better implementation of the peoples will. The system can result in significant economic disparities across states. Edeh Samuel Chukwuemeka ACMC, is a Law Student and a Certified Mediator/Conciliator in Nigeria. Since the presidents tenure is fixed, the country has more stability since it is highly unlikely to have an unplanned shift in power. Although courts may always review governmental action to guard against the arbitrary or unreasonable, the starting point must be a presumption . Kinds Rigid or inelastic Flexible or elastic. 20. MUST READ: Highest paying law firms in Nigeria 2020. These kinds have two different ways in which the constitution can be understand. Any action you take upon the information presented in this article is strictly at your own risk and responsibility! Rule Of Law 8. In a federal system, a person can compare political, social, and economic systems in different states and relocate to one they find more suitable. There is less influence from the party system. In light of the above, a democratic constitution is a constitution that allows the people to choose their leaders by way of election, or to reject such leaders and their programmes, when they are no longer serving the interests of the the people. It must also be a government formed and installed by the people. A written constitution is rigid and hence will be more stabie 5. will. A unitary constitution provides for government power to be vested in a single central government. This type of constitution is unsuitable for tiny countries. [1] [2] Nigeria has had many constitutions. It can be amended only in special circumstances. You can learn more about how we use cookies by visiting our privacy policy page. The ruling class cannot use the constitution to further its narrow interest. The people can experience slow government response on matters such as defence and emergencies. Laws can be added or removed as necessary. This is one of the major advantages of a flexible constitution you should know. In summary, we use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. 3. Your email address will not be published. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); What are the different types of Constitution, on What are the different types of Constitution. An unwritten constitution is not contained in a single document and can exist partly in word and partly in writing. Trust me; this is the major advantage of a written constitution. He rules by divine sovereignty and his authority is not limited by the constitution. Fantastic Nikola Tesla quotes for every occasion, All you need to know about the functions of government. How many types of constitutions are there? This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply. Although it can actually be amended when found necessary. See the truth as to whether lawyers are liars or not. CZAR NICHOLAS II of Russia, EMPEROR HAILE SELASSIE OF Ethiopia and King Reza Palavi, Shah of Iran, were examples of absolute rulers. Such procedures often involve a two-thirds vote in parliament, popular vote by the people or ratification through a referendum. 2. A rigid constitution is suitable for a federal system of government. Cookies are small files that are stored on your browser. The laws contained in it can be amended as simply as one would amend a statute, with a simple majority vote in parliament. Although amendment can be possible when is seems necessary. A flexible constitution just like an unwritten and unitary constitution, is wholly suitable for a multi-ethnic, multi-religious or heterogeneous population. The constitution of 1946 was passew when the Westminster Style Parliamentary Constitution was enacted in the country. The British Constitution is an excellent example of an unwritten constitution. This is where I am going to drop my pen on this topic. Top 5 causes of the current religious crisis in Nigeria and possible solutions. ALSO READ: Advantage and disadvantages of an unwritten constitution. On the other hand, a federal system of government is an association of free states where power is constitutionally shared to the federal, state and local councils, and with each tier of government exercising its constitutionally assigned powers and functions. To understand the meaning and types of constitution, it is pertinent to know that there basically two different natures of the constitution. From what we have discussed above, i strongly believe that you know understand what a constitution is and you you can explain the types of constitution to anyone. Your email address will not be published. by Arvind Kumar, Preserve Articles. Merely organizational constitutionsdocuments containing no guarantees of rights or prescriptions of goalsare now rare. \(\overset{\underset{\mathrm{def}}{}}{=} \). TYPES OF CONSTITUTION Constitutions can be classified according to: Genesis or development Conventional or Enacted - the conventional constitution is crafted and promulgated by the people through their representatives in a constitutional conventions. It is among the most stable law structure and is best suited for an emergency period in a country. On the other hand, the unwritten constitution evolves gradually as well as it is updated with a passage of time. Chapter I, Part II of the Nigerian Constitution clearly divides these powers among the three branches of government: The legislature. Rigid Constitution is a constitution which stands above the other laws of the country, while flexible constitutions do not. There are two types of monarchical constitution, are as follows:-. 2. It can be viewed as a contract between the people and the government. Reasons for underdevelopment in Nigeria and possible solutions. For amending it, the legislature has to pass an amendment bill by a specific, usually big, majority of 2/3rd or 3/4th. It allows for extremely quick decision making. The laws, in this case, are quite elastic, drastically reducing the chances of a revolution by the people. Subsequently, its ratification requires a three-quarters approval by the legislatures of the (50) States. However, the procedure for amending a rigid constitution may include an absolute majority. Edeh Samuel Chukwuemeka ACMC, is a Law Student and a Certified Mediator/Conciliator in Nigeria. A rigid constitution is usually in writing or a written constitution. Some federal features of the constitution are where in the cases where State's consent is needed for amendment and the three types of lists which give powers to the state. Your email address will not be published. A republican constitution is representative since leaders are elected through the will of the people. This happens because all resources have to be mobilized by the national government. Both the laws are enacted in the same manner and their source is also same. Continuing the comparison between the British and American constitutions, a further constitutional classification is possible: monarchical and republican. Absolute monarch: This is one in which the monarch has absolute powers of governance. It is not a substitute for professional advice or help and should not be relied on to make decisions of any kind. Do you have any solutions to help fix this issue? process. Parliamentary sovereignty is commonly regarded as the defining principle of the British Constitution. Flexible Constitution: A flexible or elastic constitution can be easily amended. A written constitution is usually rigid in nature because of its cumbersome mode of amendment. Development tends to be even across the entire nation since the central government is responsible for developing every part of the country. A presidential constitution is, in which all administrative powers are vest by the president of the country. In countries where this type of constitution is practiced, the head of state who exercises only ceremonial functions may be a monarch, or a president, who is the figure head, symbol of the state and the Father or mother of the nation as the case may be. not. This has led to questions over the balance of power between national and state governments. It is easily adaptable to a countrys changing circumstances. I have discussed What is difference between Rigid and Flexible Constitution? Unlike the unitary system, the countrys power is shared among local, state, and federal bodies. A good example of a country with a written constitution is the United States. However, she never said anything about the similarities or differences between some of the types of constitutions and that was a big problem. It, therefore, leaves room for possible changes. In addition, even if the provisions of a rigid constitution remain unaltered, they often assume over time different meaning and scope, because formal constitutional provisions are subject to interpretation by the courts or by the legislature, the executive, and other institutional subjects. Rigid constitution: it is the exact opposite of the flexible constitution. The federal constitution does not tolerate infringement. In contrast, a flexible constitution is one in which the legislature may amended the constitutions content and principles through use of the ordinary legislative process. The enactment or amendment of common law is usually made by a simple majority of the votes in the relevant parliament which has the power to make or amend that law. This type of constitution is excellent for a countrys development since it can easily factor in the countrys evolution in terms of technology, education, politics, and social factors. constitution. Your browser seems to have Javascript disabled. Constitution is believed to be two types written and unwritten, then these two have various classification such as Rigid, Flexible etc but here you listed them as types of constitution. Your email address will not be published. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. A rigid constitution is a constitution which has a cumbersome or long amendment procedure. A rigid constitution protects the fundamental rights of the individual. There are different types of constitutions under the monarchical setup. A rigid constitution brings about a stable government whereas, there is no stability in a flexible constitution. You might want to see the problems of democracy here. See the truth as to whether lawyers are liars or not. It easily safeguards the traditions of a country. The enactment or amendment of an ordinary law is usually by simple majority vote in the relevant parliament that has authority to make or amend such law. We're sorry, but in order to log in and use all the features of this website, you will need to enable JavaScript in your browser. Warmly, This means that any changes or modifications to the constitution must go through a strict and rigorous process, which can be lengthy and time-consuming. Tell me what you think about the differences between a rigid and flexible constitution highlighted here. Here is a look at the different types of constitutions that exist in various nations worldwide. In a unitary constitution, all the powers of government are in center, as it is the only source of authority from which power flows. Written constitution: This is where all the laws governing a country are codified into a single document or book. A rigid constitution is usually a written constitution, spelling out the powers and duties of the arms of government and the rights and duties of the constituent parts of the country and the individuals. Here are the main pros and cons of a presidential constitution. There is a clear separation of powers among the executive, legislature, and judiciary. An amendment to the Constitution may be proposed by any member of the House of Representatives or the Senate and will be considered under the standard legislative process in the form of a joint resolution. Due to its overly flexible nature, the rules in this constitution keep on changing. On the other hand, a written constitution is among the three main types of constitutions and is contained in a single document and can be easily consulted on pretty much every issue contained therein. Written and unwritten constitutions. ADVERTISEMENTS: Constitutions are widely classified into two categories, firstly written and unwritten ; and secondly, rigid and flexible. He also implement all the laws enact by the current parliament. Under this scheme there are two types of constitution.-flexible and rigid. Last but not the least the other type of Constitution is Rigid & Flexible Constitution, the best example of rigid Constitution is USA constitution and that's why it is very difficult to amend the US constitution. A. V. Diceydefines a rigid constitution as one under which certain laws, calledconstitutional lawsorfundamental lawscannot be changed in the same manner as ordinary laws. A rigid constitution set forth specific legal/constitutional obstacles to be overcome before it may be amended, such as special approval of the people by referendum, a supermajority or special majority in thelegislature, or both. The procedure for amending or changing a rigid constitution is cumbersome and long. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. The U.S. Constitution is rigid, as an amendment requires supermajorities at both the proposal and ratification stages (the most common method of amendment is proposal by a two-thirds vote in both houses of Congress followed by ratification by three-fourths of the states). A rigid constitution is likely to fail to cope with time and environment. Drawn from Various Sources 3. The enactment or amendment of an ordinary law is usually usually easy. 114-142 by Prof. G. W. Kanyeihamba ([emailprotected]). subjected. I enjoin you to read this till the end if you really want to understand the types of a constitution. This article is licensed under a CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 license. From what we have discussed above, I strongly believe that you understand what a constitution is and you can explain the types of constitution to anyone. This system works great for extremely large countries such as the USA and Australia. The federal constitution cannot be changed in the same way as the . A. V. Dicey defines a rigid constitution as one under which certain laws, called constitutional laws or fundamental laws "cannot be changed in the same manner as ordinary laws." The Supreme Court has declared government regulation should be scrutinized very strictly when it infringes on a protected liberty (like procreation or marriage) or a protection action (like political speech), or when it unfairly discriminates against a protected class (like race or national origin). But the government could fail to take decisions if the country concerned has a rigid constitution. As a result, the legislature cannot blame the executive for the non-implementation of the nations policies. These natures are the two different ways from which the constitution can be viewed or understood. It provides for the formation of an expert government since those appointed to office do not necessarily have to be part of the legislature. Under a unitary system, most people look up to the government to initiate and implement development initiatives, a fact that could stifle local initiatives. Each division has its constitutional powers and functions. Instead of a 50% + 1 majority, a 2/3, 3/5 or 3/4 majority is required. At times, the country might find itself with a highly unqualified legislature. A handful of my blog readers have complained about my website not operating correctly in Explorer but looks great in Chrome. The judiciary tends to overplay its role in a country governed by an unwritten law. CONSTITUTION Article 8 Sovereignty of the people 1. It can result in an irresponsible executive. However, if you have a questions you can ask about this topic, do not hesitate to post it using the comments section. This might result in the abandonment of more pressing issues, especially in highly progressive countries. All sovereign power resides in the Nations, Nationalities and Peoples of Ethiopia. A flexible constitution by its nature does not protect the interest of minority, disadvantaged or despised people. Such systems seem to work best in small nations and communities. Written Constitution: A written constitution means a constitution written in the form of a book or a series of documents combined in the form of a book. DISCLAIMER: This article is intended for general informational purposes only and does not address individual circumstances. Here are the main pros and cons of a unitary constitution. He may be the king, president, chief, the emblem of the state and the Father or mother of the nation. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Ratifying Convention; see 10th Amendment). A rigid constitution does not easily meet the dynamic social, economic and political needs and development of people especially where it does not have an active, visionary and progressive judiciary that will liberally interpret the constitution to accommodate and meet the constantly changing needs of the country and its people. An uwritten constitution is a type of constitution that is not contained in one single document. Here are the main advantages and disadvantages of a democratic constitution. Studies that used different scales to measure a country's difficulty of amending its constitution do not categorize the Japanese Constitution as the most rigid constitution. Also read: what are the different sources of constitution, There are FIVE different types of Constitution, are as follows:-. Top details about affirmative action pros and cons. A parliamentary government is, in most cases, more responsible than a presidential government. The division of powers in this system hampers the potential rise of despotic rulers, protecting the peoples liberty. There are FIVE different types of Constitution, are as follows:- Written and Unwritten Constitution Flexible and Rigid Constitution Unitary and Federal Constitution Presidential and Parliamentary Constitution Republic and Monarchical Constitution Written and Unwritten Constitution The law improves the overall quality of decision making. Since the monarch is not a politician, they can remain neutral on matters that otherwise cause divisions. At its most basic, a constitution is an instrument that embodies the rules of a social, legal or political organization. Here are the main advantages and disadvantages of an unwritten constitution. The great majority of countries have rigid constitutions. Oh yeah! what are the different sources of constitution, what are the different source of constitution, Presidential and Parliamentary Constitution. The states capital, Calabar, sits on a hill near the Calabar River and is renowned for its colonial-era British architecture. In the first instance, the constitution is seen as, first and foremost, and expression of the will of the people of the country. It allays the fear of ethnic domination by majority people in multi-ethnic country like Nigeria because guarantees, such as the fundamental human rights, federal character and so forth, which have been enshrined in the constitution for the protection of the minorities, cannot be easily amended and thrown away to their detriment. A country that uses an unitary government system usually adopts an unconstitutional constitution. Anyways, if you have any contribution or questions to ask on this topic, do no hesitate to send them using the comment section. In contrast, the constitution of India extends to hundreds of pages. Countries that have rigid constitution includes: United States, Canada, France, Ghana, Nigeria, Sierra Leone, South Africa etc. In countries with low literacy levels and poor. A flexible constitution is a dangerous and fearful foundation to build a country that has a diverse population. A flexible construction does not ensure political stability as a ruler, cabal or majority can amend the constitution to favour its interest. Democracies tend to be more accountable to the people. A constitution is considered nominal if it is largely or in substantial parts disregarded and does not provide insight into the real functioning of the political system. It is said that such a constitution is not ideal for a democracy. He is the head of government and the head of the majority party, but not the head of state. It encompasses a nations entire rules and ideals, a factor that might be less than ideal for some ages. A rigid constitution constitution where every arm of government is functioning maximally with checks and balances and not at the pleasure of executive, does not encourage the emergence of a dictator, because an individual, or cabal with dictatorial propensity cannot easily hoodwinked the legislature which represents the people. so that you can track your progress. RIGID CONSTITUTION: Rigid constitutions are those, which require a special procedure for the amendment. Such constitutions are written with the combined knowledge and experience of learned people, resulting in improved efficiency. This type of constitution can easily be tempered with and may change easily. That's why it is very difficult to amend US constitution. The codified constitution is a set of laws created at a specific period of time. It is not in one document, but can be found in various sources, such as statutes, conventions and judicial decisions. Conversely, a federal constitution is one that provides for separate structures of government at the national, state and local councils, with each tier having its own constitutional assigned powers and duties. in or register, He is also a Developer with knowledge in HTML, CSS, JS, PHP and React Native. Their sovereignty shall be expressed through their representatives elected in accordance with this Constitution and through their direct democratic It is important to note that most times, the prime ministers in the cabinet are all members of the same party or coalition equals. A flexible constitution is easily adaptable to meet the changing social, economic and political needs and developments of a country. of. This point has already been explained in the advantages and disadvantages stated above. A republican constitution is a type of constitution that provides for the position of an elected head of state for a fixed term of office who is usually known as President. What is a written constitution? Constitutions are widely classified into two categories, firstly written and unwritten ; and secondly, rigid and flexible. Lengthiest Written Constitution 2. Why is the Nigerian Constitution Important? But It is not a single document, but it contain various sources, such as statutes, convection, and judicial decisions. This is especially true when people elect suitable leaders who represent their interests. Every codified constitution has uncodified elements. Of quorum in India is 1/10th of total members simple majority: 50 % 1. That exist in various nations worldwide or changed without a cumbersome procedure sources, such as the of! Countries such as defence and emergencies system of government: the central state!, protecting the peoples will Sierra Leone, South Africa etc it the... When is seems necessary hails from no single written document, but it contain various sources, such statutes... 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Enactment or amendment of a revolution by the people and the government fail! Needs and developments of a rigid and flexible in Explorer but looks great Chrome! By the people or ratification through a referendum two types of constitution can easily be or! Absolute powers of governance in it can be amended or changed without a cumbersome procedure firms in Nigeria South etc. An emergency period in a monarchy is usually flexible and not rigid, as the has!
types of rigid constitutionrobert moses causeway traffic today
suggestions: could you please provide case laws, statutes, legal authorities and principles or countries constitutions on the various types of constitutions. Nevertheless, statutes and common-law principles of constitutional import cannot be changed as easily as other statutes and rules and are generally treated as permanent. Do you ever run into any web browser compatibility issues? The U.S. Constitution, at roughly 7,000 words, is a model of brevity, and many constitutions in Western countries are only slightly longer. At the same time, uncodified constitution type is based on customs and traditions. Supremacy of Constitution: The central and state governments must obey the constitution. Moreover, there are important aspects of the U.S. Constitution that are wholly unwritten. As the procedure of amendment of a rigid constitution is very difficult, it causes problems for the country. For federal governments, a written constitution provides for the separation of central and federal power. A state with such a constitution, he observed, is at best in the disagreeable position of a British traveler whom a hospitable Chinese entertainer has constrained to eat a dinner with chopsticks. This type of government is also known as a "federation" or a "federal state" in common parlance (eg., United States of America). The UK's constitution is unwritten as it hails from no single written document, but derives from a . In particular, proposed amendments to the Constitution and other types of constitutional laws (see Question 1) must undergo two successive debates in each House of . On the other hand, in rigid constitutions, people can easily feel that the current laws do not address their needs and turn to revolutions to get their way. [3] On the other hand, certain institutions of constitutional significance, including the system of political parties and judicial review of legislative and executive actions, are not mentioned in the written constitution. It is necessary to take quick decisions to deal with such emergencies. If and when this attitude changes, the new viewpoint is likely to eventually make its way into the constitution, whether through the amending process and interpretation by the courts under a rigid constitution or through easier legislative procedures under a flexible constitution. Although the amending process in the United States is difficult, it is easier than the process in other countries with rigid constitutions. I, Ch. A flexible constitution is a constitution which can easily be amended or changed without a cumbersome procedure. On the other hand, a written constitution is a type of constitution that is contained in a single document and can be easily procured and consulted on any issue covered by it. The constitution though Supreme, is usually flexible and not rigid, as the government has power to amend it as maybe necessary. It means that the sovereign unit (Centre) and local units . It is very definite, removing any drawbacks that uncertainties can bring about. The head of government in a monarchy is usually succeeded by his or her child, and this goes on from generation to generation. More-recent written constitutions are generally longer and encompass a wider range of rights accorded to citizens. For passing or amending an ordinary law, the . what are the differences between rigid and flexible Constitution. Note: the strength of quorum in India is 1/10th of total members Simple majority: 50% +1 of members present and voting. A constitution also lays principles to protect the human rights of its citizens. A flexible constitution may be amended just like any statute with a simple majority of votes of the members of the parliament. Conventionally, a democratic government should reflect the peoples generality and must be created and installed by the people. Read Constitutional Law and Governance in Uganda pg. A true democratic government must be a government made up of the generality or representatives of the people. be. The federal constitution, is an free state organization with constitutionally assign powers in federal, state and local councils. In Switzerland, for example, amendments to the federal constitution of 1874 are proposed by the legislature or by a petition of 100,000 citizens and require for their approval a majority vote in a national referendum and ratification by a majority of voters in each of a majority of the cantons. Moreover, the document is premised on the idea that there can never be a perfect set of laws applicable at all times. Rigid Constitution Flexible Constitution Written Constitution Unwritten Constitution a) Rigid Constitution A Rigid constitution is a constitution that is difficult to be amended or slow to change usually because of a prescribed process of the amendment that is detailed and lengthy in execution. Difference between rigid and flexible constitution Previous Post Sources of the Indian Constitution The rigid constitution, being precise and clear, discourages and combats arbitrary actions. However, he is not the head of state. "Rigid Constitution" by Wikipedia,CC BY-SA 3.0, "What are the Merits and Demerits of Rigid Constitution ?" Here are the main advantages and disadvantages of a federal constitution. Thus, the relative continuity of a countrys constitutional law does not depend entirely on the adoption of a rigid constitution, though such a constitution may make changes at times more complicated and difficult. The states name is derived from the Cross River that runs through it. In a unitary system, the people only owe their allegiance to one central body of power. Its current form was enacted on 29 May 1999 and inaugurated the Fourth Nigerian Republic. A parliamentary constitution is, in which all the executive power of the state is vest by the Prime Minister. This is a lesson from the tutorial, Constitutions and you are encouraged to log Advantages of a rigid constitution include: 1 It is a source of stability in administration 2 It maintains continuity in administration 3 It cannot become a tool in the hands of the party exercising the state's power at a particular time. This continuity has been ensured by a broad consensus between the crown, political leaders, and citizens that such principles are crucial to the countrys constitutionnot by the existence of any institutional obstacles to changing them. Integrated and Independent Judiciary 9. The ordinary person cannot refer to any particular document to understand governance. Having representatives makes government more efficient, resulting in faster and better implementation of the peoples will. The system can result in significant economic disparities across states. Edeh Samuel Chukwuemeka ACMC, is a Law Student and a Certified Mediator/Conciliator in Nigeria. Since the presidents tenure is fixed, the country has more stability since it is highly unlikely to have an unplanned shift in power. Although courts may always review governmental action to guard against the arbitrary or unreasonable, the starting point must be a presumption . Kinds Rigid or inelastic Flexible or elastic. 20. MUST READ: Highest paying law firms in Nigeria 2020. These kinds have two different ways in which the constitution can be understand. Any action you take upon the information presented in this article is strictly at your own risk and responsibility! Rule Of Law 8. In a federal system, a person can compare political, social, and economic systems in different states and relocate to one they find more suitable. There is less influence from the party system. In light of the above, a democratic constitution is a constitution that allows the people to choose their leaders by way of election, or to reject such leaders and their programmes, when they are no longer serving the interests of the the people. It must also be a government formed and installed by the people. A written constitution is rigid and hence will be more stabie 5. will. A unitary constitution provides for government power to be vested in a single central government. This type of constitution is unsuitable for tiny countries. [1] [2] Nigeria has had many constitutions. It can be amended only in special circumstances. You can learn more about how we use cookies by visiting our privacy policy page. The ruling class cannot use the constitution to further its narrow interest. The people can experience slow government response on matters such as defence and emergencies. Laws can be added or removed as necessary. This is one of the major advantages of a flexible constitution you should know. In summary, we use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. 3. Your email address will not be published. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); What are the different types of Constitution, on What are the different types of Constitution. An unwritten constitution is not contained in a single document and can exist partly in word and partly in writing. Trust me; this is the major advantage of a written constitution. He rules by divine sovereignty and his authority is not limited by the constitution. Fantastic Nikola Tesla quotes for every occasion, All you need to know about the functions of government. How many types of constitutions are there? This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply. Although it can actually be amended when found necessary. See the truth as to whether lawyers are liars or not. CZAR NICHOLAS II of Russia, EMPEROR HAILE SELASSIE OF Ethiopia and King Reza Palavi, Shah of Iran, were examples of absolute rulers. Such procedures often involve a two-thirds vote in parliament, popular vote by the people or ratification through a referendum. 2. A rigid constitution is suitable for a federal system of government. Cookies are small files that are stored on your browser. The laws contained in it can be amended as simply as one would amend a statute, with a simple majority vote in parliament. Although amendment can be possible when is seems necessary. A flexible constitution just like an unwritten and unitary constitution, is wholly suitable for a multi-ethnic, multi-religious or heterogeneous population. The constitution of 1946 was passew when the Westminster Style Parliamentary Constitution was enacted in the country. The British Constitution is an excellent example of an unwritten constitution. This is where I am going to drop my pen on this topic. Top 5 causes of the current religious crisis in Nigeria and possible solutions. ALSO READ: Advantage and disadvantages of an unwritten constitution. On the other hand, a federal system of government is an association of free states where power is constitutionally shared to the federal, state and local councils, and with each tier of government exercising its constitutionally assigned powers and functions. To understand the meaning and types of constitution, it is pertinent to know that there basically two different natures of the constitution. From what we have discussed above, i strongly believe that you know understand what a constitution is and you you can explain the types of constitution to anyone. Your email address will not be published. by Arvind Kumar, Preserve Articles. Merely organizational constitutionsdocuments containing no guarantees of rights or prescriptions of goalsare now rare. \(\overset{\underset{\mathrm{def}}{}}{=} \). TYPES OF CONSTITUTION Constitutions can be classified according to: Genesis or development Conventional or Enacted - the conventional constitution is crafted and promulgated by the people through their representatives in a constitutional conventions. It is among the most stable law structure and is best suited for an emergency period in a country. On the other hand, the unwritten constitution evolves gradually as well as it is updated with a passage of time. Chapter I, Part II of the Nigerian Constitution clearly divides these powers among the three branches of government: The legislature. Rigid Constitution is a constitution which stands above the other laws of the country, while flexible constitutions do not. There are two types of monarchical constitution, are as follows:-. 2. It can be viewed as a contract between the people and the government. Reasons for underdevelopment in Nigeria and possible solutions. For amending it, the legislature has to pass an amendment bill by a specific, usually big, majority of 2/3rd or 3/4th. It allows for extremely quick decision making. The laws, in this case, are quite elastic, drastically reducing the chances of a revolution by the people. Subsequently, its ratification requires a three-quarters approval by the legislatures of the (50) States. However, the procedure for amending a rigid constitution may include an absolute majority. Edeh Samuel Chukwuemeka ACMC, is a Law Student and a Certified Mediator/Conciliator in Nigeria. A rigid constitution is usually in writing or a written constitution. Some federal features of the constitution are where in the cases where State's consent is needed for amendment and the three types of lists which give powers to the state. Your email address will not be published. A republican constitution is representative since leaders are elected through the will of the people. This happens because all resources have to be mobilized by the national government. Both the laws are enacted in the same manner and their source is also same. Continuing the comparison between the British and American constitutions, a further constitutional classification is possible: monarchical and republican. Absolute monarch: This is one in which the monarch has absolute powers of governance. It is not a substitute for professional advice or help and should not be relied on to make decisions of any kind. Do you have any solutions to help fix this issue? process. Parliamentary sovereignty is commonly regarded as the defining principle of the British Constitution. Flexible Constitution: A flexible or elastic constitution can be easily amended. A written constitution is usually rigid in nature because of its cumbersome mode of amendment. Development tends to be even across the entire nation since the central government is responsible for developing every part of the country. A presidential constitution is, in which all administrative powers are vest by the president of the country. In countries where this type of constitution is practiced, the head of state who exercises only ceremonial functions may be a monarch, or a president, who is the figure head, symbol of the state and the Father or mother of the nation as the case may be. not. This has led to questions over the balance of power between national and state governments. It is easily adaptable to a countrys changing circumstances. I have discussed What is difference between Rigid and Flexible Constitution? Unlike the unitary system, the countrys power is shared among local, state, and federal bodies. A good example of a country with a written constitution is the United States. However, she never said anything about the similarities or differences between some of the types of constitutions and that was a big problem. It, therefore, leaves room for possible changes. In addition, even if the provisions of a rigid constitution remain unaltered, they often assume over time different meaning and scope, because formal constitutional provisions are subject to interpretation by the courts or by the legislature, the executive, and other institutional subjects. Rigid constitution: it is the exact opposite of the flexible constitution. The federal constitution does not tolerate infringement. In contrast, a flexible constitution is one in which the legislature may amended the constitutions content and principles through use of the ordinary legislative process. The enactment or amendment of common law is usually made by a simple majority of the votes in the relevant parliament which has the power to make or amend that law. This type of constitution is excellent for a countrys development since it can easily factor in the countrys evolution in terms of technology, education, politics, and social factors. constitution. Your browser seems to have Javascript disabled. Constitution is believed to be two types written and unwritten, then these two have various classification such as Rigid, Flexible etc but here you listed them as types of constitution. Your email address will not be published. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. A rigid constitution is a constitution which has a cumbersome or long amendment procedure. A rigid constitution protects the fundamental rights of the individual. There are different types of constitutions under the monarchical setup. A rigid constitution brings about a stable government whereas, there is no stability in a flexible constitution. You might want to see the problems of democracy here. See the truth as to whether lawyers are liars or not. It easily safeguards the traditions of a country. The enactment or amendment of an ordinary law is usually by simple majority vote in the relevant parliament that has authority to make or amend such law. We're sorry, but in order to log in and use all the features of this website, you will need to enable JavaScript in your browser. Warmly, This means that any changes or modifications to the constitution must go through a strict and rigorous process, which can be lengthy and time-consuming. Tell me what you think about the differences between a rigid and flexible constitution highlighted here. Here is a look at the different types of constitutions that exist in various nations worldwide. In a unitary constitution, all the powers of government are in center, as it is the only source of authority from which power flows. Written constitution: This is where all the laws governing a country are codified into a single document or book. A rigid constitution is usually a written constitution, spelling out the powers and duties of the arms of government and the rights and duties of the constituent parts of the country and the individuals. Here are the main pros and cons of a presidential constitution. There is a clear separation of powers among the executive, legislature, and judiciary. An amendment to the Constitution may be proposed by any member of the House of Representatives or the Senate and will be considered under the standard legislative process in the form of a joint resolution. Due to its overly flexible nature, the rules in this constitution keep on changing. On the other hand, a written constitution is among the three main types of constitutions and is contained in a single document and can be easily consulted on pretty much every issue contained therein. Written and unwritten constitutions. ADVERTISEMENTS: Constitutions are widely classified into two categories, firstly written and unwritten ; and secondly, rigid and flexible. He also implement all the laws enact by the current parliament. Under this scheme there are two types of constitution.-flexible and rigid. Last but not the least the other type of Constitution is Rigid & Flexible Constitution, the best example of rigid Constitution is USA constitution and that's why it is very difficult to amend the US constitution. A. V. Diceydefines a rigid constitution as one under which certain laws, calledconstitutional lawsorfundamental lawscannot be changed in the same manner as ordinary laws. A rigid constitution set forth specific legal/constitutional obstacles to be overcome before it may be amended, such as special approval of the people by referendum, a supermajority or special majority in thelegislature, or both. The procedure for amending or changing a rigid constitution is cumbersome and long. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. The U.S. Constitution is rigid, as an amendment requires supermajorities at both the proposal and ratification stages (the most common method of amendment is proposal by a two-thirds vote in both houses of Congress followed by ratification by three-fourths of the states). A rigid constitution is likely to fail to cope with time and environment. Drawn from Various Sources 3. The enactment or amendment of an ordinary law is usually usually easy. 114-142 by Prof. G. W. Kanyeihamba ([emailprotected]). subjected. I enjoin you to read this till the end if you really want to understand the types of a constitution. This article is licensed under a CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 license. From what we have discussed above, I strongly believe that you understand what a constitution is and you can explain the types of constitution to anyone. This system works great for extremely large countries such as the USA and Australia. The federal constitution cannot be changed in the same way as the . A. V. Dicey defines a rigid constitution as one under which certain laws, called constitutional laws or fundamental laws "cannot be changed in the same manner as ordinary laws." The Supreme Court has declared government regulation should be scrutinized very strictly when it infringes on a protected liberty (like procreation or marriage) or a protection action (like political speech), or when it unfairly discriminates against a protected class (like race or national origin). But the government could fail to take decisions if the country concerned has a rigid constitution. As a result, the legislature cannot blame the executive for the non-implementation of the nations policies. These natures are the two different ways from which the constitution can be viewed or understood. It provides for the formation of an expert government since those appointed to office do not necessarily have to be part of the legislature. Under a unitary system, most people look up to the government to initiate and implement development initiatives, a fact that could stifle local initiatives. Each division has its constitutional powers and functions. Instead of a 50% + 1 majority, a 2/3, 3/5 or 3/4 majority is required. At times, the country might find itself with a highly unqualified legislature. A handful of my blog readers have complained about my website not operating correctly in Explorer but looks great in Chrome. The judiciary tends to overplay its role in a country governed by an unwritten law. CONSTITUTION Article 8 Sovereignty of the people 1. It can result in an irresponsible executive. However, if you have a questions you can ask about this topic, do not hesitate to post it using the comments section. This might result in the abandonment of more pressing issues, especially in highly progressive countries. All sovereign power resides in the Nations, Nationalities and Peoples of Ethiopia. A flexible constitution by its nature does not protect the interest of minority, disadvantaged or despised people. Such systems seem to work best in small nations and communities. Written Constitution: A written constitution means a constitution written in the form of a book or a series of documents combined in the form of a book. DISCLAIMER: This article is intended for general informational purposes only and does not address individual circumstances. Here are the main pros and cons of a unitary constitution. He may be the king, president, chief, the emblem of the state and the Father or mother of the nation. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Ratifying Convention; see 10th Amendment). A rigid constitution does not easily meet the dynamic social, economic and political needs and development of people especially where it does not have an active, visionary and progressive judiciary that will liberally interpret the constitution to accommodate and meet the constantly changing needs of the country and its people. An uwritten constitution is a type of constitution that is not contained in one single document. Here are the main advantages and disadvantages of a democratic constitution. Studies that used different scales to measure a country's difficulty of amending its constitution do not categorize the Japanese Constitution as the most rigid constitution. Also read: what are the different sources of constitution, There are FIVE different types of Constitution, are as follows:-. Top details about affirmative action pros and cons. A parliamentary government is, in most cases, more responsible than a presidential government. The division of powers in this system hampers the potential rise of despotic rulers, protecting the peoples liberty. There are FIVE different types of Constitution, are as follows:- Written and Unwritten Constitution Flexible and Rigid Constitution Unitary and Federal Constitution Presidential and Parliamentary Constitution Republic and Monarchical Constitution Written and Unwritten Constitution The law improves the overall quality of decision making. Since the monarch is not a politician, they can remain neutral on matters that otherwise cause divisions. At its most basic, a constitution is an instrument that embodies the rules of a social, legal or political organization. Here are the main advantages and disadvantages of an unwritten constitution. The great majority of countries have rigid constitutions. Oh yeah! what are the different sources of constitution, what are the different source of constitution, Presidential and Parliamentary Constitution. The states capital, Calabar, sits on a hill near the Calabar River and is renowned for its colonial-era British architecture. In the first instance, the constitution is seen as, first and foremost, and expression of the will of the people of the country. It allays the fear of ethnic domination by majority people in multi-ethnic country like Nigeria because guarantees, such as the fundamental human rights, federal character and so forth, which have been enshrined in the constitution for the protection of the minorities, cannot be easily amended and thrown away to their detriment. A country that uses an unitary government system usually adopts an unconstitutional constitution. Anyways, if you have any contribution or questions to ask on this topic, do no hesitate to send them using the comment section. In contrast, the constitution of India extends to hundreds of pages. Countries that have rigid constitution includes: United States, Canada, France, Ghana, Nigeria, Sierra Leone, South Africa etc. In countries with low literacy levels and poor. A flexible constitution is a dangerous and fearful foundation to build a country that has a diverse population. A flexible construction does not ensure political stability as a ruler, cabal or majority can amend the constitution to favour its interest. Democracies tend to be more accountable to the people. A constitution is considered nominal if it is largely or in substantial parts disregarded and does not provide insight into the real functioning of the political system. It is said that such a constitution is not ideal for a democracy. He is the head of government and the head of the majority party, but not the head of state. It encompasses a nations entire rules and ideals, a factor that might be less than ideal for some ages. A rigid constitution constitution where every arm of government is functioning maximally with checks and balances and not at the pleasure of executive, does not encourage the emergence of a dictator, because an individual, or cabal with dictatorial propensity cannot easily hoodwinked the legislature which represents the people. so that you can track your progress. RIGID CONSTITUTION: Rigid constitutions are those, which require a special procedure for the amendment. Such constitutions are written with the combined knowledge and experience of learned people, resulting in improved efficiency. This type of constitution can easily be tempered with and may change easily. That's why it is very difficult to amend US constitution. The codified constitution is a set of laws created at a specific period of time. It is not in one document, but can be found in various sources, such as statutes, conventions and judicial decisions. Conversely, a federal constitution is one that provides for separate structures of government at the national, state and local councils, with each tier having its own constitutional assigned powers and duties. in or register, He is also a Developer with knowledge in HTML, CSS, JS, PHP and React Native. Their sovereignty shall be expressed through their representatives elected in accordance with this Constitution and through their direct democratic It is important to note that most times, the prime ministers in the cabinet are all members of the same party or coalition equals. A flexible constitution is easily adaptable to meet the changing social, economic and political needs and developments of a country. of. This point has already been explained in the advantages and disadvantages stated above. A republican constitution is a type of constitution that provides for the position of an elected head of state for a fixed term of office who is usually known as President. What is a written constitution? Constitutions are widely classified into two categories, firstly written and unwritten ; and secondly, rigid and flexible. Lengthiest Written Constitution 2. Why is the Nigerian Constitution Important? But It is not a single document, but it contain various sources, such as statutes, convection, and judicial decisions. This is especially true when people elect suitable leaders who represent their interests. Every codified constitution has uncodified elements. Of quorum in India is 1/10th of total members simple majority: 50 % 1. That exist in various nations worldwide or changed without a cumbersome procedure sources, such as the of! Countries such as defence and emergencies system of government: the central state!, protecting the peoples will Sierra Leone, South Africa etc it the... When is seems necessary hails from no single written document, but it contain various sources, such statutes... 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