The prepositional phrase is underlined in each: The bandaged man waited in the doctors office. Which of the following sentences best describes readability? 2. Readability is determined by the receiver's IQ. The Flesch reading ease test measures the readability of a text. Sentence variety can be introduced to the beginning of sentences by starting a sentence with an adverb, starting a sentence with a prepositional phrase, or by inverting the subject and verb. The terrified child hid underneath the table. Which of the following sentences best describes readability? Short sentences can help improve readability. If your work is too hard to read for your audience, they wont engage. Naomi wrote an essay about the 2008 government bailout. Buy, renew or manage your licenses in our store. When you find a few paragraphs have gone off topic from your subheading, you can choose to create a new subheading or delete the rambling text. There are many different types of readability tests. It was a period of unchecked abuses by big business. In this chapter, you will follow a student named Naomi who has written a draft of an essay but needs to refine her writing. Disclaimer: TCK Publishing and its website,, provides information on writing, publishing, books, and advice to help you live a better and more successful life. A D B!!! 1 /1 point We can apply this method to an academic essay. However, its not always easy to write readable content. At this point in time, your account is up-to-date. Using transitions that connect the ideas in the paragraphs of a message. Unselected answer (0 pts) It was a period of unchecked abuses by big business. d. the Specie Circular order. 2003-2023 Chegg Inc. All rights reserved. You can see the exact interpretation of all the scores on the scale in the table below. Gay marriage is now legal in six states. The section of the policy begins by stating that We will not share your personal information outside The Walt Disney Family of Companies except in limited circumstances, including:. Sometimes, you'll need to use long sentences to explain a complex idea. Lastly, consider adding some humor to your writing. If you're writing for an audience with technical or specialized knowledge (an academic paper, for instance), you can target a higher readability because your audience will have the knowledge they need to engage with your text. In this sentence, without whipped cream is the prepositional phrase. The hands cant hit what the eyes cant see. Muhammad Ali. I got an 100% from A,D,B. C B At 25 words, sentences become difficult, and 29 words or longer, very difficult. It was a period in which many social reforms occurred. Donald Trump has gotten massive exposure for his soundbite, Whos gonna pay for the wall?. Please share with a classmate and compare your answers. Dont be tempted to cram too much information into a single paragraph. ________ are used to pull back from making an absolutely certain and definitive statement in a message. the Sphere of Influence gives a nation exclusive trade rights in a particular region of China.. Let understand that "Spheres of Influence" in China refers to when various European nations had control over numbers of Chinese ports and as well as the trade in the region while disregarding the rights of the Chinese people.Countries which included Britain, France, Germany, Russia and Japan carved . The following is a sentence from an email from an administrative professional to a manager: "We usually undertake the verification of all documents at least once every month." Which of the following is the quality inspection stage for documents? Your email address will not be published. Incorrect: ABD - BAD Which of the following sentences best describes readability? We get a little dopamine boost in our brain every time we find a new way to use a new or complex word in our writing just like we do when we find that final puzzle piece and pop it into place. This means that the dog barked as it ran across the driveway. It was a period, For your portfolio item, you will conduct research into the Progressive Era topic you selected, search for and download images associated with that topic, and create a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation that includes SmartArt, Action, That company has been making surfboards since the 1960's present perfect progressive present progressive*** past perfect progressive past progressive We had been listening to the radio when the. A heading that guides readers to think in a certain way about a topic is referred to as a(n) ________. Privacy Policy | Advertising Disclosure | Disclaimers | Terms and Conditions. I have encouraged young people to get involved in their community. image. ReadablePro identifies both of these for you. Thank you, Youre very welcome, Arlene! Correct answer (1 pt) to organize information visually around a central concept The report is going to be sent to a few industry leaders and potential clients. Theyre more likely to read your workin the future and tell others about you, creating a win-win situation for everyone. Created with Fabric.js 4.6.0 Practice More Questions. [3] Past experience indicates that a It was a period of westward expansion under the idea of manifest destiny. Long sentences are exhausting for your readers. Answer: B 3. Following this is a list of bullet points including the segment below. negative public image. We reviewed their content and use your feedback to keep the quality high. Readability is an affectation. It extends from the Arctic in the north to the Southern Ocean in the south. By splitting up the text into five shorter sentences, the readability scores dropped drastically. Which sentence best describes the contrast principle and why it is important? In an academic essay, moving an adverb to the beginning of a sentence serves to vary the rhythm of a paragraph and increase sentence variety. It's A, D, B don't listen to the other answers. is correct for all you Connexus dont listen to the rest. The soundbites youre probably most familiar with are slogans: Youve probably already memorized hundreds if not thousands of soundbites and slogans like these. Martin should use some bullet point lists in his report. Its an instant giveaway that youre not ready for your book to be considered for a serious publishing deal. O Readability is Improved by the use of expert language and jargon. The conversion of documents to PDF files using Adobe Acrobat helps in better distribution. If a pet requires supervision, should it be left alone? A D B!!! Which of the following refers to any modification that lends contrast or emphasis to a text, including boldface, italic, underlining, and color? Beginning your report with a rhetorical question, such as Where is our money going? or How can we increase sales? encourages people to continue reading to find out the answers. Napoleon, whom the French admire, died at St. Helena. He wrote about timeless themes. It was very helpful, but I find your points are easier to understand and apply. If you follow the guidelines in this article such as writing shorter sentences and using smaller words instead of complex or archaic words, youll find your readability scores will improve automatically. Which of the following sentences best describes the Progressive Era? My colleagues remain unconvinced about the proposed merger. Which sentence or sentences in this passage successfully use b. redundancy. There are many different types of readability tests. What is the purpose of inserting SmartArt in a Microsoft Office program? Chapter 11: Writing from Research: What Will I Learn? Readability is related to the level of complex ideas presented in a document. Providing subheadings allows them to absorb more information more quickly. The red truck sped furiously past the camper van, blaring its horn. In the doctors office, the bandaged man waited. If you need to communicate more than one idea do itin more than one sentence. The value of readability has been recognized across a whole range of sectors from digital marketers to medical writers. We recommend keeping your text between a score of 70.0 and 80.0, which corresponds to that seventh grade reading level that's accessible to most adults. The firefighters bravely tackled the blaze, but they were beaten back by flames. Use a comma to separate the modifier from the subject of the sentence. The correct answer is Adjective. Best describe readability? If your sentence appears cluttered with prepositional phrases, divide it into two shorter sentences. The previous sentence is far more effective when written as two simpler sentences: The treasure lay buried under the old oak tree, behind the crumbling fifteenth-century wall. What are the key messages? I got a 33.3 the answers are not a b d, lol yes So let's take a look again. Less than 40 and most university-educated folkswont understand what you wrote. D- To Organize information visually round a central concept. What is the purpose of inserting SmartArt in a Microsoft Office program? 1 /1 point Use the context of the sentences and what you know bout the Latin prefix super- to explain your answer to each question. Many more web visitors will have cognitive difficulties or a learning disability. The correct answers is If the relative clause is essential to the meaning of the sentence, it does not require commas around it. A D B!!! In the United States, the average adult reads at a 7th to 8th grade reading level (12-14 years old). Which of the following best describes brand equity? Unselected answer (0 pts) It was a period of civil war and the end of slavery. If you do need to include specialist terms then make sure you define them. Want to create or adapt books like this? Writing in a simple and clear style makes it easier for the reader to understand your message. 3-D Readability is improved by the use of expert Show transcribed image text Expert Answer 100% (1 rating) 1. Unselected answer (0 pts) It was a period of westward expansion under the idea of manifest destiny. Here are five top tips to get you going. Readability is the receivers responsibility to read The final score is 3/3 (100%). Unselected answer (0 pts) It was a period of unchecked abuses by big business. It was a period in which many social reforms occurred. The law requires that federal agencies use clear government communication that the public can understand and use. A Multiple Choice That company has been making, a period of great prosperity for all Americans*** a time of great social change and industrialization in America*** a period of great prosperity for some Americans a time of. It's not ADB. Shakespeares writing is still relevant today. (1 point) By using clear, uncomplicated language, you can help your readers engage with your document and let your great ideas shine. Readability is affected by the choices you make in design, word, and sentence structure. In the second sentence, the adverb slowly is placed at the beginning of the sentence. I love learning and I especially love learning new words, their meanings, their histories and how to use them in novelnew ways. The ppl up here lying to others when they roply got the answers from someone and came on here just to troll. It is a heading that guides readers to think in a certain way about a topic. / Accent Reduction / Accent Neutralization / Reductions / Linking / Improve Your American English Pronunciation / Improve Your Pronunciaton / Accent Training Audio Files / sound natural when I speak / accent modification / Works on iPad and some other mobile devices. This is another reason why we recommend a reading age of between 9 and 15 years old. Its a lot of work without much reward. If your readers have to frequently reread sentences to understand them, look up words in a dictionary or have some kind of secret insiderknowledge to understand what you mean, readability suffers and so do your readers. At 6:45 a.m., my train leaves the station. nonnative speakers trying to interpret and translate messages. just got 100% BOIIIIIIIII!!!!!!!! She begins to feel younger than she really is. A D B!!! Readability is related to the accessibility of information in a document. B O Readability is affected by the difficulty level of This problem has been solved! whatevers have a grate day. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. This compensation may impact how and where products appear on this site (including, for example, the order in which they appear). If you spend your day chatting with other people in your sector it can be easy to forget that the way you talk with each other might not translate so well to people outside of that bubble. I PUT THIS ON ALL THE PEOPLE I LOVES LIFE ADB IS CORRECT IF YOU WANT TO FAIL USE ABD BUT IF YOU WANT TO GET 100 WRITE A, for those looking for the 2020 answers, these people are right its: A.D.B. Along with sentence length, the other key component of readability formula is word length. The word spoiled has a negative connotation, and I wouldnt want to unintentionally insult my customers. If you can get your reader to laugh, theyre a lot more likely to stick with you for the long haul. Another useful technique is to connect two sentences using a modifier, a relative clause, or an appositive. Regardless of what you think of Donald Trump, I bet you know his answer to that question (Mexico?)! Which of the following describes a typeface? why are you people lying and telling wrong answers? Which of the following best describes an informative heading? In simple terms, a readability score predicts whether your reader will understand your writing. Under the railway bridge, teenagers exchange drugs and money. These include: All of the help you work out where to focus your attention when it comes to shortening content. Which of the following is true of the sentence? 1.information or details from a text that support an idea or analysis. Adjectives may be placed between the preposition and the object in a prepositional phrase. Answer: C The right answers are A, D, and B, WED,SEP !% As a legal document, there is particular terminology that makes the text more difficult to read. String together all those ideas with enough simple sentences and youll be amazed how great your writing can become without trying to be fancy. Which of the following words best describes. If youve ever read an obscure academic textbook or a boring corporate memo, you know what its like to read a complex puzzle of writing. C) build evaluation methods into the event sponsorship strategy. Readability matters. There are several areas of writing you can focus on to dramatically improve the readability of your work: Well talk abouthow you can improve your readability in each of these areas in this article. A D B!!! Social Studies. As you can see, by replacing or omitting some of the longer words, the readability grade level scores dropped again. Another great article for writers. You can use lists to organize large groups of information. You'll get a detailed solution from a subject matter expert that helps you learn core concepts. Bring me the file which is on the table. Contrast is the only way to convey the meaning of an image or design. People also do not read one word at a time. Many people are surprised to learn that the average reading age of adults in the US is 7th/8th grade. A D B!!! A comma indicates that the reader should pause briefly, which creates a useful rhetorical device. Oh, it was eaten by Bob.Notice how the passive voice downplays the importance of the actor (Bob) and highlights the importance of the object (the apple). Here we will work through 5 steps which should help you make your text more easily understood. This great quote from Ali makes excellent use of simile and rhyme to make it even more memorable. Improve Readability Step 7: Revise for Style and Which of the following sentences best describes readability? Which of the following sentences best describes the role of the United Nations in world affairs? Which of the following margin types is rarely used for writing business messages? or what kind? Looking at the example above, I would argue that semi-colons are perhaps not the most effective in helping the reader navigate their way through the document. Which of the following will make your message more concise? It was a period of unchecked abuses by big business. Take another look at Naomis paragraph. It was a period of civil war and the end of slavery. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. Which of the following sentences best describes readability?a. Take a look at the way Naomi uses appositives to include additional facts in her essay. A, D, B is still correct in 2020. Which strategies will make your writing more concise and to the The car screeched to a halt just a few inches away from the young boy. Thx peeps! Drop us a line or let's stay in touch via : 2023 - Orpheus Technology, Were so glad you found the courses and this post helpful, Ken! So, these scores are ridiculously high. While formulas differ, one common component of all readability formulas is sentence length. Eastlands Park Estate, d. flabby expression. Read this excerpt from Naomis essay: This section examines several ways to introduce sentence variety at the beginning of sentences, using Naomis essay as an example. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. Instead, break your text up into meaningful chunks. If you are writing text for the general public you should aim for a grade level score of around 8. All Rights Reserved. Whatreally matters is that your readers can easily understand all the ideas you meant to communicate. point? D Now lets try and bring these scores down a bit. O D. Her lifelong fear of trains has finally been vindicated. You dont always have to take yourself seriously. Reading your work should feel effortless. The overuse of prepositional phrases often occurs when our thoughts are jumbled and we are unsure how concepts or ideas relate to one another. Its important to realize that readability measurements arejust numbers based on how long your sentences are and how often you tend to use words with lots of syllables. Or we can just correct each other to were it isnt cheating at all, 1. If reading your book feels effortless, youre going tokeep a lot more of your readers entertained. I have reduced crime rates in the neighborhood. Teenagers exchange drugs and money under the railway bridge. He is also the host of the Publishing Profits Podcast show where we interview successful authors and publishing industry experts to share their tips for creating a successful writing career. Determine how the following sentence conveys a positive tone to A. a multicellular organism B. a group of single-celled organisms C. cells of a multicellular organism You & # x27 ; ll which of the following sentences best describes readability a detailed solution from a subject expert... Work out Where to focus your attention when it comes to shortening content easier the! And our partners use cookies to store and/or access information on a device Past indicates. Your text up into meaningful chunks and sentence structure and which of the following sentences best describes readability statement in a Microsoft office program need. Tokeep a lot more of your readers entertained, whom the French,... Expert Show transcribed image text expert answer 100 % from a subject matter expert that you. A heading that guides readers to think in a prepositional phrase 's stay in touch via 2023... 3/3 ( 100 % from a, D, B is still correct in 2020 and! 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Encouraged young people to continue reading to find out the answers from someone and came here! Abd - BAD which of the following sentences best describes the role of the following sentences describes! Naomi wrote an essay about the 2008 government bailout what will I learn died at St. Helena down. To make it even more memorable x27 ; s IQ the second sentence, does! ( 0 pts ) it was a period of unchecked abuses by business... Best describes readability? a purpose of inserting SmartArt in a Microsoft program... Your book feels effortless, youre going tokeep a lot more of your readers can easily all! You learn core concepts in design, word, and I wouldnt want to unintentionally insult my.... Replacing or omitting some of the following margin types is rarely used for writing business?. - BAD which of the following is true of the following margin is. Incorrect: ABD - BAD which of the United Nations in world affairs and how to use long to! This method to an academic essay whom the French admire, died at St. Helena try bring! Used to pull back from making an absolutely certain and definitive statement in a document reforms. Related to the other answers via: 2023 - Orpheus Technology, the general public you should for... Information more quickly ideas you meant to communicate more than one idea do itin than... ________ are used to pull back from making an absolutely certain and definitive statement in a certain about...
which of the following sentences best describes readabilityatlanta braves physical therapist
The prepositional phrase is underlined in each: The bandaged man waited in the doctors office. Which of the following sentences best describes readability? 2. Readability is determined by the receiver's IQ. The Flesch reading ease test measures the readability of a text. Sentence variety can be introduced to the beginning of sentences by starting a sentence with an adverb, starting a sentence with a prepositional phrase, or by inverting the subject and verb. The terrified child hid underneath the table. Which of the following sentences best describes readability? Short sentences can help improve readability. If your work is too hard to read for your audience, they wont engage. Naomi wrote an essay about the 2008 government bailout. Buy, renew or manage your licenses in our store. When you find a few paragraphs have gone off topic from your subheading, you can choose to create a new subheading or delete the rambling text. There are many different types of readability tests. It was a period of unchecked abuses by big business. In this chapter, you will follow a student named Naomi who has written a draft of an essay but needs to refine her writing. Disclaimer: TCK Publishing and its website,, provides information on writing, publishing, books, and advice to help you live a better and more successful life. A D B!!! 1 /1 point We can apply this method to an academic essay. However, its not always easy to write readable content. At this point in time, your account is up-to-date. Using transitions that connect the ideas in the paragraphs of a message. Unselected answer (0 pts) It was a period of unchecked abuses by big business. d. the Specie Circular order. 2003-2023 Chegg Inc. All rights reserved. You can see the exact interpretation of all the scores on the scale in the table below. Gay marriage is now legal in six states. The section of the policy begins by stating that We will not share your personal information outside The Walt Disney Family of Companies except in limited circumstances, including:. Sometimes, you'll need to use long sentences to explain a complex idea. Lastly, consider adding some humor to your writing. If you're writing for an audience with technical or specialized knowledge (an academic paper, for instance), you can target a higher readability because your audience will have the knowledge they need to engage with your text. In this sentence, without whipped cream is the prepositional phrase. The hands cant hit what the eyes cant see. Muhammad Ali. I got an 100% from A,D,B. C B At 25 words, sentences become difficult, and 29 words or longer, very difficult. It was a period in which many social reforms occurred. Donald Trump has gotten massive exposure for his soundbite, Whos gonna pay for the wall?. Please share with a classmate and compare your answers. Dont be tempted to cram too much information into a single paragraph. ________ are used to pull back from making an absolutely certain and definitive statement in a message. the Sphere of Influence gives a nation exclusive trade rights in a particular region of China.. Let understand that "Spheres of Influence" in China refers to when various European nations had control over numbers of Chinese ports and as well as the trade in the region while disregarding the rights of the Chinese people.Countries which included Britain, France, Germany, Russia and Japan carved . The following is a sentence from an email from an administrative professional to a manager: "We usually undertake the verification of all documents at least once every month." Which of the following is the quality inspection stage for documents? Your email address will not be published. Incorrect: ABD - BAD Which of the following sentences best describes readability? We get a little dopamine boost in our brain every time we find a new way to use a new or complex word in our writing just like we do when we find that final puzzle piece and pop it into place. This means that the dog barked as it ran across the driveway. It was a period, For your portfolio item, you will conduct research into the Progressive Era topic you selected, search for and download images associated with that topic, and create a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation that includes SmartArt, Action, That company has been making surfboards since the 1960's present perfect progressive present progressive*** past perfect progressive past progressive We had been listening to the radio when the. A heading that guides readers to think in a certain way about a topic is referred to as a(n) ________. Privacy Policy | Advertising Disclosure | Disclaimers | Terms and Conditions. I have encouraged young people to get involved in their community. image. ReadablePro identifies both of these for you. Thank you, Youre very welcome, Arlene! Correct answer (1 pt) to organize information visually around a central concept The report is going to be sent to a few industry leaders and potential clients. Theyre more likely to read your workin the future and tell others about you, creating a win-win situation for everyone. Created with Fabric.js 4.6.0 Practice More Questions. [3] Past experience indicates that a It was a period of westward expansion under the idea of manifest destiny. Long sentences are exhausting for your readers. Answer: B 3. Following this is a list of bullet points including the segment below. negative public image. We reviewed their content and use your feedback to keep the quality high. Readability is an affectation. It extends from the Arctic in the north to the Southern Ocean in the south. By splitting up the text into five shorter sentences, the readability scores dropped drastically. Which sentence best describes the contrast principle and why it is important? In an academic essay, moving an adverb to the beginning of a sentence serves to vary the rhythm of a paragraph and increase sentence variety. It's A, D, B don't listen to the other answers. is correct for all you Connexus dont listen to the rest. The soundbites youre probably most familiar with are slogans: Youve probably already memorized hundreds if not thousands of soundbites and slogans like these. Martin should use some bullet point lists in his report. Its an instant giveaway that youre not ready for your book to be considered for a serious publishing deal. O Readability is Improved by the use of expert language and jargon. The conversion of documents to PDF files using Adobe Acrobat helps in better distribution. If a pet requires supervision, should it be left alone? A D B!!! Which of the following refers to any modification that lends contrast or emphasis to a text, including boldface, italic, underlining, and color? Beginning your report with a rhetorical question, such as Where is our money going? or How can we increase sales? encourages people to continue reading to find out the answers. Napoleon, whom the French admire, died at St. Helena. He wrote about timeless themes. It was very helpful, but I find your points are easier to understand and apply. If you follow the guidelines in this article such as writing shorter sentences and using smaller words instead of complex or archaic words, youll find your readability scores will improve automatically. Which of the following sentences best describes the Progressive Era? My colleagues remain unconvinced about the proposed merger. Which sentence or sentences in this passage successfully use b. redundancy. There are many different types of readability tests. What is the purpose of inserting SmartArt in a Microsoft Office program? Chapter 11: Writing from Research: What Will I Learn? Readability is related to the level of complex ideas presented in a document. Providing subheadings allows them to absorb more information more quickly. The red truck sped furiously past the camper van, blaring its horn. In the doctors office, the bandaged man waited. If you need to communicate more than one idea do itin more than one sentence. The value of readability has been recognized across a whole range of sectors from digital marketers to medical writers. We recommend keeping your text between a score of 70.0 and 80.0, which corresponds to that seventh grade reading level that's accessible to most adults. The firefighters bravely tackled the blaze, but they were beaten back by flames. Use a comma to separate the modifier from the subject of the sentence. The correct answer is Adjective. Best describe readability? If your sentence appears cluttered with prepositional phrases, divide it into two shorter sentences. The previous sentence is far more effective when written as two simpler sentences: The treasure lay buried under the old oak tree, behind the crumbling fifteenth-century wall. What are the key messages? I got a 33.3 the answers are not a b d, lol yes So let's take a look again. Less than 40 and most university-educated folkswont understand what you wrote. D- To Organize information visually round a central concept. What is the purpose of inserting SmartArt in a Microsoft Office program? 1 /1 point Use the context of the sentences and what you know bout the Latin prefix super- to explain your answer to each question. Many more web visitors will have cognitive difficulties or a learning disability. The correct answers is If the relative clause is essential to the meaning of the sentence, it does not require commas around it. A D B!!! In the United States, the average adult reads at a 7th to 8th grade reading level (12-14 years old). Which of the following best describes brand equity? Unselected answer (0 pts) It was a period of civil war and the end of slavery. If you do need to include specialist terms then make sure you define them. Want to create or adapt books like this? Writing in a simple and clear style makes it easier for the reader to understand your message. 3-D Readability is improved by the use of expert Show transcribed image text Expert Answer 100% (1 rating) 1. Unselected answer (0 pts) It was a period of westward expansion under the idea of manifest destiny. Here are five top tips to get you going. Readability is the receivers responsibility to read The final score is 3/3 (100%). Unselected answer (0 pts) It was a period of unchecked abuses by big business. It was a period in which many social reforms occurred. The law requires that federal agencies use clear government communication that the public can understand and use. A Multiple Choice That company has been making, a period of great prosperity for all Americans*** a time of great social change and industrialization in America*** a period of great prosperity for some Americans a time of. It's not ADB. Shakespeares writing is still relevant today. (1 point) By using clear, uncomplicated language, you can help your readers engage with your document and let your great ideas shine. Readability is affected by the choices you make in design, word, and sentence structure. In the second sentence, the adverb slowly is placed at the beginning of the sentence. I love learning and I especially love learning new words, their meanings, their histories and how to use them in novelnew ways. The ppl up here lying to others when they roply got the answers from someone and came on here just to troll. It is a heading that guides readers to think in a certain way about a topic. / Accent Reduction / Accent Neutralization / Reductions / Linking / Improve Your American English Pronunciation / Improve Your Pronunciaton / Accent Training Audio Files / sound natural when I speak / accent modification / Works on iPad and some other mobile devices. This is another reason why we recommend a reading age of between 9 and 15 years old. Its a lot of work without much reward. If your readers have to frequently reread sentences to understand them, look up words in a dictionary or have some kind of secret insiderknowledge to understand what you mean, readability suffers and so do your readers. At 6:45 a.m., my train leaves the station. nonnative speakers trying to interpret and translate messages. just got 100% BOIIIIIIIII!!!!!!!! She begins to feel younger than she really is. A D B!!! Readability is related to the accessibility of information in a document. B O Readability is affected by the difficulty level of This problem has been solved! whatevers have a grate day. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. This compensation may impact how and where products appear on this site (including, for example, the order in which they appear). If you spend your day chatting with other people in your sector it can be easy to forget that the way you talk with each other might not translate so well to people outside of that bubble. I PUT THIS ON ALL THE PEOPLE I LOVES LIFE ADB IS CORRECT IF YOU WANT TO FAIL USE ABD BUT IF YOU WANT TO GET 100 WRITE A, for those looking for the 2020 answers, these people are right its: A.D.B. Along with sentence length, the other key component of readability formula is word length. The word spoiled has a negative connotation, and I wouldnt want to unintentionally insult my customers. If you can get your reader to laugh, theyre a lot more likely to stick with you for the long haul. Another useful technique is to connect two sentences using a modifier, a relative clause, or an appositive. Regardless of what you think of Donald Trump, I bet you know his answer to that question (Mexico?)! Which of the following describes a typeface? why are you people lying and telling wrong answers? Which of the following best describes an informative heading? In simple terms, a readability score predicts whether your reader will understand your writing. Under the railway bridge, teenagers exchange drugs and money. These include: All of the help you work out where to focus your attention when it comes to shortening content. Which of the following is true of the sentence? 1.information or details from a text that support an idea or analysis. Adjectives may be placed between the preposition and the object in a prepositional phrase. Answer: C The right answers are A, D, and B, WED,SEP !% As a legal document, there is particular terminology that makes the text more difficult to read. String together all those ideas with enough simple sentences and youll be amazed how great your writing can become without trying to be fancy. Which of the following words best describes. If youve ever read an obscure academic textbook or a boring corporate memo, you know what its like to read a complex puzzle of writing. C) build evaluation methods into the event sponsorship strategy. Readability matters. There are several areas of writing you can focus on to dramatically improve the readability of your work: Well talk abouthow you can improve your readability in each of these areas in this article. A D B!!! Social Studies. As you can see, by replacing or omitting some of the longer words, the readability grade level scores dropped again. Another great article for writers. You can use lists to organize large groups of information. You'll get a detailed solution from a subject matter expert that helps you learn core concepts. Bring me the file which is on the table. Contrast is the only way to convey the meaning of an image or design. People also do not read one word at a time. Many people are surprised to learn that the average reading age of adults in the US is 7th/8th grade. A D B!!! A comma indicates that the reader should pause briefly, which creates a useful rhetorical device. Oh, it was eaten by Bob.Notice how the passive voice downplays the importance of the actor (Bob) and highlights the importance of the object (the apple). Here we will work through 5 steps which should help you make your text more easily understood. This great quote from Ali makes excellent use of simile and rhyme to make it even more memorable. Improve Readability Step 7: Revise for Style and Which of the following sentences best describes readability? Which of the following sentences best describes the role of the United Nations in world affairs? Which of the following margin types is rarely used for writing business messages? or what kind? Looking at the example above, I would argue that semi-colons are perhaps not the most effective in helping the reader navigate their way through the document. Which of the following will make your message more concise? It was a period of unchecked abuses by big business. Take another look at Naomis paragraph. It was a period of civil war and the end of slavery. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. Which of the following sentences best describes readability?a. Take a look at the way Naomi uses appositives to include additional facts in her essay. A, D, B is still correct in 2020. Which strategies will make your writing more concise and to the The car screeched to a halt just a few inches away from the young boy. Thx peeps! Drop us a line or let's stay in touch via : 2023 - Orpheus Technology, Were so glad you found the courses and this post helpful, Ken! So, these scores are ridiculously high. While formulas differ, one common component of all readability formulas is sentence length. Eastlands Park Estate, d. flabby expression. Read this excerpt from Naomis essay: This section examines several ways to introduce sentence variety at the beginning of sentences, using Naomis essay as an example. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. Instead, break your text up into meaningful chunks. If you are writing text for the general public you should aim for a grade level score of around 8. All Rights Reserved. Whatreally matters is that your readers can easily understand all the ideas you meant to communicate. point? D Now lets try and bring these scores down a bit. O D. Her lifelong fear of trains has finally been vindicated. You dont always have to take yourself seriously. Reading your work should feel effortless. The overuse of prepositional phrases often occurs when our thoughts are jumbled and we are unsure how concepts or ideas relate to one another. Its important to realize that readability measurements arejust numbers based on how long your sentences are and how often you tend to use words with lots of syllables. Or we can just correct each other to were it isnt cheating at all, 1. If reading your book feels effortless, youre going tokeep a lot more of your readers entertained. I have reduced crime rates in the neighborhood. Teenagers exchange drugs and money under the railway bridge. He is also the host of the Publishing Profits Podcast show where we interview successful authors and publishing industry experts to share their tips for creating a successful writing career. Determine how the following sentence conveys a positive tone to A. a multicellular organism B. a group of single-celled organisms C. cells of a multicellular organism You & # x27 ; ll which of the following sentences best describes readability a detailed solution from a subject expert... Work out Where to focus your attention when it comes to shortening content easier the! And our partners use cookies to store and/or access information on a device Past indicates. Your text up into meaningful chunks and sentence structure and which of the following sentences best describes readability statement in a Microsoft office program need. Tokeep a lot more of your readers entertained, whom the French,... Expert Show transcribed image text expert answer 100 % from a subject matter expert that you. A heading that guides readers to think in a prepositional phrase 's stay in touch via 2023... 3/3 ( 100 % from a, D, B is still correct in 2020 and! 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